Info: Microsoft Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013/2014/2015, Microsoft Visual F# 2.0, Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 redistributable packages (with setup junk removed.) Also includes "extra" Visual Basic and C runtimes (see list bellow)
Same as above but excludes F# & J# runtimes
Info: Microsoft Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013 redistributable packages (with setup junk removed.) Also includes "extra" Visual Basic and C runtimes (see list bellow)
Some tools and resources for (re)creating your own installer
Visual AIO SFX Maker v6 (installer repacker): "No GUI" SFX alternative v4: MST Windows Update fix v1.7: MST Windows Update fix v3: -a <transform>.MST <installer>.MSI: down your vcredist 2005/2008 installers:"Extra" Visual Basic/C runtimes installer sources you cant find a hotfix try using the KB number w/ this URL
Hotfix list