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Posts posted by Sull

  1. This is a great program, I use this along with other programs to OC my 8800 and flash a new bios, though I hear it is very risky hehe, well my GPU is cool and has been stable for over a year now...

    I just checked the program version, they are up to 3.6 now, last time I used it I had 3.3

  2. Well that is a very Merry Christmas ( for those who celabrate it )

    "- No longer removes Logoff/Shutdown text" You are talking about the text in the start menu correct, I did not know V'ISO did that, for some reason I though I had added that by reg entry, could you tell me how to remove the text please ?

    "- Removed Cursors from user32.dll" I am not familiar with these ?

    "Vista's avi and dialog box" I have been using the one from Beta 4, I am just in love with it, though on my Sony I removed the AVI's as it is not a very fast machine, I would like to shrink the box down where the AVI was, maybe someone can help me .....

    Well thanks for all your hard work ricktendo64

  3. Oh gosh, my desk looks so slick, V'ISO is by far the best icons, bitmaps, avi's around, add Windows Blinds 6, some aero XL cursors ( my fav ) etc etc and you have Vista.. except better lol

    For the folks who click on this thread thinking they are going to find some cool themes ....

    Check out..

    Jordy Green






    Most of these users on are Deviant art

    Aero Glass V5

  4. I edited my post above. Yeah I have been browsing deviant art.. lots of good stuff

    I wanted to try Windows Blinds on my Deskop, I tryed 5.5 once on my Sony but it slowed it down so gave it the boot ...


    I am using Vista theme by MiLorK it looks slick, though having search that does not work in the start menu is just stupid ... I don't search anyways

  5. EDIT:

    I was just reading what I wrote and realized it did not make sense lol. Anyway I fixed the problems I was having and I have found some themes which will be good...

    Offtopic: Rick I found your thread on joejoe about Windows Blinds 6 themes and other threads which helped me find some good themes, I do have a question, next to OS: Vaio XP SP2, being curious what I assume thats a Sony Vaio ?

    Care to share any info about this CD if there is such a thing, I have a Sony Vaio UX with an awesome CD just for my baby :D

  6. I integrate this into my XPCD and in Ms Virtual Pc 2007 it never appears installed at the end, is this addon designed to do this!! Thx gr8 work

    I just integrated with nlite and tested in VMWARE .. it worked perfect

    I am just trying to figure out how to make it not open on firstboot :questionmark:

  7. Rick you do nice work :thumbsup_anim:

    I do have one question, I just tested in vmware and when Windows boots the messenger window opens and I can see the icon in the taskbar, I would like it so they do not open, or atleast t he window does not popup ??

    I check the registry under run and did not see it listed ??

    Maybe you can help


  8. Sure I can do that, but I do not want to reinstall Windows right now .. I am most likely not going to update my CD until SP3 final is out.

    Must be some way I can just patch the new shell32.dll ?

    EDIT: Whoops nvm I was being a dummy, yes that will work .. just a bit of work ..grrr

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