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NIM reacted to doomangel in KDE Vista Patcher [Download] - Updated
Good Morning to all.
I'm proud to announce the KDE Vista Patcher.
It is in first beta stages but it is promising.
Credits should go to XPero for his vize code and off cource to oxygen team for the icons.
Here is a first screenshot, more are about to come and soon i will upload the first beta version.
KDE Vista Patcher
KDE Vista Patcher is a project based in the fantastic code wonder or XPero, The Vize Project.
NIM reacted to komalo in Glass CMD for XP
Glass CMD for XP
after the release of Glass CMD for Vista/7, some of my friends on dA asked
me to make one for XP, so here it is
Mohamed Kamal
Requirments :
Needs at Least .Net Framework 3.5 : Here
Updates :
not too much just updated the look and enabled the right click menu, adjusted scroll bar and the blur edges, increased the width, with some other improvements
Download :
From dA : Here
Original Idea and Vision for Vista By fediaFedia : Here
NIM reacted to yokyok in XP SP3 AIO G
@ultimatefe : Kardeş bende aynı hatayı alıyorum ama F_s_M nin hazırladığı paket programları kullandığım zaman oluyor ben şunları kullandım o hatayı aldım :
Ben testlere devam ediyorum şimdi sadece 5-volumelisans.exe yi denicem bakalım aynı hatayı alacakmıyım..
NIM reacted to Fixit in Forum Regels
Welkom bij WinCert.net forum!
Hieronder zijn enkele richtlijnen opgesteld, die ervoor zorgen dat u hier uit de problemen blijft.
Post richtlijnen:
1.Dit is geen warez site! Links of aanvragen tot warez en / of illegaal materiaal (porno, cracks, productcodes, braindumps, enz..) Zal niet worden getolereerd. Bespreking van het omzeilen van WGA / activering / timebombs / keygens of elke andere illegale activiteit zal ook niet worden getolereerd. Reclame is nadrukkelijk verboden hier. Als u een van de bovengenoemde negeert, zal u de toegang worden ontnomen zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving.
2. Gebruik wat gezond verstand. Post uw vraag niet in meerdere topics. Denk na voordat u een bericht plaatst en kies het juiste onderwerp voor de vraag of antwoord. Als u post, heb dan iets te zeggen, niet alleen "M'n eerste post!" of "Coole site!".
2.b Onderwerpen gewijd aan het politieke debat, tenzij technologie gerelateerd, zijn verboden. Wincert.net is een technologie forum en politieke debatten hebben geen ruimte hier. Politieke links in het onderschrift en beleefd, hoffelijk commentaar in een niet-politieke onderwerp zijn toegestaan, maar we kunnen een topic waar het enige doel is om te debatteren over politieke kwesties, niet toestaan.
2.c Verzoeken om hulp met onderwijs, zoals opdrachten/werkstukken, is niet toegestaan op Wincert. Het ontvangen van deze hulp wordt vaak gezien als plagiaat in veel scholen en kan daarom niet worden toegestaan. Dit is voor uw eigen veiligheid in uw academische carri
NIM reacted to MrNxDmX in [Tool] True-AddOn Maker v1.0 Beta2 (Rl
Here's a program for you real-addon addicts.
The purpose of creation of this tool is to simplifiy the real-addon creation process.
The program will help you in creation of inf files, specifiying the copy files directories, adding registry tweaks, and so on. In future, we are planning to add, direct-copier addons (which use dosnet.inf and txtsetup.sif file entries), ability to select register_dll sections, adding multiple registry tweaks, automatic creation of addon uninstall section, adding desktop shortcuts, reg2inf converter&pechecksum (with permission from author), auto-update, and maybe a real update pack generation
Before running the addon maker, you must take s snapshot of the program of which you want to build the addon, in order to learn the file&folder structure of the program.
After getting info about the structure, you can copy all required files in a single folder, or copy different folder contents to different root folders.
We suggest you to copy the program file structure to a new folder with same structure.
For example, copy all files which are copied to windows directory to C:\AddonWork\Windows directory. Then, copy the programs' files to C:\AddonWork\ProgFile directory. And so on. The purpose of this is to easily select all files which go to same folder.
In first screen of the addon maker, you must choose the root folder, which contains all of the needed files for the addon. The program will scan the root folder and all sub-folders in order to create the file list.
If you have copied the program files folder of the program to a different folder, you can choose it from "program files" section under addon root. And the below sections are used for the other sections like, common program files, user application data, windows directory, system directory and windows\inf directory. These sections are most used folders in programs, you can choose the non-listed folders in next steps.
After selecting the folders, we click to "Cabinet Add-Ons" button. This type of addon contains a cab file, which has all program files in it, an inf file and an entries.ini file.
On this page, we enter the required information for the addon. Program name, addon version, description, and the shortname. All information on this screen is required in order to continue the process. The shortname can be anything you desire, like the addons name in short words. Like, IE (Internet explorer), MP (Media player).
Tip: The shortname you've entered will be the name of the cab&inf file of the addon.
After filling in all info's in program we click on next and at this step, addon's files' get copied to a new single folder in order to create the sourcedisk files section of the inf file. The files which have same name are renamed automatically at this step. (Just click ok when the pop-up occurs.)
In next window, you can see all files listed under source disk files section.
And we go to next screen.
This window is the section which you control all files. Rename files, copy files to required locations, and setting a desired 8.3 compatible name.
First select one or more files, then if exists, click on given "file origin list" which helps you easily select some system folders, then type the folder name in "Original Folder Name" section. And click on "Set" button.
This process sets the desired folder name for the files you've chosen.
Tip: Oroginal path section lists the folder name of the file. If the file is in the root folder, nothing is written there.
After entering all required info for all files, we click on next.
At this stage, the program creates the needed copy file entries for the inf file, and lists in the window. You can see the list here,
then lets click on next.
The last step of the process. The registry settings. You can copy and paste your registry settings which are in INF FORMAT.
The settings will be copied to addon's inf file.
Tip: You can use Reg2Inf converter to convert your reg settings.
After that, we click on next. At this window, you can see all parts of the inf file created by program. When you click next the inf file will be saved.
Click next for the entries.ini file info.
When you click next the entries.ini file will be created as well.
And at last screen we can create the cab file which contains all the addon files in it. Of course, this will take some time.
And your addon is ready to use in "C:\My Addons" folder:
Download program from OR
Size: 4,05 MB / MD5: 0DF7F2159EB18A8D24AB73DA51BA0FB2
Your suggestions and feedback is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your help.
PS: No Vista support at this time. Some parts of the program doesnt work under vista. We're working on it.
Programmed by Baran Seren. Me? Me just the beta tester
Official Embedded Theme Addon for Windows XP ~MrNxDmX
An addon, which has easily created by True-Addon Builder (I didn't modify entries.ini or inf file):
This theme has been taken from -
NIM reacted to baris7seven in XP SP3 AIO G
Yeni paket için teşekkür ederim, Nlite ile entegre ettim ve sanalda denedim. Hiçbir sorun göremedim.
Beraberinde kullandığım eklentiler:
(Bu arada bu eklentileri Nlite ile değil Rvm ile entegre ettim, hexpatch addonları nlite ile sorun çıkarabilirdi)
(not: windowskataloğu silinmedi sanırım yeni paket ile uyumsuz?)
Uyumsuz olabileceğini tahmin ettiklerin var ise fikrini beklerim.
AR_Remove_Microsoft_Update_Catalog_AddOn.7z (işe yaramadı ama önemli değil..)
PatchAddon_SFC_OS_v14.7z (sfc yaması paket içerisine vardı sanırım ama belirtmemişsin, yine ekledim zararı olmaz)
Xp gayet iyi durumda. Silverlight içeren sayfalara girdiğimde uygulamalar 1-2 onaydan sonra açılıyor sorun yok.
(not:sistem başlarken boot süresi biraz uzamış gibi geldi ama ne alaka işte belirteyim dedim)
Özelleştirilebilir RightClick_AddOns_v4 sürümün çok güzel kendime göre oluşturdum. Ancak mmm.exe'yi de içerip sistemde de çalışmasına rağmen özel menü yok, işe yaramıyor nedense sanki yüklenmemiş gibi davrandı. Paketle alakası yoktur ama belirteyim dedim. Kopyalama sepetini eklentinden seçmedim NO dedim, ayrı bir real addon ile yükledim kopyalama sepetini, bundan mıdır acaba?
Tekrardan eline sağlık, iyice sıkıldığım bu yaz sıcaklarında böyle güzel bir paketi test etmek çok güzel oldu ve sayısız güzelliğinin yanısıra zamandan kazandırdı yine.
Son olarak sormak istediğim bişey var. Framework yükleyeceksen neden adı dotNET.exe olmalı?
Ben T13 de yüklüyorum ancak svcpack klasöründen değil. Svcpack içerisinde Mars Installer(Wpi benzeri) exe'si var bu çalışıyor ve cd anadizininde bulunan PROGRAM klasöründen listeliyor programları. 30 saniye sayacı var ve Wpi gibi istediğimi seçip kurabiliyorum. Hem dotNET mevzusunu merak ettim ve bu durumda anadizinde program klasöründe olan Framework adı ne olmalı, bir zorunluluk var mı. dotNET olması zorunluluğuna hiç anlam veremedim.
Bir de bu pakette DirectX mart 2009 güncellemesi ve silverlight real addon olarak var sanırım. directX svcpack olmadığı için cd boyutunu daha fazla artırmıyor mu?
Sabredip okuyanlara teşekkürler.
A&R tekrar teşekkürler.
NIM got a reaction from pri2sh in Forum upgraded to the latest version of forum software.
Active posts = number of posts that are still valid, active, not deleted, etc.
The other count is how many a member has made total, regardless of deleted posts, etc.
Logout, and on the login screen uncheck the "Sign in anonymously - Don't add me to the active users list", then login again.
It's not available in this version by default. I'll see if there's a hook for the sidebar.
NIM got a reaction from MANIKANT.S.GUPTA in Forum upgraded to the latest version of forum software.
Fixed!. Thanks for reporting.
NIM reacted to MANIKANT.S.GUPTA in Forum upgraded to the latest version of forum software.
This is what i am getting if i am clicking +