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Posts posted by mooms

  1. Version 19.05.10

    • Don't Sleep 5.16
    • GPU-Z v2.20.0
    • CurrPorts v2.55
    • TaskSchedulerView v1.50
    • Fichier de langue de IPNetInfo v1.85
    • Ajout d'un fichier de config pour ScreenToGif.
    • Ajout des entrées de registre pour lancer en tant qu'administrateur les programmes le nécessitant (entrées supprimées à la désinstallation).
    • Suppression du raccourci de désinstallation du Menu Démarrer: le désinstaller à partir de ce raccourci ne supprimait pas le dossier "utilitaires" du Menu Démarrer, la désinstallation à partir du panneau de désinstallation de Windows n'est pas touchée par ce bug.
  2. 3 hours ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

    mooms thx for the list.

    Hey I didn't write this small little script (telemetry) but why would its creator have a number ((dim hideupdates (4)) that is 1 LESS than the number of updates that is being hidden. Stuff like that doesn't make sense to me. I would think the average person who edits the file for the first time (for me not my first time but it's been awhile) sees say 6 updates, they would put a "6" hide dimupdates(6) in the file. easy peasy. Just my 2 cents...


    Pay attention and you will see it starts with 0 and not 1

  3. Perso j'ai cette liste:


    Dim hideupdates(20)    'TO ADD 1 EDIT THE (11) AND ADD another hideupdates(#)
    ' https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/help/3150513/latest-compatibility-definition-update-for-windows
    hideupdates(0) = "KB3150513"
    ' https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/help/3021917/update-to-windows-7-sp1-for-performance-improvements
    hideupdates(1) = "KB3021917"
    ' https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/help/3068708/update-for-customer-experience-and-diagnostic-telemetry
    hideupdates(2) = "KB3068708"
    ' https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/help/3080149/update-for-customer-experience-and-diagnostic-telemetry
    hideupdates(3) = "KB3080149"
    ' Silverlight
    hideupdates(4) = "KB2512827"
    hideupdates(5) = "KB2526954"
    hideupdates(6) = "KB2617986"
    hideupdates(7) = "KB2636927"
    hideupdates(8) = "KB2668562"
    hideupdates(9) = "KB2977218"
    hideupdates(10) = "KB3056819"
    hideupdates(11) = "KB3080333"
    hideupdates(12) = "KB3106614"
    hideupdates(13) = "KB3126036"
    hideupdates(14) = "KB3162593"
    hideupdates(15) = "KB3182373"
    hideupdates(16) = "KB3193713"
    hideupdates(17) = "KB4013867"
    hideupdates(18) = "KB4017094"
    hideupdates(19) = "KB4023307"
    hideupdates(20) = "KB4481252"


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