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Posts posted by phasma

  1. XPtsp v3.0.0.22

    I used black with original.extra and have same problem with taskmgr...

    however, no issue with System control panel applet with the image in the Remote tab.

    I am also getting this AutoIt Error at boot:

    Line 3031 (File "C:\Program Files\XPtsp\XPtsp.exe"):

    Error: The requested action with this object has failed.

    TaskBar says: "Repatching 1 file."

    I believe it is because System Restore is disabled on my system.

    I have never used it and don't ever plan on it...

    if that is the case though, is there any away to have it check before trying to do a

    System Restore point?

    Also, I hope this helps to perfect the code...

    ; XPtsp.au3

    ; should not this...

    If $CAD = 1 Then

    RunWait("Programs\Reshacker -extract """ & $res & "\logonui.exe.res"", """ & $tmp & "\Background.bmp"", bitmap, 100,", $Working, @SW_HIDE)

    _ImageToBMP($tmp & "\Background.bmp", "PNG")

    FileMove($tmp & "\Background.png", @ProgramFilesDir & "\cad09\1920x1200.png", 1)


    ; be this?

    If $CAD = 1 Then

    RunWait("Programs\Reshacker -extract """ & $res & "\logonui.exe.res"", """ & $tmp & "\Background.bmp"", bitmap, 100,", $Working, @SW_HIDE)

    FileMove($tmp & "\Background.bmp", @ProgramFilesDir & "\CAD 2009\Background.bmp", 1)


    ; NB: Doug_CAD2009_AddOn_v1.1.7z (CAD2009.inf needs to be updated)

    ; still uses '%16422%\CAD 2009 EDITION'

    ; except for '%16422%\cad09' in line: 305

    ; XPtsp.ini

    ; search and replace %Media\ with %Media%\

  2. Does inf shortcut allows shortcut syntax to launch application in Min,Max,Normal mode?

    If can, how to do it?

    Has anyone found a way yet?

    Anyways, thank you Geej for the VBScript and if you or anyone is interested I implemented into a batchfile

    that will search for your ShortCuts and output it to .vbs using your script as a template.

    This should eliminate (atleast for me) the use of alot of .inf and batchfiles.


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