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    Cipherfx2 reacted to Kelsenellenelvian in WinToolkitRunOnce.exe & WinToolkitRunOnce.exe.config   
    Also if you are selling Windows iso's with customization and other apps included you are in extreme violation of forum rule #1
    1. This is not a warez site! Links or Requests to warez and/or illegal material (porn, cracks, serials, braindumps, etc..) will not be tolerated. Discussion of circumventing WGA/activation/timebombs/keygens or any other illegal activity will also not be tolerated. Advertising is strongly forbidden here. If you ignore any of the aforementioned you will be banned without previous notice.Forum rules = http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/2-wincertnet-forum-rules/
    Redistribution of windows iso's without permission of Microsoft is against the law in most countries and WinCert has to follow these laws by not assisting with or allow it to be discussed. Otherwise wincert can loose it's servers and ad driven revenue.
    Plus from looking at your example picture some of that software is not redistribute-able without the permission of the parent company.
  2. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to Legolash2o in Discard image and rebuilding?   
    Here you go...

  3. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to Legolash2o in Final Year Project Details   
    OK so the last week or so, I've been thinking about designs and coding the DLL. From Sunday, I will be working on the GUI again so expect more releases next week
    I have to for my FYP do a lot of research and push myself to learn new things and, more importantly, produce better code!
  4. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] VMware Workstation Lite 12.1.0-3272444   
    Silent install: /qn (and/or other standard MSI switches, custom settings/options switches listed bellow)
    New: Supported command line switches to add serial number, change installation directory, enable/disable shortcuts, automatic updates, etc. during silent or gui install
    ;;; To add your serial number SERIALNUMBER=12345-12345-12345-12345-12345 ;;; To change installation directory INSTALLDIR=<directory> ;;; Add =1 to enable or =0 to disable the following (their <default> state is listed) DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=<disabled> QUICKLAUNCH_SHORTCUT=<disabled> STARTMENU_SHORTCUT=<enabled> AUTOSOFTWAREUPDATE=<disabled> COMPONENTDOWNLOAD=<enabled> DATACOLLECTION=<disabled> Example: If you want to automatically install with serial number and re-enable desktop shortcut & automatic updates
    <vmware-lite>.msi SERIALNUMBER=12345-12345-12345-12345-12345 DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=1 AUTOSOFTWAREUPDATE=1 /qn Optional: Version 11 no longer supports x86 so for 32 bit OS's you need to use version 10: http://adf.ly/1713566/vmwareliteold

    Or you may prefer VirtualBox Lite
    MD5: 4680873df8556af936fae393e471fbe2
    Size: 70.3 MB
  5. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to Legolash2o in Update   
    I should be releasing a build tomorrow night with the updated links to the ISOs. I will take a look at the bug you mentioned and a few others tonight
  6. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to ricktendo in [Video] Windows 7 AIK/OPK deployment 101 (Updated)   
    Yea you can only do this via autounattend.xml, this and a couple other stuff like pinned apps is only possible thru answer file (KUC answer to .net is posted in the KUC forum)
  7. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to Legolash2o in Known Issues   
    Just an update. Still doing coursework. If I don't pass this coursework then the Final Year Project idea will go right out the window
    I will try and devote a night where I check out the bugs so not all bad news
  8. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to bphlpt in Compressed windows 7 images   
    I believe that the DISM available through the latest version of 8.1, update, is capable of handling .ESD files.  I think it would only be applicable to Win 8.1 (?), but then those are the only versions of Windows I've seen .ESD files used for.  So this should be able to to added to Win Toolkit when Liam has the time.
    Cheers and Regards
  9. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to Legolash2o in [Solved] WinToolkit Installer - intsalling office fails   
    If you add an install via AIO then you don't need to touch the install.ini. You can move the files as long as you specified the new location within the install.ini.
    Basically the install.ini adds a list of locations to a list which already contains 2 locations by default. When it comes to your install entry it will just scan all the directories until it finds a match.
    foreach (installlocation in list)
    if (setup exists in this directory)
    -{then install}
    -{keep checking the other directories.}
  10. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to bphlpt in [QUESTION] Office 2013 Updates Integrated   
    And a little "higher up" link - http://heidoc.net/joomla/ - highlights that you can find other legal Digital River downloads there of Windows 7, Office 2010, Vista, and more.
    Cheers and Regards
  11. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to Tuesday77 in [QUESTION] Office 2013 Updates Integrated   
    I know a solution, but im sure thats not allow to publish here.
    So i send u a PM there u can find a link to the AIO-Maker tool.
    All Office 2013 Stuff (also project, visio, ect) u can find here;
  12. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to ricktendo in All updates integration to windows 8.1 fails   
    Correct, from a Windows 8.1 to service another 8.1 (or lesser) you don't need to install ADK. Only if you are on 7/8.0
  13. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to ricktendo in All updates integration to windows 8.1 fails   
    Download and install ADK for 8.1, open WinTK and go to Options - Misc and set a Custom DISM path (browse for the one in the ADK folder)
    Like I suggested, WinTK should detect that you are on Win7 integrating into Win8/8.1 and let you know that you need to upgrade your version of DISM in order for integration to work
  14. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to Legolash2o in Driver Integration Makes Installation Fail   
    Put the drivers in a folder called 'Drivers' on the DVD root and WinToolkit will only install what's needed.
  15. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to spidernz in [Solved] Big bug / problem in latest beta version with Alphawave's downloader   
    regarding this, I guess it kinda depends on how the lists are stored and the 2 programs retrieving it.
    You can see this is an issue currently as WHD is reporting 64 Office x64 2013 updates while WTK is showing 63 updates but there's a difference of 8 files between them as well.
    I would have thought it'd be something like, the list was online somewhere, with a upload date/time marker or version marker and so the tool uses the markers to determine if update is needed or not and the downloads the list if it does.
    regarding Kuc it works differently so there wouldn't be anyway for it to use the same folder.
  16. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to ricktendo in new error with WMF3.0   
    Do NOT integrate WMF 3/4, they require .net 4.0+
  17. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to Thiersee in This Bug is since 1.4.32 -   
    Me too!
    On the 1st try: 1st Image all updates green, 2nd image all updates black.
    On the 2nd try: 1st image all green, 2nd image as in the 3rd and 4th picture from serg130270.
    BTW, how can I test wether WindowsUpdateAgent (3 CAB-Files) has been integrated or not?
  18. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to Legolash2o in News - Internet Trouble   
    It's working but barely usable, it's REALLY annoying me. I didn't smoke any weed in Amsterdam, I tried it but smoking is not my thing. I did try some Space Cake though, very relaxing
    I will attempt to do some work on Win Toolkit tonight, it's hard to reply to forum posts when the internet cuts out. It's wireless at the moment, we have an antennae on the roof pointing to a base station mounted on some high up building. The tiniest bit of rain, wind, or fart can make my internet go bye bye. Sometimes it's even 0.2Mbps downstream :-O
    Yeah I can't wait for it. 100Mbps down and 15Mbps up
  19. Like
    Cipherfx2 got a reaction from abdullah2013 in v1.4.0 Sneak Peek   
    Count me in... :welcome:
  20. Like
    Cipherfx2 reacted to Legolash2o in Silent Install Component   
    Do you mean like this?
    P.S. You may notice stuff like Upgrade, Support, Picture Samples, WinSXS\Backup, Themes, etc... will show folder sizes.
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