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Posts posted by Legolash2o

  1. On 5/5/2023 at 4:02 PM, Thiersee said:

    Whit only 1 issue (cosmetic!): cumulative updates are put under "Language Packs" and I must move it under "Updates"; same happens with the developper-version by unantastbar (project dead).

    Do you have a download link to an example update please?

  2. Hello! I hope everyone is doing well and finding Win Toolkit still useful.



    On 1/2/2023 at 7:43 PM, latino said:

    Hello friend, what do you need to continue updating the project since it is quite abandoned. Tell us, how can we help you?

    Time unfortunately. :( 

  3. 4 hours ago, serg130270 said:

    When using Tweaks All-In-One Integrator, the second stage stops the installation of Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB 14393 Version 1607

    You'd have to start a new thread and also attach your preset.


    3 hours ago, sweden8 said:

    I have tried v10 and it works very well, just like v7. Both on win 7 x64.

    Glad it's working!

  4. Thank you.

    I've also been working with adminxp, sending him many test versions via TeamViewer as well. His images matched yours and together we've come up with a solution for v1.6.0.8.

    There's auto scaling (default) but, there's also a new tab in Options for selected a scale.


    Thanks again, much appreciated!

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