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Posts posted by Kelsenellenelvian
Leave it to MS 2 days late and they fracked up the installer also!
Very nice Theme!!! I cannot believe it is official! Finally MS now just include this and Royale in SP3!
Ok peeps here is a pretty decent codec addon for you to use!
Relevant info = http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=14614
MSFN Codec Pack 3.2
* DivX 6.6.1 [Decoder]
* XviD 1.1.2 build 2006-11-01 [Encoder/Decoder]
* Windows Media 9 VCM [version] [Encoder]
* Cyberlink DVD Decoder [version 6.0.3614]
* Elecard MPEG 2 Demultiplexer [version]
* Ligos Indeo XP [version 5.2820.15.58]
* Intel Indeo [version]
* Intel Indeo [version]
* Intel I.263 [version]
* MS MPEG-4 [version] [Encoder]
* On2 VP7 [version] [Encoder/Decoder]
* MP3 Decoder [version]
* Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 DirectShow decoder [version]
* Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec for MSACM [version 3.4.0]
* VobSub [] + CPL
* AC3 Filter 1.30b + CPL
* Ogg Vorbis [version]
* GSpot 2.70a
- Uncabbed files -> smaller size of installer
- Updated DivX Decoder to v6.6.1
- Updated XviD Components (Build: 10.03.2007)
- Updated Windows Media 9 VCM to v9.0.1.1184
- Updated AC3 Filter to v1.30b
- Updated Ogg Vorbis to v1.1.0.79
- Updated to GSpot to v2.70aDownload here ----> www.wpiw.net/downloads/Kels_swgreed_codec_addon_v3.2.CAB
Size - 5.94 megs MD5Hash = F76D891144E16BAF549F897227E8AE8C
YAY Your turn!
That is Meatloaf playing the character BEEFCAKE in The Rocky Horror Picture Show!!!
485 Visual Styles for MS Windows XP and 2003!
Extraction Dialog Box: (Will show at the t-13\t-12 installation phase of windows)
Zune2007 ZuneNOIR Zwart 7 75 A1 A1Gaia AB1 Addy Blue Aero Concepts Aero Style Aero Style (Glass - Beta 1) Aero Style (Glass - Beta 2) Aero Style (Glass) Aero Style (Vista - Beta 1) Aero Style (Vista - Beta 2) Aero UI (Day) Aero UI (Night) Aero Vista Aero7 Aero4067 Aero5203 AeroGreen AeroXP AeroXP2 Aeroz Alduin2b Alduin2br Alduin2d Alduin2g Alduin2p ALFA Alliance Allure ALPHAX AmberGlow AmigaXP Anarchy Angelic Anger Aqua Loop Aqua MSN Aqua Plus Aqua2003 AquaAero AquaLuna AquaSeven Aquatica ASDQ AurielB AurielG AurielP Aurora AurorarionEN B-A-B-Y-B-L-U Balder Beacon Beige Bikini Black Black Longhorn Black Luna BlackBlue BlackGold BlackIce BlackLite Blackmin Blackpro5 BlackWhite BlackXP Blanco BlandXP Blange Blaver Blink Blood Orb Black Blood Orb Blue Blood Orb Red Blue Chrome BlueHeart Blueple Bluever Bluever2 BluMod BlynkNET Bose Classic Bosumi BPanther Brownies BTD2 Bugatti ProBlue Butterfly Calypso CarbonZ CatalystVS CatalystVS_Blue Celestial Celluloid Censf Aurora ChaNinjaStyle_RC5 ChaNinjaStyle_RC5_Bonus CheStyle Chivalry Chromium Classic ClearAlt Clearlk06 Cobra Codigo Web 2 - Blue ColdFusion XP 2 Concave Convergence CoolXP4 Corona CougDrop2 Crimson Crystal Clear Crystal Clear Aero Crystal dlb 2 Crystal dlb BE Crystal Milk CrystalAero CrystalThin Cubic Custom DarkBlue Live DarkLibar DarkRealm DarkSteel DarkWall Davd DaVinci Dazzle Dazzler DE DeepSix Depth To Darkness Descent Destiny Deviant Diamond Doxo DragonStyle Dream DreamLH Dreams DRStyle Dry Blue DZVista Pink Element Elusive Embedded Energy Blue Estiloluna Everaldo2 EverDawn Evil Red eXistenZ Exodo FalcoXp Fierce Fiesta Fin Fin2 Fire First Foilcover Forever Blue ForeverBlue2 G2 Garam M Geeks GirlsHINA Gix Blue Glitz GlitzPM Gold Line GoldCoast GoldMOD Gondor Got2Go Gray Green Greenxp GreyOb GSVista GuiAirB1 GUIRelax HinaKeita Hydranb Hydrand Hydrandb Hydrang Hydranp Hydrans Ice IceWater IE8 InsetRed Inspirat Inspirat2 Inspirational Royale InspiratSE InspiratSECompakt Jackie Chan Blue Jackie Chan Red Jade Style Jaded Perspective Jumjibar Kamino KayPeeOne KCChiefs KDE Kimbra Kremit Kriss Kriss 2 Krystal lcds LE Lebis LebisBlc LebisBlu LED Legends LegendsII LegendsIII LegendsIV Leopard LINER LiQuidskY Live Live Theme Logi Loki07 Longhorn Longhorn Aero LonghornPro LowertXPd LuderB LuderBr LuderG LuderP Luna (Longhorn Revolution) Luna Basic Luna Lite Luna Royale Luna3cm LunaInsg LunaInsp LunaInspg LunaMaqXP LunarBlue LunaVX Luxor Mac OS Smooth Mac OS X Machine Magic maloksan MaquaLuna Mar Del Plata Matrix Plex 2 MCC MegaManX MetaBlood Metal Gear Solid 3 Metallic Green MetallicShades2 Michelle Midnight MidniteXP Milk Milk2 MindWood Mint Misfit Mission ModBlue mrs mix blue MRSCLEAR MRSDESERT MRSFORE MRSGLASS MRSLight mrsmixbl MRSSILVER MS Windows Max msn MtlBlade Muin Mutsumi MV5720 MX5 Natural Neowin New XP LiveBlack New XP LiveGreen NewHuman Newroyale NewXP Nexus NightElf NightMove Noozii nuvista NX01 nxPro Oboy Obsidian Oceano Octalized OddWood OdessaXP Office 2007 OminOS OneFlag Onision Online OpusOS OSXP OSXP1 OutWorld Palladium PantherS Passion Patriotic PC Blue Night PC Dark V5 PCPurpleN Pearl Pearl (full start panel) PHANTOM PHENOM Pipeline Plastic Plasticaa Platinum Platinum Mist Remix Plex Black Plex Style Plex Style (Media Center Edition) Plex Style I Plex Style II Plex4015 Plexiglas v2 Powerpuff PRFF Pristine Pucko Purple Purple Taz Quantum QuickSilver Raptor Real Graphite Real Silver Recall 6.6 Basic Recall 6.6 Enterprise Recall 6.6 Ultimate RedDragon Redvista_?? RedXP Reflections Reielle reubenB RhodiumX Rino Royal Full Start Menu Royal Inspirat Royal_Five_Color_Mod RoyalAIO RoyalAIO (compact) Royale Royale Glass Royale Noir Royale06 RoyaleVista2 RoyaleVista2Blue RoyalFour RoyalInsLong RoyalInsMac RoyalMod RVHybrid RVistaC SapphireMOD Season Sentinel_A Sentinel_B Seven Seven Ultimate Black SevenVG SevenVG Refresh SevenXP Shadow Shine Signs Simple Life Simplex3 Simplex6 SlanXP3 Slate Athens Slate PDC Slate Refresh Slate XP SLIVdark Soft Silver Spectra SplintGF SplintWF Static View Stolen StrangeWorld Studio28 SubStyle SunSetBall Sustenance Compact TallyHawk Teknika TenerVS Thallos The Abyss 2 The Blue Trax Trekgrey Trippin true tuxedo TXSG Tyro Vertigo Vista Vista 360 Vista Aero v1.1 rhp Vista LE 1.0 VistaCG vistags VistaLive Yellow Vistaluna Basic VistaMize VistaPerfection Vistaseve VistaVG VistaVG Black VistaVG Blue Refresh VistaVG Ultimate VistaXP VISTize VitreoA VitreoN VS7 Vseven War3ORC WatercolorLite WE WE Olive Whistler Schnapps white christmas Win7 Wind7 Windows 7 Windows 7 M1 VS Windows MAX V4 Windows Media Player 11 Windows Vista Windows Vista style Windows Xp Style Wood Windows7 WinSeven WinVista WinXPEvo wipPDC wipWMP WMP11 Wood Xanadu Ximian XoddX XP WMP 11 XPAmp XPBlack XPLiveor YinYang Zion Zune
Download the whole Effing thing here!!!
Size = 76.8 megs MD5 Hash = 6e49d1cbad5663363d863f10e68c64f1
Extract for the switchelss!
Yes rick and you picked it too
UNINSTALL previous versions BEFORE installing this one!!!
v12.6 Log:
BSODView v.1.4.0
CPU-Z v1.58
GPU-Z v0.5.5
HWMonitor v1.18
WhatInStartup v1.3.3
WinUpdatesList v1.31.31
HP USB Tool v2.2.3
Dumped IE cookies cleaner
v12.2 log
v12 log
BlueScreenView v1.31
GPU-Z v5.1The whole package is now uninstallable via the add/remove panel.
This pack contains:
BootSafe v2.0.1000
Bootvis v1.3.37.0
BlueScreenView v1.4.0
ClearType PowerToy
ClipBoard Viewer
CPU-Z v1.58
GPU-Z v0.5.5
HD Tune v2.55
HP USB Format Tool v 2.2.3
HWmonitor v1.18
MemTest v4.0
Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard
Microsoft TimeZone Requires .NET Framework
Microsoft Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel v2.1
MSI CleanUp Utility 4.4
New MSConfig
Services and Devices v3.4
Smart Driver Backup v2.12
TweakUI PowerToy v2.1
WhatInStartup v1.40
Windows Task Manager
WinUpdatesList v1.31.31
User Accounts 2 CPL
Size 4.06 megs
Hash =
CRC-32: 8daf4d2b
MD4: e9339b2047a88ba6a035d27f5b4cecb9
MD5: 4770a75127f43ddc276153c53d5a46cf
SHA-1: 2ca12e1d5e10939718666abaa9d45c4966c6760a
Size = 4.23 megs
Hashes: File: Kels_CPLBonus_v12.6.exe
CRC-32: 6ed90586
MD4: f44efc9d755468cbd8f9f6268f18c6ea
MD5: 50cf719c9e41cd9e2e6dd26d83398298
SHA-1: d3ff9c0e7308e871d3be9bd4a4dcf51450be55f5
New in version v16.2!
Special UberPacK Software Uninstall menu: (Click Show Updates to see it)
v16.2 Log:
Unlocker v1.9.1
VistaSwitcher v1.1.4
NirCMD v2.65Full list of things that are included.
Main Additions
ClearType turned on by default
Compumatrix WallPaper Changer v2.1
Microsoft Calculator Plus v1.0 (Replaces calc.exe)
Microsoft HighMAT CD Writing Wizard (KB831240)
Microsoft Image Resizer PowerToy v7.0.224.0
Microsoft Makecab v6.0.6001.22192 (Vista SP2 final version)
Microsoft OpenType\TrueType Font Properties Extension v2.30
Nirsoft NirCmd v2.65
Quicklaunch is now enabled by default.
Recycle bin start menu option.
RegShot v2.0.1.70 Unicode (Uninstallable)
Replacer v2.63
Service Tweaker v1 <-- Requires .NET Framework!
VistaSwitcher v1.1.4 (uninstallable)
Unlocker v1.9.1(Includes Unlocker Assistant and is uninstallable)
TSkill 5.1.2600.0
WhyReboot v1.0.1.537
Xpero's EXPander v1.5 Final <-- Requires .NET Framework!
Xpero's RegFile Merger v1.0b <-- Requires .NET Framework!
SendTo Menu Additions
CabTool v1.8
FGCBA v0.897
HotFix Extractor v1.01 From Sereby of RyanVM's forums
ISO Creator
Reg2exe v2.25
Reg2Inf v0.46
Resource Hacker v3.5.2b
Shell Extensions
.dll/.ocx/.ax Register/Unregister Regtweak
Advanced .inf install/uninstall Regtweak
Attribute Changer v6.20 (Uninstallable)
Back v3
Find Target v3
HashCheck v2.1.11.0(Uninstallable)
Mainsoft ClipName v1.2.7
Open CMD Promt v2.0.2.1 (Uninstallable)
Open in a new window
Run with arguments v2.6.0.2
Select All v3
Synesis File Case v2.0.2.31
...and a custom Power Menu to contain most of the shell extensions
Size - 5.46 megs
Hash = File: Kels_Uber_Addon_v16.2.rar
CRC-32: 694d82b1
MD4: 89bfe2d888bd1902d612da206f81437c
MD5: f27291584823b21e6128cb5936c5f575
SHA-1: d6201a2b7478a0f2a2549cccc279012f3479c18c
I must thank RyanVM, Xable, Skitty, Dgelwins, Zacam, booogy, Joey Joe, Mrs. Peel, Mindwarper and Siginet for this pack. (And any others I forgot to mention, Thank you!) I got it by adding Ryans Addons pack and all of the non-conflicting fan made Addons into one large pack. I will be updating this pack as often as I find something new to add or if I am notified of an update to the programs included...
SpiritPyres 4 extensions (Back, Hidden Files Toggle, File extensions Toggle and Select all) Can be customized through the following registry file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SpiritPyre Extensions]
Refresh Key=e
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SpiritPyre Extensions\BrowserBack]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SpiritPyre Extensions\FileExtToggle]
@=&File Extension Toggle
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SpiritPyre Extensions\HiddenFilesToggle]
@=&Hidden Files Toggle
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SpiritPyre Extensions\SelectAll]
@=&Select AllJust Change the titles to whatever you want and then apply!
I do not, will not, nor want to support a cracked WGA version anymore...
I stopped that LONG ago. (like 3+ years ago)
Go buy Windows.
Notepad2 v4.2.25.558!!!
Notepad2 is a FANTASTIC app, improving greatly the original Notepad shipped with Windows! Notepad2 follows the basic Notepad principle, keeping it small, fast, without frills, but it improves it greatly! Notepad2 is a fast and light-weight Notepad-like text editor with syntax highlighting.Size = 366kb
Hash = File: Kels_Notepad2_v4.2.25.558_addon.rar
CRC-32: cfc23442
MD4: 0159a4056d47e60dd1940c29a1843bbb
MD5: 04d2b282b7ee70217f79285b77cc78a7
SHA-1: 7de6aa4b620719e8a36e45309a78db12e8ece097
This pack adds all of the files and needed txtsetup entries for the Royale (Energy Bliss) official theme pack, including energybliss wallpaper, shellstyle and theme.
Size - 1.31 megs MD5Hash = 39D9A930DFDFB8DF0464D9A246AC9E14
nLite compatable.
No uxtheme.dll hack needed to use.
Full Luna replacement with 4 color schemes. 3 original and Royale.I added the Bliss screensaver to this one and fixed some typos.
Size - 2.82 megs MD5Hash = 87FEEA77BBFA6DB36E6915D3C066025A
I made this one by adding the Contrast white cursors and the Vista sound scheme!
I used the Vista scheme posted in the switchless forum by: owikh84
I added in my Royale w\bliss theme and my Contrast white cursor pack.
I rebuilt the default Luna theme so all of this is selected by default.
size - 9.26 megs MD5Hash = D016B2CB25B0368A6E55441C4C7D5264
This is a official MS variation of Royale and as such does not need uxtheme.dll patching. It includes 2 color options Royale and Royale Noir.
ricktendo64 and I choose a nice dark variation of Bliss to go with it:
Size - 385 kb MD5Hash = E5D40D61A8A9C64642FA36801FE4B8A3
v5 Log
CMDOpen v2.0.3.0
Unlocker v1.9.0
Notepad2 v4.1.24.0Contents:
CabTool v1.8
ClearType turned on by default
Microsoft Calculator Plus v1.0 (Replaces calc.exe)
Microsoft Image Resizer PowerToy v7.0.224.0
Microsoft Makecab v6.1.7600.16385 (Win7 final version)
NotePad2 v4.1.24.0
Quicklaunch is now enabled by default.
Unlocker v1.9.0
tskill v5.1.2600.0 (Needed for the uninstall routines on none XP pro systems.)
.dll/.ocx/.ax Register/Unregister Regtweak
.inf advanced install\uninstall Regtweak
Back v3
Context Attributes
Copyto\Moveto Regtweak
Find Target v3
HashCheck v2.1.11.1
Mainsoft ClipName v1.2.7
NinoTech Date Edit v4.0
Open cmd Here v2.0.3.0
Open folder in new window Regtweak
Select All v2
Synesis Run with arguments... v2.0.2.32
Synesis File Case v2.0.2.31
...and a custom Power Menu to contain most of the shell extensions
Size - 1.69 megs MD5Hash = d41e5683789e3b1b4d569d5e034b411d
SpiritPyres 4 extensions (Back, Hidden Files Toggle, File extensions Toggle and Select all) Can be customized through the following registry file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SpiritPyre Extensions]
Refresh Key=e
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SpiritPyre Extensions\BrowserBack]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SpiritPyre Extensions\FileExtToggle]
@=&File Extension Toggle
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SpiritPyre Extensions\HiddenFilesToggle]
@=&Hidden Files Toggle
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SpiritPyre Extensions\SelectAll]
@=&Select AllJust Change the titles to whatever you want and then apply!
What is the theme name you are using Kel
Awww I didnt make it
My Wife forbad me from sharing her wallpaper and it was made exclusively for her by WolfX2...
We always hear "the rules" from the female side. Now here are the rules from the male side.
1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us griping about you leaving it down.
2. Birthdays, Valentines, and Anniversaries are not quests to see if we can find the perfect present yet again!
3. Sometimes we are not thinking about you. Live with it.
4. Sunday = sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.
5. Don't cut your hair. Ever. Long hair is always more attractive than short hair. One of the big reasons guys fear getting married is that married women always cut their hair, and by then you're stuck with her.
6. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.
7. Crying is blackmail.
8. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it!
9. We don't remember dates. Mark birthdays and anniversaries on a calendar. Remind us frequently beforehand.
10. Most guys own three pairs of shoes - tops. What makes you think we'd be any good at choosing which pair, out of thirty,
would look good with your dress?
11. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
12. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
13. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.
14. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days.
15. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us. We refuse to answer.
16. If something we said can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.
17. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
18. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.
19. Christopher Columbus did not need directions, and neither do we.
20. The relationship is never going to be like it was the first two months we were going out. Get over it. And quit whining to your girlfriends.
21. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.
22. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.
23. We are not mind readers and we never will be. Our lack of mind-reading ability is not proof of how little we care about you.
24. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," we will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.
25. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.
26. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine. Really.
27. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as navel lint, the shotgun formation, or monster trucks.
28. You have enough clothes.
29. You have too many shoes.
30. Foreign films are best left to foreigners. (Unless it's Bruce Lee or some war flick where it doesn't really matter what they're saying anyway.)
31. It is neither in your best interest or ours to take the quiz together. No, it doesn't matter which quiz.
32. I am in shape. ROUND is a shape.
33. Thank you for reading this; Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight, but did you know we really don't mind that, it's like camping.
Hahahahah now thats frackin SWEET!
AHHAHAHAH thats kinda funny seeing the little guy wreck!
Happy birthday from me too!
Gawd those are huge!
(and uuuuugly!)
Happy Birthday N1K
in General Discussion
Happy BirthDAY!