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Ongoing problem with computer chips shortages

A huge shortage of processor chips is currently affecting the supply chain of computer components and other electronic devices. Many products have been delayed or have a short supply like the latest iPhone models, PS5 games, and even some high-tech cars.

The problem lies in chip production factories that are yet to return to their full functionality because of social distancing reasons during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic. Another problem lies in increasing bitcoin and other mineable cryptocurrencies value which is attracting more people to get involved and start mining. Because of this, demand for high-end GPUs is surging.

Even though Samsung is not only one of the largest producers of processor chips, but also one of its biggest buyers. Because of the supply shortages, the company will probably have to postpone the release of its next flagship smartphone model. A few major car manufacturers were forced to put their production on hold since they don’t have the buying power to negotiate priority supplies and also because car manufacturers are relatively small players in the electronic chips market.

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