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Posts posted by n0nsense

  1. @pennsylvaniaron

    Can I just get you to check the SHA1 hash of the DNF 4.6.1 repack that you are using.  There is a chance that yours is corrupt, or you have a particular version that was prone to this error.

    Here is a link to a little app (sha1.exe) that will give you the reading.


    Usage:  sha1,exe  target_filename.exe

    I use the Ricktendo repack, and the one I use, which doesn't cause this problem, is   5038574213a021351810dff8854ad5677e1e08a1

  2. @rhahgleuhargh

    Okay, I'm running in to problems when using the Rollup method.  I integrated all offline when I was trying to create an integration script.
    The only updates I didn't integrate offline, 2603229 and 3046269 - I integrated them post-installation.

    Windows Update requests the following:

    2446710   (Superseded by 2604115)
    2478662   (Superseded by 2972100)
    2965788   (missing from Update List)
    2984976   (missing from Update List)
    3020388   (RDP)
    3075226   (RDP)
    3126446   (RDP)

    Some are RDP, which are not included in the Rollup, and have not been superseded, so perhaps they should be included in the Common category.
    Windows won't allow me to integrate 2604115 or 2972100 because I've already integrated the Rollup, so I'm just about to try the integration again, putting those in before the rollup.  I also think, as many may already know, that integration order is very important when it comes to this rollup.  I'm working on a few changes to a script that will put the updates before, and after integrating the rollup.  (I'll report back soon)

  3. 4 minutes ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

    ... when doing the classic do the same prerequisites have to be done? right now 3020369, 2533552, 2603229, 3046269 (in that order) are in the silent list.



    Do you mean Rollup?  If you do, here is an order that I've used and I know works...

      KB3020369 - Servicing Stack
      KB2670838 - Platform Update
      KB2574819 - RDP
      KB2592687 - RDP
      KB2830477 - RDP


    PRE-ROLLUP updates (dated before 25th April)


    POST-ROLLUP updates (dated after 25th April)

    This is just the way I do it, other ways are possible.

  4. Revised script to hide updates...

    ' v1.0 - June 24, 2016
    '##  PARAMETERS  #############################################################
        Const numOfChecks  = 1      'Number of times to check for updates
        Const actionHide   = TRUE   'TRUE sets the isHidden flag, FALSE for testing
        Const runSilent    = FALSE  'TRUE for silent run and quit, FALSE for report
        Const onlineCheck  = TRUE   'TRUE to search online, FALSE to use locally cached information
        Const searchFilter = "IsInstalled=0 AND IsHidden=0"
        Dim hideUpdates(99)  'Number must be higher than the maximum entry below
        'Comment out any updates that you want to KEEP
        hideUpdates(0)  = "KB971033"
        hideUpdates(1)  = "KB976932"
        hideupdates(2)  = "KB2446710"
        hideupdates(3)  = "KB2478662"
        'Windows 10 related
        hideupdates(50)  = "KB2952664"
        hideupdates(51)  = "KB3021917"
        hideupdates(52)  = "KB3035583"
        hideupdates(53)  = "KB3068708"
        hideupdates(54)  = "KB3075249"
        hideupdates(55)  = "KB3080149"
        hideupdates(56)  = "KB3123862"
        'Optional features
        hideupdates(60) = "KB982670"   '.NET Framework 4 Client Profile
        hideupdates(61) = "KB2901983"  '.NET Framework 4.5.2
        hideupdates(62) = "KB3102433"  '.NET Framework 4.6.1
        'Microsoft Software, available when Microsoft Update is enabled
        hideupdates(70) = "KB2526954"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 4.0.60310.0
        hideupdates(71) = "KB2512827"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 4.0.60531.0
        hideupdates(72) = "KB2617986"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 4.0.60831.0
        hideupdates(73) = "KB2668562"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 4.1.10111
        hideupdates(74) = "KB2636927"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.10411
        hideupdates(75) = "KB2977218"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.30514.0
        hideupdates(76) = "KB3056819"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.40416.0
        hideupdates(77) = "KB3080333"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.40728.0
        hideupdates(78) = "KB3106614"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.41105.0
        hideupdates(79) = "KB3126036"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.41212.0
        hideupdates(80) = "KB3162593"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.50428.0
        hideupdates(81) = "Silverlight"  'Match unlisted version
        hideupdates(90) = "KB3140479"  'Microsoft Security Essentials -
        hideupdates(91) = "KB2902907"  'Microsoft Security Essentials
        hideupdates(92) = "KB2876229"  'Skype for Windows desktop 7.3
    '##  MAIN  ###################################################################
        Dim startTime, elapsedTime
        Dim updateSearcher, searchResult, update, numUpdates
        Dim reportHeader, reportBody, reportFooter
        Set updateSearcher = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Searcher")
        updateSearcher.Online = onlineCheck
        startTime = Timer   'Start the Timer
        numUpdates = 0
        For n = 1 To numOfChecks
            On Error Resume Next
            Set searchResult = updateSearcher.Search(searchFilter)
            If Err Then
                WScript.Echo "Network error"
                WScript.Quit 1
            End If
            For i = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1
                Set update = searchResult.Updates(i)
                For j = 0 To UBound(hideUpdates)
                    If hideupdates(j) = "" Then   'Skip an empty (unused) entry
                    ElseIf instr(1, update.Title, hideUpdates(j), vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
                        If actionHide Then update.IsHidden = TRUE
                        numUpdates = numUpdates+1
                        'Choose to report KBid   OR   update.Title
                        'reportBody = reportBody & vbCrLf & hideUpdates(j)
                        reportBody = reportBody & vbCrLf & update.Title
                        Exit For    'Found the update, therefore exit this inner For loop
                    End If
            updateSearcher.Online = FALSE  'Force use cached copy after first online check
        elapsedTime = Round(Timer - startTime)  'Stop the Timer
        reportHeader = "Updates Hidden: " & numUpdates & vbCrLf
        If reportBody = "" Then reportBody = vbCrLf & "None"
        reportFooter = vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Total Time: " & elapsedTime & " seconds"
        If NOT runSilent Then WScript.Echo reportHeader & reportBody & reportFooter
    '##  END MAIN  ###############################################################




  5. @pennysylvaniaron

    The 'classic' method will pass SFC, as expected.
    Rollup breaks SFC integrity, there is no current solution to this; Microsoft have been made aware.  (see Issue 1 in this article)

    The Rollup saves time and space when integrating into an offline image (.wim).

    The inconvenience of the SFC violation is minor, but I understand if you prefer a working SFC post install.

    I prefer the quicker integration and smaller install size.

  6. 2 hours ago, Thiersee said:

    KB2574819 is already present in the UL, even it's superseded by Convenience Rollup!

    Have a look here, post #10467 (abbodi1406).

    Yes, I agree, I was just trying to suggest to keep the 2574819 as it is, in RDP - I wondered if the discussion/thought was to remove it from the UL.

    Abbodi states lower down in that post that 2574819 should still be integrated, first, during the RDP integration...

    This rollup is causing a bit of a headache, generally speaking.  I really wish MS would have done a better job of this.  Still, I'm thankful at least they provided this rollup.

    Thanks to you guys for maintaining these ULs. 

  7. Thanks rhahgleuhargh

    I've found the correct order for KB2592687, which now works.

    I downloaded the updated KB3035583-v2, but kept it to one side to integrate at RunOnce.

    I was wondering why some updates don't integrate very nicely offline, so I searched the contents of every update and discovered that the following list of updates all have extra files inside, not just the .cab, which makes me think they are meant to be installed 'online'.  What are your thoughts?


    When I don't integrate these offline, my SFC /SCANNOW has no problems!  And once integrated at RunOnce, the Check for Windows Update now only takes 5 minutes, whereas before it was taking much much longer...(sometimes hours!)

  8. Interesting problem.

    I used the most recent Feb UL. Downloaded the updates that were missing...

    Integrated into a clean image, installed, and two updates were re-requested (2592687,  3035583)

    The RDP update 2592687 may have been caused by me integrating them in the wrong order, but the 3035583 update I had in my download folder was not the most recent version - the more recent version uses the same filename (October vs December).  It would seem that WUD didn't think it needed to download the later version because the file was already there - the exact filename!

    Can anyone else confirm this problem?

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