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SuperLOL reacted to ricktendo in [Legacy] .NET Framework AIO for XP x86 (1-10-2016)
4.0: add KB3057756, KB3064706 (rem KB3048074)
Sifnificant superseded reg cleanup for 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5
SuperLOL got a reaction from alfreire in [AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64
You could try to install this HotFix
KB3000988 (Server 2003)
KB3008627 (Vista/7/8/Server 2008)
SuperLOL reacted to ricktendo in [Legacy] .NET Framework AIO for XP x86 (1-10-2016)
1.1: KB3023211
2.0: KB3023220, KB3035488
4.0: KB3023221, KB3032662, KB3048074 (Removed KB2789642, KB2858302)
SuperLOL reacted to ricktendo in [Legacy] .NET Framework AIO for XP x86 (1-10-2016)
Redid installers once more, I think I finally solved the problem with 2894842
SuperLOL reacted to ricktendo in [Legacy] .NET Framework AIO for XP x86 (1-10-2016)
1.1: 3037572
2.0: 3037577, 3048798
4.0: 3037578
SuperLOL reacted to ricktendo in [Legacy] .NET Framework AIO for XP x86 (1-10-2016)
3.5: KB3031991
4.0: KB3031985
SuperLOL reacted to ricktendo in [Legacy] .NET Framework AIO for XP x86 (1-10-2016)
2.0: KB3013376
4.0: KB3013383
SuperLOL reacted to ricktendo in [AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64
Updated comdlg32.ocx v6.1.98.41
Removed mirror links, new host should work fine (let me know of any problems completing downloads)
SuperLOL reacted to ricktendo in [Legacy] .NET Framework AIO for XP x86 (1-10-2016)
1.1 KB2978114
2.0 KB2978124
4.0 KB2978125
SuperLOL reacted to ricktendo in [Legacy] .NET Framework AIO for XP x86 (1-10-2016)
NDP20SP2: 2972105, 2979574v2, 3000060
NDP40: 2972106, 2979575, 2996569
SuperLOL reacted to ricktendo in [Legacy] .NET Framework AIO for XP x86 (1-10-2016)
Updated Framework 4.0: 2974335, 2894842-v2, 2972215
Updated Framework 3.0: 2973115
Updated Framework 2.0: 2894843, 2972214
Updated Framework 1.1: 2972207
Edit: Fixed
SuperLOL reacted to ricktendo in [Legacy] .NET Framework AIO for XP x86 (1-10-2016)
Only .net 4 was updated with 2974335
SuperLOL reacted to ricktendo in [AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64
There is no need with the other ones, only vc10 has a MSP applied to it, the rest of the installers come updated
SuperLOL reacted to ricktendo in [AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64
Info: Microsoft Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013/2014/2015, Microsoft Visual F# 2.0, Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 redistributable packages (with setup junk removed.) Also includes "extra" Visual Basic and C runtimes (see list bellow)
Same as above but excludes F# & J# runtimes
Info: Microsoft Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013 redistributable packages (with setup junk removed.) Also includes "extra" Visual Basic and C runtimes (see list bellow)
Some tools and resources for (re)creating your own installer
Visual AIO SFX Maker v6 (installer repacker):http://adf.ly/1713566/visualsfxSilent "No GUI" SFX alternative v4:http://adf.ly/1713566/visualsfxngKB2538242 MST Windows Update fix v1.7:http://adf.ly/1713566/wufix5mstKB2538243 MST Windows Update fix v3:http://adf.ly/1713566/wufix8mstMsiTran.Exe -a <transform>.MST <installer>.MSI:http://adf.ly/1713566/msitranSlim down your vcredist 2005/2008 installers:http://adf.ly/1713566/msislim"Extra" Visual Basic/C runtimes installer sourceshttp://adf.ly/1713566/vbcsourceIf you cant find a hotfix try using the KB number w/ this URLhttp://support2.microsoft.com/hotfix/KBHotfix.aspx?kbnum=1234567 Hotfix list
Also includes:
name version/*-- Microsoft Visual Basic Runtimes -----------------------------------*/ comct232.ocx picclp32.ocx*-- Microsoft Visual Basic Runtimes (16bit) ----------------------------*/vb40016.dll <none>vbrun200.dll*-- Microsoft Visual Basic Virtual Machine -----------------------------*/msvbvm50.dll*-- Microsoft Visual C Runtimes ----------------------------------------*/atl70.dll 7.0.9975.0atl71.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc70.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70chs.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70cht.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70deu.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70enu.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70esp.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70fra.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70ita.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70jpn.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70kor.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70u.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc71.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71chs.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71cht.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71deu.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71enu.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71esp.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71fra.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71ita.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71jpn.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71kor.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71u.dll 7.10.6119.0msvci70.dll 7.0.9955.0msvcp70.dll 7.0.9466.0msvcp71.dll 7.10.6052.0msvcr70.dll 7.0.9981.0msvcr71.dll 7.10.7031.4msvcrt10.dll <none>
SuperLOL got a reaction from TRSyntax in [AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64
Thank you for this tutorial now i could make my own woking SFX installer. :naughty:
SuperLOL reacted to jaynbe in [Release] .NET Framework Collection 20111019(1.1/2.0/3.5/4.0)
Updated the NET4 Client, but missed to update the Extended module;
Corrected and reuploaded AIO Addon.
SuperLOL reacted to jaynbe in [Release] .NET Framework Collection 20111019(1.1/2.0/3.5/4.0)
Updated dotNet 02-2014
MS14-009 Security Bulletin Updates
MD5: 3A9585EE5421EDE6E8AA8FE21EBB6930
Size: 38,22 MB
Url.: http://www.sendspace.com/file/rr4pfc
Incl. dNET1.1SP1 + 2.0SP2 + 3.0SP2 + 3.5SP1
Without dotNet1.1SP1 change " -ai" switch to " -ai1".
MD5: E979E5FA71E773C153A5EC92F65F706E
Size: 61,34 MB
Url.: http://www.sendspace.com/file/h4x5x3
Incl. dNET1.1SP1 + 3.5SP1 + 4.0(Full Extended)
Without dotNet1.1SP1 change " -ai" switch to " -ai1".
Integrate VC++_Runtimes prior to .NET Frameworks
EDIT: corrected and reuploaded AIO Addon -
SuperLOL reacted to ricktendo in [AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64
You still have the minimum/additional uninstall entries with the "official" but they are hidden, because it adds a 3rd uninstall entry that points to a EXE...Removing EXE uninstall and un-hidding the MSI uninstall entries saves space, because another thing the original does is to back up (for repair reasons) the MSI installers and CAB files (look in ProgramData you will find them)
SuperLOL reacted to mooms in [AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64
Quick tuto:
You need 7zip (gui or command line), 7zSD modified sfx module, and 7z splitter
Run 7ZSplit.exe to get the install config of your SFX (here VBCRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe)
Edit the text file file to remove all x64 lines. You can also simplify the install if you always run it silently
You will end with something like that:
;!@Install@!UTF-8!RunProgram="2005\\x86\\vcredist.msi /qn"RunProgram="2008\\x86\\vc_red.msi /qn"RunProgram="2010\\x86\\vc_red.msi /qn"RunProgram="2012\\x86\\vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi /qn"RunProgram="2012\\x86\\vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi /qn"RunProgram="2013\\x86\\vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi /qn"RunProgram="2013\\x86\\vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi /qn"RunProgram="extra /SILENT /NORESTART";!@InstallEnd@!If you don't want the extra runtimes you can also remove the line RunProgram="extra /SILENT /NORESTART"
Now extract the content (with 7zip) of VBCRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe in a temp folder.
Delete all "x64" folders (inside folders 2005,2008, etc....) and eventually "extra.exe"
Once done, you have to recreate the 7zip archive: select all the content of your temp folder and make a 7zip archive (LZMA Ultra).
Then run this command (adapt the names):
copy /b 7zsd.sfx + config.txt + archive.7z VCRedist_AIO_x86.exe -
SuperLOL reacted to jaynbe in [Release] .NET Framework Collection 20111019(1.1/2.0/3.5/4.0)
Updated dotNet Frameworks 08-2013
MS13-052 v2 Updates
MD5: B869803395D57E6F1D9649F7C0A157E4
Size: 38,22 MB
Incl. dNET1.1SP1 + 2.0SP2 + 3.0SP2 + 3.5SP1
Without dotNet1.1SP1 change " -ai" switch to " -ai1".
MD5: C240A5E5287E9B28F77E6EE87461D040
Size: 57,15 MB
Incl. dNET1.1SP1 + 3.5SP1 + 4.0 (Client Profile)
Without dotNet1.1SP1 change " -ai" switch to " -ai1".
Integrate VC++_Runtimes prior to .NET Frameworks
Edit: updated 09-2013
SuperLOL reacted to Svyatpro in [SVCpack]Addons Microsoft VC & VB Runtimes 2013-02
There are some new updates for VIsual C++ 2008 and 2010: