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    Legolash2o got a reaction from sasford in Windows 7 Forum Trash   
    I just noticed that... That shouldnt' of happened at all :angry:
    UPDATE 1: Something went wrong and had to restore the entire Tools Manager from a backup.
    UPDATE 2:Uploaded new version, fixed.
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    Legolash2o got a reaction from sasford in Windows 7 Forum Trash   
    If you find any bugs let me know, when i hit build 100 W7T will be branched off so i can make way for 0.4.0
    0.4.0 will be focused on....
    *Driver Integrator, making it work for Vista too
    *More tweaks added
    *User requests
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    Legolash2o reacted to NIM in Google stats for W7T   
    wincert was always the top keyword for google searches.
    As you can see, Windows 7 Toolkit is now first, congrats Lego

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    Legolash2o reacted to *Reaper* in Windows 7 Forum Trash   
    That did it....
    Worked perfectly....
    Thanks again.....
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