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Posts posted by Mimo

  1. Thx for the info. :)

    Just a question, no critique: Why do you have changed the way to create a IE8-Desktop icon?

    The (formerly) explorer-folder-options-method was a setting which each user can use - or not.

    With the new option - installing (or removing) a windows component is a system-wide decision. If the first user will create a desktop icon, a second user has also this "component" installed but without having an icon.

    I think there is a little conflict. The "old" (Version 1.1.0) behavior seems to be more consistent.

    What do you think or what do you have in mind?

    Thanks again :)

  2. I try to use RUN_Automatic_OnePiece_IE8_XP_Own_AddOn_Creator_INTL.exe, but just get an error message:

    Non 7-Zip archive.

    It happens when trying creation the addon for the german IE8: IE8-WindowsXP-x86-DEU.exe

    (the windows explorer says it's an self extraction CAB-file).

    Do I have to convert it to a 7z-archive?


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