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Posts posted by x23piracy
Be so kind, please, and post your Preset-INI with ALL the KB you have integrated.
BTW, to you silents-installers:
you do not need to integrate NDP451, NDP452 is enough.
MfG, Thiersee
i wish i could but i don't have a complete ini, don't ask there, was a break between but i knew the latest stand.
I've removed NDP451 and added KB2603229 to silent/sfx
is 2862330 correct under silent/sfx?
what about 2533552 and rvkroots is it correct in setupcomplete?
Regards X23
install finished and it looks good only one update left
(the unmarked are unwanted andunnecessary)
Curious 2965788 still not installed my silent's are:
is 2862330 problematic for 2965788? hmm but it's after not before...
my setupcomplete:
Regards X23
ok i've downloaded the kb2857650:
Should i integrate this single update and then the rest of it by sfx in the following order?:
3. KB2592687
4. KB2830477
5. KB2923545
6. KB2964833
7. KB2965788Edit:
Actually the build is running, i hope that's it
thumb pressing please
Regards X23
in my installation they are under SFX-Silent-Installers.
Just a couple of questions:
1) Did you integrate the two red KBs (necessary for RDP/RDC and for the other KBs in the list)?
2) How many updates do you integrate?
MfG, Thiersee
is it possible to see a screener of your always silent's please?
for 1: I think yes but i need to get sure about.
for 2: 99% from the GDR ones, for the complete list i have to rebuild a windows 7 installation i don't know another way to see the list, is there something else to get a quick listing which ones are allready integrated?
I will also check my updates folder from where i integrate if i can find the red updates there, i will need some minutes.
i searched through my old backups and current update files folders and i can only find:
but i cannot locate KB2857650 anywhere but why?
Windows Update does not offer it, isn't it GDR?
kb2574819 allready integrated:
kb2857650 is missing:
Regards X23
very strange i see this when everything is finished:
If i click on update history i see this:
When i check which updates windows update offers me i see this:
The history says all installed good but windows update offers that updates... hmm
I can install the missing ones now together, before 2830477 always failed and only could install
after the next reboot without installing any of the other offered updates above.
@Thiersee if i use the latest wtk version it breaks my image. Installer never appears again even
if i change nothing (just create wim again), mount, unmount, rebuild.
This is my setupcomplete.cmd:
@echo offcd %~dp0start /wait rvkroots.exe /Q:A /R:Nstart /wait wusa.exe Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64.msu /quiet /norestartstart /wait wusa.exe Windows6.1-KB2603229-x64.msu /quiet /norestartnet use x: "\\\Install\Windows 7" /USER:fog installREG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /V 108 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT net use x: \\\Install\Windows 7 /USER:fog install" /fREG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /V 109 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT wusa.exe "x:\sources\$oem$\$$\Setup\scripts\Windows6.1-KB2592687-x64.msu" /quiet /norestart" /fREG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /V 110 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT wusa.exe "x:\sources\$oem$\$$\Setup\scripts\Windows6.1-KB2830477-x64.msu" /quiet /norestart" /fREG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /V 111 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT wusa.exe "x:\sources\$oem$\$$\Setup\scripts\Windows6.1-KB2923545-x64.msu" /quiet /norestart" /fREG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /V 112 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT wusa.exe "x:\sources\$oem$\$$\Setup\scripts\Windows6.1-KB2965788-x64.msu" /quiet /norestart" /fSTART %systemdrive%\DP_Install_Tool.cmd /s
What do you mean out of runonce? I know 3 cases:
- Integrate
- SFX/Silent what ever you call it (WTK)
- SetupComplete
Is the installation attempt to early if i set them to install after next reboot (runonce)? If that is also to early howto manage that? A runonce in front that will set all the other runonces after first runonce? (Cascading)? I am confused...
KB2965788 and KB2830477 are specific for RDP/RDC; if you did not integrate the prerequisite or RDP/RDC at all
may be they can make trouble.
Could you give me a hint with which method and in which order i have to install my missing ones and what to care about the above (2965788 and 2830477) I am really struggling where to install what in which order
One more idea would you see my sfx list? is there maybe also a order important for example, is it recommended to install them first or last within the sfx section?
FYI the base Image i am working with and i dont like to skip it is from 03.12.2013 since then i haven't updated and now it was time (i know to late) but i think this information may could give a hint.
Regards X23
Maybe the order? i ever thougth wtk will manage the order...
I try a re integration direct after the two
Regards X23
Thiersee i am actually testing to integrate that 3 updates with the latest wtk version,
could you also integrate 2862330 without problems?
Regards X23
ok means you could successfully integrate them with latest wintoolkit, and you don't use setupcomplete to install them right?
If your answer is yes i will try the latest wintoolkit version to integrate them.
Regards X23
i have a problem with the following 3 updates, no way for me to integrate them:
kb2830477 kb2965788 kb2923545
Integrate does not work, install as SFX does not work and setupcomplete does not work not directly and also not with the runonce method for example:
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /V 108 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT net use x: \\\Install\Windows 7 /USER:fog install" /fREG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /V 109 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT wusa.exe "x:\sources\$oem$\$$\Setup\scripts\Windows6.1-KB2830477-x64.msu" /quiet /norestart" /f...
Has anyone an idea what the problem is? is there a special order for installing?
Also if i try to install the missing ones over windows update the kb2830477 never installs, i have to reboot and then it works, seems to be an update that has to installed alone not together with others or in special not the two others that not integrate for me.
Anyone familiar with these kb's?
Regards X23
i updated my windows 7 install and i am testing on a vmware vm with windows 7 64 and for every redistributable i get such a error message:
does it happen because it's a vm?
Haven't tested on physical machine
I am not sure but shortly after sad2 finished all the following redistributables are installed without any error,
hmm i should wait with klicking start in the installer till sad2 has finished its work.
I am starting sad2 by setupcomplete.
It was because of running sad2 together with the redist installer, i Need to wait for sad2 to finish.
Regards X23
okay the topic is solved, kb2830477 could not be integrated.
Now i proceed with the latest wintoolkit version
Regards X23
it is one of these:
and if found this here in the forum:
Hello Guys,
This is my first OS-compile, and it would be nice if somebody more advanced in this stuff could look if this is ok.
It seems like a wise thing to ask before I use it for production.
The download update program download almost 600 patches for win-7-X64!
So I did it the hard way, installed a basic win-7 prof-Sp-1x64 and let it run MS-Update, dowloaded every update it said from MS and
made an new Iso, tested that in virtual box and Win-Update was very pleased :-)
Please look at my Compile list and tell me if something is not ok with it?
#Silent Installs
01-kb2830477-x64::;NO;6.43 MB;G:\OS-Compile\WIN7-X64-NLD\Base-Updates-Silent\01-Updates that cannot integrate\01-kb2830477-x64.msu;Always Installed...
i will now integrate the rest except kb2830477
If that works i install kb2830477 with setupcomplete
Regards X23
only these are left:
i will now integrate the first 4:
Regards X23
one of these is making the trouble:
i actually make a build without them but include them:
Lets see if one of them also bring a problem else i have 7 kb's left
i am getting closer maybe...
Regards X23
i actually integrated all the updates from first post except these:
I go forward to integrate the half of it to find the damn bug update
Regards X23
these work also:
Now the rest except all the IE Updates
Regards X23
ok the first 50% are working, now 50% of the other 50%
Regards X23
no i stay on my old wintoolkit version that always worked.
I would like to stay there until i found the buggy kb that is causing the problem.
With a newer Wintoolkit version i see that a install.ini is created, that does not
happen in the older versions, has something changed how the installer works?
While using latest wintoolkit and the old one i had the problem with both.
I will no try to integrate 50% of the updates excluding KB2961851, if the will stay
i add the other 50% of the updates... That way i should find the buggy kb.
Regards X23
after some time i wanto refresh my win7, one of the following updates must be the reason that wintoolkit fires to early:
It would be nice if someone has an idea which one of these is the bad one?
Installer appears to early...
If i do not integrate any of the above updates all is fine, so the bad one must be there...
Regards X23
I still love you Lego
the problem is solved KB2592687 was the bad guy.
Iam going over to install:
with setupcomplete.cmd and it works.
Regards X23
i was refreshing my old wintoolkit win7 install today (last was from february), after finishing everything i realised that maybe a Framework update is holding Office from installing properly.
After searching on the net i found that: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/926804/en-us
Should be something .Net related
This is what i install as automatic install with wintoolkit before the manual updates are installed where i only choose office 2007 and with another try office 2010, both have the same error.
Here is a screenshot of my automatic installs, there must be an update that is preventing the office install:
I could bet this is KB2858728, but how to install it then btw?
Is there maybe a problem with the other KB***** updates up there?
I know about
but i like to keep it for real hard nuts
btw. for anyone who's wondering, i have .Net 4.5.1 integrated as WA.
Iam actually testing with the same but manipulated iso, renamed the installer file for kb2858728 so it can't be installed,
lets see if Office installs now!
Is it possible to integrate kb2858728?
Regards X23
the error message tells me:
Windows cannot install needed files. The file is maybe damaged or missing.
Be sure that all needed files for installation are available then restart the installation.
The Errorcode is multilingual i think
The Joke is the same happens if i try to do this with an untouched win8, this is
no WTK Problem.
It's good possible that this a virtual box problem i couldn't test it yet with a physical machine.
Greetz X23
Autounattend will not work if i add DiskConfiguration & ImageInstall
in Microsoft Windows 7
i have for months a good working autounattend.xml:
I am trying to add the following parts:
This is my result and it is not working, i get error messages when windows setup is trying to pass the file, i cannot find the error. Is someone here with an eagle eye or more knowledge about autounattend.xml?
The complete XML with added Disk Configuration is like that:
Regards X23