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How to Choose a Programming Language to Learn

For anyone venturing into the world of coding, choosing a place to start can be a challenge, especially when you have no tech background. And with hundreds of programming languages available in the tech world, narrowing down your option is a head-scratcher. But for students eager to master coding looking for an essay writing service where they can buy essays cheap and free up time to dedicate to learning to code, starting from the essentials will do you a lot of good.

In this article, we’ll explore the questions you must answer before choosing a programming language to learn. 

Why Do You Want to Learn the Programming Language?

Always start your quest into the world of programming by establishing your “why” beforehand. 

Let’s say you need to work on a specific project. The project requirements will tell you what programming language to learn. If you can’t figure out the path to choose, dedicate some time to research. And if, meanwhile, you need to take care of your homework, look for a paper writing service online. You can start by checking the essay service review sites.

By establishing the reason for the project, you will get better recommendations of platforms and programming languages.

What Is the Project About?

When reading the project requirements, you can determine the right programming language based on the scope. For instance, if you are meant to build an application for the assignment, you must learn Java or C++.

Similarly, if the project is a one-page website, a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Javascript would benefit you immensely. For more complex applications like cloud applications and databases, you might need to learn PHP, MySQL, and Python.

What Is the Platform?

The platform you work on dictates the programming language you should learn. If you are building an application for an iOS device, you will need to learn Swift or Objective C. If you are developing an app for Android, then Java is the programming language for you.

To create a website, you need to add some Javascript and PHP, depending on the complexity. 

Do You Have Any Prior Experience?

If you have prior coding experience, switching to a new programming language is easier. For instance, people with an average understanding of C# can grasp C++ faster than someone without any background.

But if you don’t have any coding experience, Python is always a great place to start since it is the most beginner-friendly and straightforward programming language. 

What Level of Difficulty Can You Handle?

If you want to dive into the deep waters of coding, and you believe you can stand your ground, then PHP, Ruby, and Raspberry Pi are worthy challengers. Assuming you want to venture into game development, learning languages like C, C++, or Javascript will give you a solid foundation moving forward.

List of Programming Languages

Here is a list of the most common programming languages as of Q1 2022.


These two are not programming languages in the classic sense. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a markup language for web browsers, while CSS (Cascade Styling Sheets) is a sheet-style language used to beautify and arrange markup languages. Together, they create the non-dynamic framework of the content you see on a webpage.


Javascript is a client-side programming language that works together with HTML and CSS to produce responsive web pages. When you request data from a website, the HTML code sends the script to the server and retrieves it with the help of Javascript. Today, Javascript is one of the most widely-used programming languages because it is fast and easy to learn. YouTube and PayPal both run Javascript.


Java is an object-oriented programming language that helps developers build applications on any platform. Companies like Twitter, Google, and Amazon use Java for their applications. Although Java is difficult to learn, the extensive community will help you out of jams in the early stages.

C and C++

C is the grandfather of programming languages like C#, Java, and Javascript. The programming language lives in Adobe products. Above all, C and C++ provide higher performance and speed than Java. Although most people opt for the more modern C++, C remains a mainstay in the world of coding.


PHP is an open-source programming language that coders use to write server-side applications. Since PHP works on multiple platforms, you get a wider range of employability. Platforms like Facebook and Yahoo rely on PHP for their servers.


Swift has grown in popularity since Apple developed it in 2014. The relatively young programming language is easy because it requires little coding skills. Apps like WordPress, Soundcloud, and other Apple products run on Swift.


Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the coding community. It is an open-source programming language with extensive libraries and community support. Machine learning and artificial intelligence machines rely on Python. Also, platforms like Autodesk, FreeCAD, Quora, and Pinterest run Python. 


As the world goes more digital, the knowledge of a programming language is an invaluable skill to add to your arsenal. Whether you are learning the programming language for an assignment or considering future employment prospects, choose the right platform for you and create a learning program. Regardless of the programming language you choose, dedicate enough time and patience to become proficient in it.

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