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Posts posted by rhahgleuhargh

  1. Hello,

    Merci pour tes efforts ! Je vais tester en installation unattended sur une machine virtuelle, en Live la clé ne s'efface pas avec le nouveau script. EDIT : échec !

    J'étais arrivé entre temps au même résultat que toi pour intégrer les clés de registre au Maker et au fichier .reg = échec. Je pense que l'erreur de traduction sera corrigée lors de la prochaine version slim. Il faut ajouter toutes les sous-clés pour que cela se désactive :

    [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\shell\Exécuter CCleaner]
    [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\shell\Exécuter CCleaner\command]
    @="C:\\Program Files\\CCleaner\\ccleaner.exe /AUTORB"=-
    [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\shell\Ouvrir CCleaner...]
    [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\shell\Ouvrir CCleaner...\command]
    @="C:\\Program Files\\CCleaner\\ccleaner.exe /FRB"=-

    J'avais testé aussi deux solutions pour régler le problème : modifier le fichier .cfg du sfx pour fusionner la clé .reg une fois le programme installé (visiblement ça ne fonctionne pas mais j'ai dû oublier qq chose) :

    RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c \"FOR /f \"tokens=2*\" %G IN ('reg query \"hklm\\system\\controlset001\\control\\nls\\language\" /v Installlanguage 2^>NUL ^| FIND \"REG_SZ\"') DO SET /a \"_lcid=0x%H\" & CALL ccsetup.exe /S /L=%_lcid%\" >NUL 2>&1"
    RunProgram="\"regedit\" /S ccleaner.reg"

    Ou lancer l'installation du SFX par un batch qui lance ensuite la clé de registre (là, bien sûr, ça fonctionne, mais ce n'est pas très propre !).


  2. Eureka !

    - CCleaner SFX installation works good using WTK installer. The reason is that WTK installer is launched once desktop is installed so the tweaks are correctly applied (I tried with WTK version).

    - There is just a bug with last CCleaner installer versions (both Standard and slim), but I don't know if it is just for french language : the recycle-bin context-menu doesn't disappear when you deselect it, you have to manually delete this key via Regedit.exe :

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\shell\Exécuter CCleaner

    The good news are that now we know where these Recycle-Bin context-menu keys are stored !

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\shell\Execute CCleaner

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\shell\Open CCleaner

    I assume we can edit the maker to delete these keys during the SFX creation process.



  3. Yes, that's what I did, and no way. Even settings in reg.file are not applied ! I tried both setupcomplete.cmd and firstlogon.cmd

    It's as it was too early to install the program during these steps. I didn't tried with WTK installer but I think it's equivalent to setupcomplete stage.

    No matters !


  4. Hello mooms,

    I encounter a little bug with the ccleaner sfx in Windows 10 : the installer doesn't seem to recognize the OS language so it's installed in english. I tried via setupcomplete.cmd, FirstLogon.cmd, and the result is the same. When installed once desktop is ready, no problem. Modifying the .cfg file forcing installation in french and/or forcing french language in the .reg file don't work too.

    It's not a big problem since language can be changed via the program interface, but it needs a manual correction and I prefer a full automatic install. I didn't have this bug with Windows 7.

    Another question : is there a tweak to remove CCleaner from recycle bin context-menu at installation ?


  5. Hello Thiersee,

    Thank you for the info. Strange thing, I just checked my 4 VMs (2 classic and Convenience method for x86 and x64), and in my case this update is still not requested. Here is the result of WU in my x64 machine.

    No problem, I'll update ULs.

    Effectively, reading in other forums, KB4490628 is not superseeded. Once KB4516655 manually installed, Deep clean doesn't remove anything.

    I'm doing a test integrating KB4516655 in prerequisites updates keeping KB4490628. Some people reported problems with september updates.



  6. @pennsylvaniaron,

    The S/N generic key for 10 Home Edition you used is the good one. For 10 I prefer to use an unattended file generated here, it is more complete than the one provided by WTK, and you won't have to answer to any question. I uselly do my tests with a Pro edition, I add to the "source" folder of the ISO an ei.cfg file that forces system to install the required Edition (in an untouched ISO all Editions are present, ie Home, Pro, S, etc...). In your case, content of ei.cfg should be :



    Just open Notepad, copy these lines, and save it as ei.cfg

    Activation is a quite different thing. Starting from 7 it's possible to obtain a legacy 10 activation for a real machine that is already activated, check here. I don't know if this method works in VMs, I never tested it in VMs because the grace period offered with generic key is enough for testing purpose. The other ways to activate 10 without a serial key are not legal.

  7. Hello,

    A titre personnel, lors de la mise à jour des KB, je n'ai toujours coché que celles qui ont été modifiées (donc uniquement celles qui apparaissent en gris lorsque je sélectionne la catégorie "common Convenience..."

    Je pense qu'effectivement si tu coches tout par défaut le programme va tout retélécharger à chaque fois. Bug ou défaut du programme, je l'ignore, effectivement c'est à améliorer car peu pratique ! Je ne pense pas que WUD soit encore maintenu.

  8. Hello,

    Pour ceux qui sont tentés de franchir le pas pour la version 1903, voici l'UL mise à jour. Pas de nouveauté exaltante sur cette version par rapport à la 1809, en dehors du thème clair en plus du thème sombre et quelques améliorations cosmétiques.

    Attention, le Media Center 8.8.3 ne fonctionne plus sur cette version, à moins de remplacer CPfilters.dll et MSVIDCtl.dll dans C:\Windows\system32 par leurs versions précédentes.

    Je ne maintiendrai pas souvent la liste, les mises à jour cumulatives apparaissent toutes les deux semaines.

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