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    Legolash2o got a reaction from Hept0p in Test Build Button launch http://testing.wintoolkit.co.uk/, which is Referrer-Policy restricted   
    The server is no longer online. I have uploaded the latest versions source code for anyone to play around with.
  2. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from energetika in WTK v2 Source Code   
    The source code for WinToolkit v2 can be found below:
    WinToolkit v2: https://github.com/Legolash2o/WinToolkit_v2
    The topic for WTK v1 source code can be found here.
  3. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from digital john in WTK Source Code   
    The source code for WinToolkit can be found below:
    WinToolkit v1: https://github.com/Legolash2o/WinToolkit_v1
    Sorry for the rubbish code for v1. It was written when I first start C# and did not fully know about proper object oriented programming.
    The topic for WTK v2 source code can be found here.
  4. Thanks
    Legolash2o got a reaction from remek002 in WTK Source Code   
    The source code for WinToolkit can be found below:
    WinToolkit v1: https://github.com/Legolash2o/WinToolkit_v1
    Sorry for the rubbish code for v1. It was written when I first start C# and did not fully know about proper object oriented programming.
    The topic for WTK v2 source code can be found here.
  5. Thanks
    Legolash2o got a reaction from remek002 in WTK v2 Source Code   
    The source code for WinToolkit v2 can be found below:
    WinToolkit v2: https://github.com/Legolash2o/WinToolkit_v2
    The topic for WTK v1 source code can be found here.
  6. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from klotz in Language Pack Converter   
    The Language Pack Converter tool converts your langauge packs from the .EXE form to the .CAB form so you can use them to integrate into your Windows image, using either the All-In-One Tool or another program from a different developer.

    Step 1: Add the Langauge Pack(s)
    Click the Add button, browse for your language packs.exe
    Step 2: Starting the process
    Press the Start button and select the folder you want the .cab to go
    Step 3: Wait
    Items that go Green mean they have converted successfully, that's pretty much it.
  7. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from alfreire in Unattended Creator   
    This will let you have you Windows installed unattended. It's not the most complete unattended out there but it's better than nothing.

    Luckily most of this is self-explanatory, note it is recommended to leave 'Architecture' set to 'AnyCPU' which means it should work for both x64 and x86 installs.
    This is where you select the most important parts of the unattended file, like your name, serial key, time zone, screen resolution, updates, Auto-Logon, etc...
    The 'Users' tab lets your add pre-installed usernames on the computer, with passwords, user group, description, again self-explanatory.
    Editor (Advanced)
    It is recommended to leave this alone unless you know what you're doing, since W7T does not have full unattended features it allows users to add their own entries and save them to a file, it also allows the user to see what will be saved.
    Serial Keys
    These serial keys are known as 'Default Keys', they are basically just used to make the install unattended by leave Windows de-activated and keeps the 30 day trial.
    WARNING: If you use a Ultimate serial key then you must install Ultimate otherwise it will error.
    You can use the 'WIM Manager' to integrate a unattended file.
  8. Thanks
    Legolash2o got a reaction from 123m.m in FREE / HOME / PRO Editions   
    I've decided to go through the free / pro editions.
    All-In-One Integrator Updates, Drivers, Wallpapers. Failed updates will still go to Silent Installers list
    ISO Maker USB Prep Tool HOME [£$€ 5]
    No advertisements on links. All-In-One Integrator Wallpapers, gadgets,Tweaks, Theme packs, Silent Installers
    Converters AIO Disk Creator Addon Maker Basic Windows 8.1 exclusive ISOs PRO [£$€ 15]
    Everything else Full All-In-One Integrator (all tabs available) ESD Support (well converter anyway) Live OS support WIM Registry Editor Unattended Creator All exclusive ISOs I best get back to programming
    Can you think of anything else which should be free or in home edition?
  9. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from shhnedo in WinToolkit_1.6.0.5 does not launch   
    Hey guys,
    Apologies, I received a email quickly after I had uploaded it and fixed it then. It was caused by incorrect Obfuscater settings..
    Sorry again.
  10. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from stashekmajcherc in WinToolkit_1.6.0.5 does not launch   
    Hey guys,
    Apologies, I received a email quickly after I had uploaded it and fixed it then. It was caused by incorrect Obfuscater settings..
    Sorry again.
  11. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from Tutos Devweb in ISO Maker   
    This tools turns your folder with the Windows image in it, into a fully bootable ISO. As of v1.4.0.1 ISO Maker now supports UEFI as default.

    Step 1: Select the folder you wish you wish to make into an ISO.
    Press the first 'Browse' button.
    Step 2: Type in an ISO label.
    Step 3: Select where you want to save the new ISO.
    Press the second 'Browse' button.
    Option: Boot Image
    You can choose to add a custom boot image if required, i recommend you leave this at the default setting unless you are having issues.
    Option: Rebuild Image
    It is best to rebuild the image before it makes an ISO, this will decrease the size of your WIM image especially if you have made lots of changes and removed file.
    Step 4: Press 'Start'
    Once pressing start a black command prompt screen should appear with a progress indicator.
  12. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from stashekmajcherc in WinToolkit v2.x Development   
    Hey guys I'm aware that the WinToolkit v2.x trial has expired. I will upload a new version on Monday once my exam is over and done with
    Sorry for any inconvenience.
  13. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from WojtasXda in Component Remover   
    This tool lets you remove built-in Windows packages from your image, for example Windows Media Player, Windows Media Center or Internet Explorer. The difference between this and vLite is that this tool uninstalls them the official way rather than remove files the downside is that the image does not shrink as much as just removing the files. It also lets you remove old updates.
    WARNING: Anything you remove using this tool can't be undone, it is permanent!

    Step 1: When you first open up this tool you will be asked to select the image you wish to work with. Click 'Browse' and select the install.wim you wish to work with and then either click on the item Windows version you want and press select or just double click.

    Once done, the image will start to mount and retrieve all available packages within the image, it will not show ones which have already been removed.
    Note: You may notice that this list has more than the list available in 'All-In-One Integrator', this is because in the AIO i have only included the basics, whilst Component Remover will include everything, including updates.
    Step 2: Select the items you want to remove
    Once all the items have been listed, you can select the components you wish to remove.
    Green: Safe to remove.
    Yellow: Unknown, be careful removing these
    Red:This will break something, something depends on this feature but it will hopefully say what it is.
    Step 3: Begin
    Once you have everything selected, you can now click 'Remove Components', once done it will rescan and shows you what's left in the image.
    Step 4: Save
    Once done, you can go ahead and close the tool, click 'Yes' and it will ask you if you want to save the image, i recommend you to 'Save & Rebuild', however if you are going to be working on more than one image then just rebuild once you're done with your last image.
  14. Thanks
    Legolash2o got a reaction from raziell in Download: Latest Build + Changelog   
    The latest version can be downloaded from here: http://testing.wintoolkit.co.uk
    The tool itself is not finished yet.
    Tools worked on so far and their completion:
    Main Menu: 100% EXE to MSP Converter: 100% Language Pack Converter: 100% MSU to CAB Converter: 100% USB Boot Preparation: 98% ISO Maker: 98% WIM Manager: 30%
  15. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from rhahgleuhargh in bad download   
    Sorry about that, I compressed the wrong exe.
    v1.6.0.1 has been released; marking a new age of ad-freeness for 2018.
  16. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from gorgone in Win Toolkit Important Information   
    Mostly likely GitHub
  17. Thanks
    Legolash2o got a reaction from stilldough in MSU to CAB Converter   
    The 'MSU to CAB Converter' converts your Microsoft Updates to CAB files which you can use to integrate into your Windows Image or use the CAB Installer to integrate them into your current OS.

    Step 1: Adding the Updates
    Click 'Add Updates' and select the MSU files you wish to convert, you will then see them adding to the list.
    Step 2: Click Start
    Click 'Start' and select where you want the MSU files to go
    Step 3: Wait
    Wait for the files to convert, files will go green when once they have done.
  18. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from Pink_Freud in HUGE Bug in WT   
    Holy mother of god. I'll try and fix that tonight.
  19. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from mooms in HUGE Bug in WT   
    Holy mother of god. I'll try and fix that tonight.
  20. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from rhahgleuhargh in WinToolkit Development   
    For those having issues with WTK v1 and Windows 10. I've now removed the expiry limit entirely and uploaded the new version
  21. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from sp0iledbrat in DismApi can't be found   
    Please try the new version I've just uploaded. It includes the path for the Windows 10 SDK kit whereas previsously it went upto Windows 8.1.
  22. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from mooms in WinToolkit Development   
    For those having issues with WTK v1 and Windows 10. I've now removed the expiry limit entirely and uploaded the new version
  23. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from alfreire in WinToolkit Development   
    For those having issues with WTK v1 and Windows 10. I've now removed the expiry limit entirely and uploaded the new version
  24. Like
    Legolash2o got a reaction from alfreire in WinToolkit Development   
    There are too many issues in one thread to make sense of it all.
    xForce: on the 16th October post it seems like you was trying to integrate 32bit updates into an x64 OS.
    Thiersee: When you upgraded the image, did you save and unmount first or did you keep it mounted and then upgraded? 'Known Issues' updates usually prevent all other updates after it from being integrated properly. Seems to be common with stack updates. I think from memory you should integrate those first > save & unmount > all other updates, tweaks, etc..
    Sweden: I got an email that KB3197868 and other rollups did not get integrated after IE. All update rollups should now go into the 2nd phase (After IE). I'm required to check my emails ALL the time so that's how I found out about that issue.
  25. Thanks
    Legolash2o got a reaction from ibrahimhajjaj in MSP Extractor (MS Office)   
    The 'MSP Extractor (MS Office)' lets you convert your Microsoft Office updates into *.msp files which go into the 'Updates' folder of your Office installation disk so that they get installed automatically when you install Office.

    Step 1: Add your Office updates
    Click 'Add Office Updates' browse to them (exe) and wait for them to add into the list, you should then see information about the Office updates you have selected.
    Step 2: Click Start
    Click 'Start' and select which folder you want the new *msp files to go.
    Step 3: Wait
    Sit back and relax whilst W7T extracts the msp files, it will let you know when they are done.
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