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Posts posted by alfreire
Simple... Use old installer source and add the new files to it after you grab them from the install dir
That's what I meant... X-D
Regards... ;-)
I install InnoExtractor and copy files from this installer in Program Files (x86), after I repack with last ISS... by if that help you...Thanks! And for latest version
New version
Regards... ;-)
ah, there are password in latest inno extractor installer, both v4.80 and v4.81 locked with password
so, ya i've stopped repaking this program
Final build for me, for my computer is v4.70 :welcome:
and i would like to thanks to Havysoft Alegria for great tool: Inno Extractor :beerchug:
Regards... ;-)
New version
Regards... ;-)
The adf.ly link doesn't work on me anymore.
Tried different proxies also and still can't get the link.
Works for me...
Regards... ;-)
Thank youuuuuu....!!!!
VMware Workstation 10.0.3 Build 1895310
Regards... ;-) -
Gracias a ti... ;-)
Adobe Shockwave Player
Regards... ;-)
Hi... I'm glad to help you... is what I try, help... I want the same thing to me...
Regards... ;-)
If I'm not mistaken:
[Code]varPinTaskBarCheck : TNewCheckBox;//the function is work well on Unicode Inno Setup, //if Non Unicode Inno Setup, one need to modify,//and I think you can do it!//Inno use Win32 APIfunction LoadLibrary(lpFilename : String) : LongInt;external 'LoadLibraryW@kernel32.dll stdcall delayload'; //if Non Unicode Inno Setup, use LoadLibraryAfunction FreeLibrary(hModule : LongInt) : BOOL;external 'FreeLibrary@kernel32.dll stdcall delayload';function LoadString(hInstance:LongInt; uId:UINT; lpBuffer:String; nBufferMax:Integer) : Integer;external 'LoadStringW@user32.dll stdcall delayload'; //if Non Unicode Inno Setup, use LoadStringA//here is the function//@param strPath The App's directory,//@param strApp The App's name//@example zylPinAppToTaskbar('c:\window', 'notepad.exe');procedure zylPinAppToTaskbar(strPath, strApp: string); var vShell, vFolder, vFolderItem, vItemVerbs: Variant; vPath, vApp: Variant; i: Integer; sItem: String; h: LongInt; szPinName: String; filenameEnd : Integer; filename : String; strEnd : String;begin SetLength(szPinName, 255); h := LoadLibrary(ExpandConstant('{sys}\Shell32.dll')); LoadString(h, 5386, szPinName, 255); FreeLibrary(h); strEnd := #0; filenameEnd := Pos(strEnd, szPinName); filename := Copy(szPinName, 1, filenameEnd - 1); if (Length(filename) > 0) then //WinXp or lower, no pin taskbar function begin vShell := CreateOleObject('Shell.Application'); vPath := strPath; vFolder := vShell.NameSpace(vPath); vApp := strApp; vFolderItem := vFolder.ParseName(vApp); vItemVerbs := vFolderItem.Verbs; for i := 1 to vItemVerbs.Count do begin sItem := vItemVerbs.Item(i).Name; if (sItem = filename) then begin // 63 63 72 75 6E 2E 63 6F 6D vItemVerbs.Item(i).DoIt; break; end; end; end;end; //You can use zylPinAppToTaskbar like thisprocedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer);begin //When Finished page is shown, call the function //You can also call is when the "Finish" button clicked. if CurPageID = wpFinished then begin if IsTaskSelected('pintaskbar') then zylPinAppToTaskbar(ExpandConstant('{sys}'), 'magnify.exe'); end;end;
zylPinAppToTaskbar(ExpandConstant('{sys}'), 'magnify.exe');
Regards... ;-)
Sorry if it nuisance...
Regards... ;-)
I use this ISS to create InnoSetup Installer:
;InnoSetupVersion=5.5.0 (Unicode)[Setup]#define AppPath "{pf}\Oracle\Virtualbox"#define AppVersion "4.3.12-r93733"#define AppName "VirtualBox"AppName={#AppName} x86/x64 by alfreireAppVerName={#AppName} v{#AppVersion}AppVersion={#AppVersion}CreateAppDir=noDisableProgramGroupPage=yesUninstallable=noOutputBaseFilename=VirtualBox.v{#AppVersion}.x86x64.SetupCompression=lzma2/ultraInternalCompressLevel=ultraSolidCompression=trueSetupIconFile=embedded\Setup.icoArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode=x64AllowNoIcons=yesWizardImageFile=embedded\WizardImage.bmpWizardSmallImageFile=embedded\WizardSmallImage.bmp[Files]Source: "{tmp}\oracle-vbox.cer"; DestDir: "{tmp}";Source: "{tmp}\VBoxCertUtil.exe"; DestDir: "{tmp}";Source: "{tmp}\ExtensionPacks\*"; DestDir: "{pf}\Oracle\Virtualbox\ExtensionPacks\Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack"; Flags: createallsubdirs recursesubdirsSource: "{tmp}\common.cab"; DestDir: "{tmp}";Source: "{tmp}\VirtualBox-{#AppVersion}-MultiArch_x86.msi"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Check: Not IsWin64Source: "{tmp}\VirtualBox-{#AppVersion}-MultiArch_amd64.msi"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Check: IsWin64[Run]Filename: "{tmp}\VBoxCertUtil.exe"; Parameters: "-v add-trusted-publisher oracle-vbox.cer";Filename: "msiexec.exe"; Parameters: "/i ""{tmp}\VirtualBox-{#AppVersion}-MultiArch_x86.msi""/qr /norestart"; Check: Not IsWin64 Filename: "msiexec.exe"; Parameters: "/i ""{tmp}\VirtualBox-{#AppVersion}-MultiArch_amd64.msi""/qr /norestart"; Check: IsWin64 Filename: "{pf}\Oracle\Virtualbox\VirtualBox.exe"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,VirtualBox}"; Flags: postinstall skipifsilent nowait[Icons]Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Oracle VM VirtualBox"; Filename: "{#AppPath}\VirtualBox.exe"; Tasks: quicklaunchicon; [Tasks]Name: "quicklaunchicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateQuickLaunchIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; OnlyBelowVersion: 0.0,6.01; Name: "pintaskbar"; Description: "Pin {#AppName} to Taskbar"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; MinVersion: 0.0,6.1; [CustomMessages]English.NameAndVersion=%1 version %2English.AdditionalIcons=Additional icons:English.CreateDesktopIcon=Create a &desktop iconEnglish.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch iconEnglish.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the WebEnglish.UninstallProgram=Uninstall %1English.AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extensionEnglish.AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension...English.AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Startup:English.AutoStartProgram=Automatically start %1English.AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 could not be located in the folder you selected.%n%nDo you want to continue anyway?Spanish.NameAndVersion=%1 versión %2Spanish.AdditionalIcons=Iconos adicionales:Spanish.CreateDesktopIcon=Crear un icono en el &EscritorioSpanish.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Crear un icono de &Inicio RápidoSpanish.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 en la WebSpanish.UninstallProgram=Desinstalar %1Spanish.LaunchProgram=Ejecutar %1Spanish.AssocFileExtension=&Asociar %1 con la extensión de archivo %2Spanish.AssocingFileExtension=Asociando %1 con la extensión de archivo %2...Spanish.AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Inicio:Spanish.AutoStartProgram=Iniciar automáticamente %1Spanish.AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 no pudo ser localizado en la carpeta seleccionada.%n%n¿Desea continuar de todas formas?[Languages]Name: "English"; MessagesFile: "embedded\English.isl";Name: "Spanish"; MessagesFile: "embedded\Spanish.isl";[code]varPinTaskBarCheck : TNewCheckBox;//the function is work well on Unicode Inno Setup, //if Non Unicode Inno Setup, one need to modify,//and I think you can do it!//Inno use Win32 APIfunction LoadLibrary(lpFilename : String) : LongInt;external 'LoadLibraryW@kernel32.dll stdcall delayload'; //if Non Unicode Inno Setup, use LoadLibraryAfunction FreeLibrary(hModule : LongInt) : BOOL;external 'FreeLibrary@kernel32.dll stdcall delayload';function LoadString(hInstance:LongInt; uId:UINT; lpBuffer:String; nBufferMax:Integer) : Integer;external 'LoadStringW@user32.dll stdcall delayload'; //if Non Unicode Inno Setup, use LoadStringA//here is the function//@param strPath The App's directory,//@param strApp The App's name//@example zylPinAppToTaskbar('c:\window', 'notepad.exe');procedure zylPinAppToTaskbar(strPath, strApp: string); var vShell, vFolder, vFolderItem, vItemVerbs: Variant; vPath, vApp: Variant; i: Integer; sItem: String; h: LongInt; szPinName: String; filenameEnd : Integer; filename : String; strEnd : String;begin SetLength(szPinName, 255); h := LoadLibrary(ExpandConstant('{sys}\Shell32.dll')); LoadString(h, 5386, szPinName, 255); FreeLibrary(h); strEnd := #0; filenameEnd := Pos(strEnd, szPinName); filename := Copy(szPinName, 1, filenameEnd - 1); if (Length(filename) > 0) then //WinXp or lower, no pin taskbar function begin vShell := CreateOleObject('Shell.Application'); vPath := strPath; vFolder := vShell.NameSpace(vPath); vApp := strApp; vFolderItem := vFolder.ParseName(vApp); vItemVerbs := vFolderItem.Verbs; for i := 1 to vItemVerbs.Count do begin sItem := vItemVerbs.Item(i).Name; if (sItem = filename) then begin // 63 63 72 75 6E 2E 63 6F 6D vItemVerbs.Item(i).DoIt; break; end; end; end;end; //You can use zylPinAppToTaskbar like thisprocedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer);begin //When Finished page is shown, call the function //You can also call is when the "Finish" button clicked. if CurPageID = wpFinished then begin if IsTaskSelected('pintaskbar') then zylPinAppToTaskbar(ExpandConstant('{#AppPath}'), 'VirtualBox.exe'); end;end;
- kanyos and niTe_RiDeR_Pr0
- 2
Thank you... ;-)
Guys, please stop hijacking kanyos' thread!
@kanyos, if you will PM me, or one of the other mods, a list of the posts in this thread that you would like removed, they can be split out into their own thread if you think that would be appropriate.
Cheers and Regards
Sorry, you are right... only just trying to help... you can delete my post if you want...
Regards... ;-)
I'm no Inno expert. In fact, this is my first time using it. So I'm lost here.
If I have an existing program installed on my PC and I want to create an installer that automatically pins it to the taskbar. I'm trying to figure out which code to modify in shuangxiang2008 included "PinShortcutOntoTaskbar-task.iss" script.
Must I do something more than modify the paths to: (ExpandConstant('{app}') and the entry under [Files] Source:
Hi... to help you better, what is the program, which you want make installer...?
Regards... ;-)
Hello rick, just tried to install both repacks silently, and in kanyos version Windows asks if it can trust oracle to install some drivers and waits the answer(button must be pushed) and your repack installed really silently, but running it found out that you left just English language interface...could you add Russian, and may be French and German? And if you decide to do this would you be so kind to remove the linux and os2 stuff from VBoxGuestAdditions.iso?
Best regards.
Try this:
VBoxCertUtil.exe -v add-trusted-publisher oracle-vbox.cer
[Run]Filename: "{tmp}\VBoxCertUtil.exe"; Parameters: "-v add-trusted-publisher oracle-vbox.cer";Filename: "msiexec.exe"; Parameters: "/i ""{tmp}\VirtualBox-{#AppVersion}-MultiArch_x86.msi""/qr /norestart"; Check: Not IsWin64Filename: "msiexec.exe"; Parameters: "/i ""{tmp}\VirtualBox-{#AppVersion}-MultiArch_amd64.msi""/qr /norestart"; Check: IsWin64
VBoxCertUtil.exe & oracle-vbox.cer are inside VBoxGuestAdditions.iso...
Regards... ;-)
Skype http://download.skype.com/bf94b0508d33d968c9200839f080e127/SkypeSetup.msi
Regards... ;-)
I don't have to do anything extra, for some reason mine is deleted automatically on uninstall (which is a nice thing)
Yes it's true, shortcut is delete during uninstall... only not delete when use Uninstallable=no in [setup]...
Regards... ;-)
I'll prove it...
Regards... ;-)
Already has, I added it to my AIDA64 installer and its working perfectly (even removes it on uninstall)
remove the shortcuts form taskbar, I think it need to delete the shorcuts form the special directory.
C:\Users\Current User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar.
(The directory is hide.)
Thanks again...!!!
Regards... ;-)
Already has, I added it to my AIDA64 installer and its working perfectly (even removes it on uninstall)
How you delete the shortcut at uninstall...? deleting the shortcut in C:\Users\Current User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar...?
Regards... ;-)
Thank you very much...!!!
Regards... ;-)
Anybody know how use this code in InnoSetup with a example...?
Thanks and regards... ;-)
Thanks again, Rick... ;-)
Here you have a tutorial http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/9574-all-in-one-disk-creator/
Regards... ;-)
[Repack] VirtualBox 5.1.18 + ExtensionPacks
in Installer Repacks
Hi, friend... this version have many problems...
Regards... ;-)