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Posts posted by jo72

  1. My last post for this topic.


    Done a lot attampts to port the multibootUSB-Flash to ISO eg.DVD.(burning&emulating-beware wich QEMU version you use!).

    Many candidates are on the start-rmprepusb is the winner.

    Conclusion:rmprepusb has all on bord we need for building and porting.



    The sticking point is once again the grub4dos menu.list witch has to be modified by txt.edit for an optical media (primary the ISO sourcepaths/XP help :doh: drivers for example FiraDisk/and layout).


    To cut a long story short...I surrender!


    Not willing to spend more time in the ISO-DVD version because it's out of date for me.

    Done my best-sorry again Jaanvi.


    For those who want go deeper in matter, the Link's that was very helpfull to build a professional workbasic.







    Hot for porting:http://www.rmprepusb.com/tutorials/makegrub4dosiso



    ps:Maybe you should spend a little time to work on your good manners Jaanvi how you perform your re-posts.

        Primary intention was to  build an satisfying result to your question.

        So think twice ma dear... :doh: no offence!


  2. Just let You know.


    Finally complete the Multiboot USB-Flash 16GB Project with WinSetupFromUSB.

    Baby it works...yippie ya yeah.

    Going to transport it on a optical Media if it's possible.

    Will report...to be continued.


    Who's curious my 2 GRUB4DOS Setup's and Details in It attached...

    (Sorry Uploading multipl.FAILED-So in pure txt.).



    color green/black black/light-blue
    timeout 240

    #graphicsmode 0x6A
    graphicsmode -1 640 480:800 24:32 || graphicsmode -1
    ## Menu AutoNumber
    write 0x8274 0x2001

    #graphicsmode -1 800:640 -1 24:32 || graphicsmode -1
    #font /unifont.hex.gz

    #clear mappings and set root in case we return from bootmgr
    map --unmap=0:0xff
    map --unhook
    map --rehook
    ls /usbdrive.tag > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag > nul
    ls /default > nul && default /default

    title BOOTE von Erster Interner FESTPLATTE\nBootet falls vorhanden das installierte System auf HD 0/1.
    map --unhook
    map --unmap=0:0xff && map --rehook
    ls /shifthd.bat > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /shifthd.bat
    if "%RDSK%"=="" pause Fatal error while swaping hard disk order, cannot continue! && configfile /menu.lst
    pause --wait=1 Booting MBR on hd0 ...
    chainloader (hd0)+1

    title WINDOWS 7 und 8.1 (PREAKTIVIERT INSTALLIEREN)\nAuswahl im folgenden Untermenue
    map --unhook
    map --unmap=0:0xff && map --rehook
    savedefault +1
    ls /shifthd.bat > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /shifthd.bat
    if "%RDSK%"=="" pause Fatal error while swaping hard disk order, cannot continue! && configfile /menu.lst
    root (hd%RDSK%,0)
    chainloader /BOOTMGR

    title WINDOWS XP PRO SP3 (PREAKTIVIERT INSTALLIEREN)\nAuswahl im folgenden Untermenue
    map --unmap=0:0xff
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    ls /usbdrive.tag > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag
    configfile /winsetup.lst

    title WindowsPE.3.1x64 MRR.CD+WinExplorer
    map --unmap=0:0xff
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    cat --hex --locate=PoLPu@ (md)0x3D0+0x130 > nul && echo Cannot continue if PLoP is active, please start this entry without loading PLoP first && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x8280&0xff
    root (%dev%,0)
    set ISO=/ISO/00.WindowsPE.3.1x64_____________MRR.CD+WinExplorer.iso
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag|| echo Error! Could not find usbdrive.tag && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %ISO% || echo Error! Could not find %ISO% && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    map %ISO% (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 %ISO% (0xff) || echo FATAL ERROR mapping %ISO%, please check if file is present and defragmented && pause Press any key to return to main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x82a0&0xff
    debug 1
    parttype (%dev%,3) | set check=
    debug off
    set check=%check:~-5,4%
    if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%dev%,3) 0 0 0 && partnew (%dev%,3) 0x00 %ISO%
    if not "%check%"=="0x00" echo WARNING: PARTITION TABLE 4 IN BIOS DEVICE %dev% IS ALREADY IN USE! && echo  && echo To prevent possible data loss will not continue further && pause && configfile /menu.lst
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader (0xff)

    title PC.Welt-Notfall-AIO.KNOPPIX 6.7
    map --unmap=0:0xff
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    cat --hex --locate=PoLPu@ (md)0x3D0+0x130 > nul && echo Cannot continue if PLoP is active, please start this entry without loading PLoP first && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x8280&0xff
    root (%dev%,0)
    set ISO=/ISO/01.PC.Welt-Notfall-AIO.KNOPPIX__6.7.ISO
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag|| echo Error! Could not find usbdrive.tag && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %ISO% || echo Error! Could not find %ISO% && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    map %ISO% (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 %ISO% (0xff) || echo FATAL ERROR mapping %ISO%, please check if file is present and defragmented && pause Press any key to return to main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x82a0&0xff
    debug 1
    parttype (%dev%,3) | set check=
    debug off
    set check=%check:~-5,4%
    if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%dev%,3) 0 0 0 && partnew (%dev%,3) 0x00 %ISO%
    if not "%check%"=="0x00" echo WARNING: PARTITION TABLE 4 IN BIOS DEVICE %dev% IS ALREADY IN USE! && echo  && echo To prevent possible data loss will not continue further && pause && configfile /menu.lst
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader (0xff)

    title ULTIMATE-BootCD 5.2.5
    map --unmap=0:0xff
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    cat --hex --locate=PoLPu@ (md)0x3D0+0x130 > nul && echo Cannot continue if PLoP is active, please start this entry without loading PLoP first && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x8280&0xff
    root (%dev%,0)
    set ISO=/ISO/02.ULTIMATE-BootCD______________5.2.5.iso
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag|| echo Error! Could not find usbdrive.tag && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %ISO% || echo Error! Could not find %ISO% && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    map %ISO% (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 %ISO% (0xff) || echo FATAL ERROR mapping %ISO%, please check if file is present and defragmented && pause Press any key to return to main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x82a0&0xff
    debug 1
    parttype (%dev%,3) | set check=
    debug off
    set check=%check:~-5,4%
    if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%dev%,3) 0 0 0 && partnew (%dev%,3) 0x00 %ISO%
    if not "%check%"=="0x00" echo WARNING: PARTITION TABLE 4 IN BIOS DEVICE %dev% IS ALREADY IN USE! && echo  && echo To prevent possible data loss will not continue further && pause && configfile /menu.lst
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader (0xff)

    title PMAGIC 2013.06.15
    map --unmap=0:0xff
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    cat --hex --locate=PoLPu@ (md)0x3D0+0x130 > nul && echo Cannot continue if PLoP is active, please start this entry without loading PLoP first && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x8280&0xff
    root (%dev%,0)
    set ISO=/ISO/03.PMAGIC_______________________2013.06.15.iso
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag|| echo Error! Could not find usbdrive.tag && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %ISO% || echo Error! Could not find %ISO% && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    map %ISO% (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 %ISO% (0xff) || echo FATAL ERROR mapping %ISO%, please check if file is present and defragmented && pause Press any key to return to main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x82a0&0xff
    debug 1
    parttype (%dev%,3) | set check=
    debug off
    set check=%check:~-5,4%
    if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%dev%,3) 0 0 0 && partnew (%dev%,3) 0x00 %ISO%
    if not "%check%"=="0x00" echo WARNING: PARTITION TABLE 4 IN BIOS DEVICE %dev% IS ALREADY IN USE! && echo  && echo To prevent possible data loss will not continue further && pause && configfile /menu.lst
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader (0xff)

    title PARAGON-FestPlattenManager 12PRO
    map --unmap=0:0xff
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    cat --hex --locate=PoLPu@ (md)0x3D0+0x130 > nul && echo Cannot continue if PLoP is active, please start this entry without loading PLoP first && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x8280&0xff
    root (%dev%,0)
    set ISO=/ISO/04.PARAGON-FestPlattenManager___12PRO.iso
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag|| echo Error! Could not find usbdrive.tag && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %ISO% || echo Error! Could not find %ISO% && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    map %ISO% (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 %ISO% (0xff) || echo FATAL ERROR mapping %ISO%, please check if file is present and defragmented && pause Press any key to return to main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x82a0&0xff
    debug 1
    parttype (%dev%,3) | set check=
    debug off
    set check=%check:~-5,4%
    if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%dev%,3) 0 0 0 && partnew (%dev%,3) 0x00 %ISO%
    if not "%check%"=="0x00" echo WARNING: PARTITION TABLE 4 IN BIOS DEVICE %dev% IS ALREADY IN USE! && echo  && echo To prevent possible data loss will not continue further && pause && configfile /menu.lst
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader (0xff)

    title NT.PasswordReseter 110511
    map --unmap=0:0xff
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    cat --hex --locate=PoLPu@ (md)0x3D0+0x130 > nul && echo Cannot continue if PLoP is active, please start this entry without loading PLoP first && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x8280&0xff
    root (%dev%,0)
    set ISO=/ISO/05.NT.PasswordReseter___________110511.iso
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag|| echo Error! Could not find usbdrive.tag && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %ISO% || echo Error! Could not find %ISO% && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    map %ISO% (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 %ISO% (0xff) || echo FATAL ERROR mapping %ISO%, please check if file is present and defragmented && pause Press any key to return to main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x82a0&0xff
    debug 1
    parttype (%dev%,3) | set check=
    debug off
    set check=%check:~-5,4%
    if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%dev%,3) 0 0 0 && partnew (%dev%,3) 0x00 %ISO%
    if not "%check%"=="0x00" echo WARNING: PARTITION TABLE 4 IN BIOS DEVICE %dev% IS ALREADY IN USE! && echo  && echo To prevent possible data loss will not continue further && pause && configfile /menu.lst
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader (0xff)

    title KON-bootCD 2.1
    map --unmap=0:0xff
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    cat --hex --locate=PoLPu@ (md)0x3D0+0x130 > nul && echo Cannot continue if PLoP is active, please start this entry without loading PLoP first && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x8280&0xff
    root (%dev%,0)
    set ISO=/ISO/06.KON-bootCD___________________2.1.iso
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag|| echo Error! Could not find usbdrive.tag && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %ISO% || echo Error! Could not find %ISO% && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    map %ISO% (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 %ISO% (0xff) || echo FATAL ERROR mapping %ISO%, please check if file is present and defragmented && pause Press any key to return to main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x82a0&0xff
    debug 1
    parttype (%dev%,3) | set check=
    debug off
    set check=%check:~-5,4%
    if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%dev%,3) 0 0 0 && partnew (%dev%,3) 0x00 %ISO%
    if not "%check%"=="0x00" echo WARNING: PARTITION TABLE 4 IN BIOS DEVICE %dev% IS ALREADY IN USE! && echo  && echo To prevent possible data loss will not continue further && pause && configfile /menu.lst
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader (0xff)

    title MEMtest86 4.3.0b
    map --unmap=0:0xff
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    cat --hex --locate=PoLPu@ (md)0x3D0+0x130 > nul && echo Cannot continue if PLoP is active, please start this entry without loading PLoP first && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x8280&0xff
    root (%dev%,0)
    set ISO=/ISO/07.MEMtest86____________________4.3.0b.iso
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag|| echo Error! Could not find usbdrive.tag && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %ISO% || echo Error! Could not find %ISO% && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    map %ISO% (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 %ISO% (0xff) || echo FATAL ERROR mapping %ISO%, please check if file is present and defragmented && pause Press any key to return to main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x82a0&0xff
    debug 1
    parttype (%dev%,3) | set check=
    debug off
    set check=%check:~-5,4%
    if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%dev%,3) 0 0 0 && partnew (%dev%,3) 0x00 %ISO%
    if not "%check%"=="0x00" echo WARNING: PARTITION TABLE 4 IN BIOS DEVICE %dev% IS ALREADY IN USE! && echo  && echo To prevent possible data loss will not continue further && pause && configfile /menu.lst
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader (0xff)

    title HITACHI-DriveFitnessTestx86 4.16b00
    map --unmap=0:0xff
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    cat --hex --locate=PoLPu@ (md)0x3D0+0x130 > nul && echo Cannot continue if PLoP is active, please start this entry without loading PLoP first && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x8280&0xff
    root (%dev%,0)
    set ISO=/ISO/08.HITACHI-DriveFitnessTestx86__4.16b00.iso
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag|| echo Error! Could not find usbdrive.tag && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %ISO% || echo Error! Could not find %ISO% && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    map %ISO% (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 %ISO% (0xff) || echo FATAL ERROR mapping %ISO%, please check if file is present and defragmented && pause Press any key to return to main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x82a0&0xff
    debug 1
    parttype (%dev%,3) | set check=
    debug off
    set check=%check:~-5,4%
    if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%dev%,3) 0 0 0 && partnew (%dev%,3) 0x00 %ISO%
    if not "%check%"=="0x00" echo WARNING: PARTITION TABLE 4 IN BIOS DEVICE %dev% IS ALREADY IN USE! && echo  && echo To prevent possible data loss will not continue further && pause && configfile /menu.lst
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader (0xff)

    title AVIRA-LiveCD 12.2012
    map --unmap=0:0xff
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    cat --hex --locate=PoLPu@ (md)0x3D0+0x130 > nul && echo Cannot continue if PLoP is active, please start this entry without loading PLoP first && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x8280&0xff
    root (%dev%,0)
    set ISO=/ISO/09.AVIRA-LiveCD_________________12.2012.iso
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag|| echo Error! Could not find usbdrive.tag && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %ISO% || echo Error! Could not find %ISO% && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    map %ISO% (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 %ISO% (0xff) || echo FATAL ERROR mapping %ISO%, please check if file is present and defragmented && pause Press any key to return to main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x82a0&0xff
    debug 1
    parttype (%dev%,3) | set check=
    debug off
    set check=%check:~-5,4%
    if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%dev%,3) 0 0 0 && partnew (%dev%,3) 0x00 %ISO%
    if not "%check%"=="0x00" echo WARNING: PARTITION TABLE 4 IN BIOS DEVICE %dev% IS ALREADY IN USE! && echo  && echo To prevent possible data loss will not continue further && pause && configfile /menu.lst
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader (0xff)

    title BITDEFENDERrescueCD 03.2013
    map --unmap=0:0xff
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    cat --hex --locate=PoLPu@ (md)0x3D0+0x130 > nul && echo Cannot continue if PLoP is active, please start this entry without loading PLoP first && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x8280&0xff
    root (%dev%,0)
    set ISO=/ISO/10.BITDEFENDERrescueCD__________03.2013.iso
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag|| echo Error! Could not find usbdrive.tag && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %ISO% || echo Error! Could not find %ISO% && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    map %ISO% (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 %ISO% (0xff) || echo FATAL ERROR mapping %ISO%, please check if file is present and defragmented && pause Press any key to return to main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x82a0&0xff
    debug 1
    parttype (%dev%,3) | set check=
    debug off
    set check=%check:~-5,4%
    if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%dev%,3) 0 0 0 && partnew (%dev%,3) 0x00 %ISO%
    if not "%check%"=="0x00" echo WARNING: PARTITION TABLE 4 IN BIOS DEVICE %dev% IS ALREADY IN USE! && echo  && echo To prevent possible data loss will not continue further && pause && configfile /menu.lst
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader (0xff)

    title GPARTED 0.16.1
    map --unmap=0:0xff
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    cat --hex --locate=PoLPu@ (md)0x3D0+0x130 > nul && echo Cannot continue if PLoP is active, please start this entry without loading PLoP first && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x8280&0xff
    root (%dev%,0)
    set ISO=/ISO/11.GPARTED______________________0.16.1.iso
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag|| echo Error! Could not find usbdrive.tag && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %ISO% || echo Error! Could not find %ISO% && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    map %ISO% (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 %ISO% (0xff) || echo FATAL ERROR mapping %ISO%, please check if file is present and defragmented && pause Press any key to return to main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x82a0&0xff
    debug 1
    parttype (%dev%,3) | set check=
    debug off
    set check=%check:~-5,4%
    if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%dev%,3) 0 0 0 && partnew (%dev%,3) 0x00 %ISO%
    if not "%check%"=="0x00" echo WARNING: PARTITION TABLE 4 IN BIOS DEVICE %dev% IS ALREADY IN USE! && echo  && echo To prevent possible data loss will not continue further && pause && configfile /menu.lst
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader (0xff)

    title OSF.Clone 1.0.1008
    map --unmap=0:0xff
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    cat --hex --locate=PoLPu@ (md)0x3D0+0x130 > nul && echo Cannot continue if PLoP is active, please start this entry without loading PLoP first && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x8280&0xff
    root (%dev%,0)
    set ISO=/ISO/12.OSF.Clone____________________1.0.1008.iso
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag|| echo Error! Could not find usbdrive.tag && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %ISO% || echo Error! Could not find %ISO% && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    map %ISO% (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 %ISO% (0xff) || echo FATAL ERROR mapping %ISO%, please check if file is present and defragmented && pause Press any key to return to main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x82a0&0xff
    debug 1
    parttype (%dev%,3) | set check=
    debug off
    set check=%check:~-5,4%
    if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%dev%,3) 0 0 0 && partnew (%dev%,3) 0x00 %ISO%
    if not "%check%"=="0x00" echo WARNING: PARTITION TABLE 4 IN BIOS DEVICE %dev% IS ALREADY IN USE! && echo  && echo To prevent possible data loss will not continue further && pause && configfile /menu.lst
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader (0xff)

    title CLONEZILLA 2013.02.26
    map --unmap=0:0xff
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    cat --hex --locate=PoLPu@ (md)0x3D0+0x130 > nul && echo Cannot continue if PLoP is active, please start this entry without loading PLoP first && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x8280&0xff
    root (%dev%,0)
    set ISO=/ISO/13.CLONEZILLA___________________2013.02.26.iso
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag|| echo Error! Could not find usbdrive.tag && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %ISO% || echo Error! Could not find %ISO% && echo  && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    map %ISO% (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 %ISO% (0xff) || echo FATAL ERROR mapping %ISO%, please check if file is present and defragmented && pause Press any key to return to main menu && configfile /menu.lst
    set /a dev=*0x82a0&0xff
    debug 1
    parttype (%dev%,3) | set check=
    debug off
    set check=%check:~-5,4%
    if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%dev%,3) 0 0 0 && partnew (%dev%,3) 0x00 %ISO%
    if not "%check%"=="0x00" echo WARNING: PARTITION TABLE 4 IN BIOS DEVICE %dev% IS ALREADY IN USE! && echo  && echo To prevent possible data loss will not continue further && pause && configfile /menu.lst
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader (0xff)


    color green/black black/light-blue
    write 0x8274 0x2001
    timeout 240
    ls /windefault > nul && default /windefault

    title ...Zurueck zum Hauptmenue
    ls /usbdrive.tag > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag > nul
    configfile /menu.lst

    title \n

    title 1.OPTION Autodetect und benutze F6 SATA/RAID/SCSI Treiber\nDiese Option benutzen wenn 1.interne HD nicht erkannt wird oder Stop BSOD 0x0000007B angezeigt wird\nAuswaehlen vorm TextModeSetup oder PE1 Start\n!!Im Moment nur 32Bit Unterstuetzung!!\nLINKs (www.chenall.net/) & (www.rmprepusb.com)
    map --unmap=0:0xFF
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    ls /DPMS/DPMS.ISO > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /DPMS/DPMS.ISO
    map /DPMS/DPMS.ISO (0xfa)|| map --mem /DPMS/DPMS.ISO (0xfa)
    map --hook
    root (0xfa)
    set FIRA=0
    /dpms2.g4b 0
    ls (0)/txtsetup.oem && map (0) (1) && set DPMS=1
    map --unmap=0xfa
    map --rehook
    ls /usbdrive.tag > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag
    configfile /winsetup.lst

    title 2.OPTION Autodetect und benutze F6 SATA/RAID/SCSI Treiber+Firadisk Treiber\nDiese Option benutzen wenn obere Funktion nicht Funktioniert\nAuswaehlen vorm TextModeSetup
    map --unmap=0:0xFF
    map --unhook && map --rehook
    ls /DPMS/DPMS.ISO > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /DPMS/DPMS.ISO
    map /DPMS/DPMS.ISO (0xfa)|| map --mem /DPMS/DPMS.ISO (0xfa)
    map --hook
    root (0xfa)
    set FIRA=0
    /dpms2.g4b 0
    ls (0)/txtsetup.oem && map (0) (1)
    map --unmap=0xfa
    map --rehook
    ls (0)/txtsetup.oem && set LOADFIRA=1 && set DPMS=1
    ls /usbdrive.tag > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag
    configfile /winsetup.lst

    #F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6# #DO NOT REMOVE THESE LINES

    title \n

    title 1.Windows XP Professional SP3-INSTALLIEREN
    if NOT %DPMS%==1 map --unhook
    if NOT %DPMS%==1 map --unmap=0:0xff  && map --rehook
    savedefault +1
    ls /shifthd.bat > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /shifthd.bat
    root (hd%RDSK%,0)
    ls %ISOPATH% > nul || find --set-root --devices=h %ISOPATH%
    map --mem %ISOPATH% (0xff)
    map --e820cycles=3
    map --rehook
    ls (0xff)/ > nul && root (0xff)
    ls (0xff)/ > nul || echo Fatal error while creating virtual disk 0xFF...
    if "%RDSK%"=="" pause Fatal error while swaping hard disk order, cannot continue! && configfile /winsetup.lst
    if not %RDSK%==1 ls (0xff)/I386/TXTSETUP.SIF > nul && cat --locatei=rdisk(1) --replace=rdisk(%RDSK%) (0xff)/I386/TXTSETUP.SIF
    if not %RDSK%==1 ls (0xff)/AMD64/TXTSETUP.SIF > nul && cat --locatei=rdisk(1) --replace=rdisk(%RDSK%) (0xff)/AMD64/TXTSETUP.SIF
    if %LOADFIRA%==1 ls (0xff)/I386/TXTSETUP.SIF > nul && cat --locatei=;;FIRA;; --replace=;;FIRA\r\n (0xff)/I386/TXTSETUP.SIF
    ls /I386/SETUPLDR.BIN > nul && set LDR=/I386/SETUPLDR.BIN
    chainloader %LDR%
    pause --wait=1 Launching Setup from (hd%RDSK%,0)
    #we should not get here but just in case of errors above...
    map --unhook
    map --unmap=0:0xff && map --rehook

    title 2.Von der 1 Internen Festplatte-BOOTEN
    ls /shifthd.bat > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /shifthd.bat
    if "%RDSK%"=="" pause Fatal error while swaping hard disk order, cannot continue! && configfile /menu.lst
    pause --wait=1 Booting MBR on hd0 ...
    chainloader (hd0)+1
    rootnoverify (hd0)

    title \n

  3. Than sorry Jaanvi...


    Just want to help you.

    mooms Post  13 January 2014 - 12:08 AM Link XP Powerpacker works to me...

    You sould hang on mooms Way for build an multi DVD...

    I go on build an ultimate MultiUSB just for Fun...(Maybe you change your Preferences from DVD to USB-works just a little faster ;) ).


    So good Luck...and...You know...

  4. Hey Guys!


    Q:Can't we add the drivers with driverpacks mass storage text mode function ?

    A:This should work also...append a Gru4Dos"winsetup.lst"+"menu.lst" Sample performed with WinSetupFromUSBv1.3.-Take a Look...


    WinSetupFromUSBv1.3.-Instal.esd Sources Windows 8.1 x86x64 testet-works 100% on USBflash (DVD?).

    Rebuild Grub Menu if you like...(see my Samples).


    So long...



    color green/black black/light-bluewrite 0x8274 0x2001timeout 240ls /windefault > nul && default /windefaulttitle ...Zurueck zum Hauptmenuels /usbdrive.tag > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag > nulconfigfile /menu.lsttitle \nroottitle OPTIONAL Auto-detect and use F6 SATA/RAID/SCSI Driver\nUse if your internal disk is not detected or getting BSOD 0x0000007B\nSelect once before Text mode of Setup or starting PE1\nCurrently 32 bit versions are supported.\nCreated by Chenall (www.chenall.net/) & Modified by Steve Si (www.rmprepusb.com)#http://bbs.wuyou.com/viewthread.php?tid=197550#http://chenall.net/#http://www.rmprepusb.commap --unmap=0:0xFFmap --unhook && map --rehookls /DPMS/DPMS.ISO > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /DPMS/DPMS.ISOmap /DPMS/DPMS.ISO (0xfa)|| map --mem /DPMS/DPMS.ISO (0xfa)map --hookroot (0xfa)set FIRA=0/dpms2.g4b 0ls (0)/txtsetup.oem && map (0) (1) && set DPMS=1map --unmap=0xfamap --rehookls /usbdrive.tag > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tagconfigfile /winsetup.lsttitle OPTIONAL Auto-detect and use F6 SATA/RAID/SCSI Driver + Firadisk\nTry this entry if the one above does not work on particular machine\nUse once, before Text mode of Setup#http://bbs.wuyou.com/viewthread.php?tid=197550#http://chenall.net/#http://www.rmprepusb.commap --unmap=0:0xFFmap --unhook && map --rehookls /DPMS/DPMS.ISO > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /DPMS/DPMS.ISOmap /DPMS/DPMS.ISO (0xfa)|| map --mem /DPMS/DPMS.ISO (0xfa)map --hookroot (0xfa)set FIRA=0/dpms2.g4b 0ls (0)/txtsetup.oem && map (0) (1)map --unmap=0xfamap --rehookls (0)/txtsetup.oem && set LOADFIRA=1 && set DPMS=1ls /usbdrive.tag > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tagconfigfile /winsetup.lst#F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6##F6# #DO NOT REMOVE THESE LINEStitle \nroottitle 1 Windows XP Professional SP3 INSTALLIERENset ISOPATH=/WINSETUP/XPpSP3.ISOif NOT %DPMS%==1 map --unhookif NOT %DPMS%==1 map --unmap=0:0xff  && map --rehooksavedefault +1ls /shifthd.bat > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /shifthd.bat/shifthd.batroot (hd%RDSK%,0)ls %ISOPATH% > nul || find --set-root --devices=h %ISOPATH%map --mem %ISOPATH% (0xff)map --e820cycles=3map --rehookls (0xff)/ > nul && root (0xff)ls (0xff)/ > nul || echo Fatal error while creating virtual disk 0xFF...if "%RDSK%"=="" pause Fatal error while swaping hard disk order, cannot continue! && configfile /winsetup.lstif not %RDSK%==1 ls (0xff)/I386/TXTSETUP.SIF > nul && cat --locatei=rdisk(1) --replace=rdisk(%RDSK%) (0xff)/I386/TXTSETUP.SIFif not %RDSK%==1 ls (0xff)/AMD64/TXTSETUP.SIF > nul && cat --locatei=rdisk(1) --replace=rdisk(%RDSK%) (0xff)/AMD64/TXTSETUP.SIFif %LOADFIRA%==1 ls (0xff)/I386/TXTSETUP.SIF > nul && cat --locatei=;;FIRA;; --replace=;;FIRA\r\n (0xff)/I386/TXTSETUP.SIFls /I386/SETUPLDR.BIN > nul && set LDR=/I386/SETUPLDR.BINchainloader %LDR%pause --wait=1 Launching Setup from (hd%RDSK%,0)boot#we should not get here but just in case of errors above...map --unhookmap --unmap=0:0xff && map --rehooktitle 2 Von 1 Internen Festplatte BOOTENsavedefaultls /shifthd.bat > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /shifthd.bat/shifthd.batif "%RDSK%"=="" pause Fatal error while swaping hard disk order, cannot continue! && configfile /menu.lstpause --wait=1 Booting MBR on hd0 ...chainloader (hd0)+1rootnoverify (hd0)title \nroot




    color green/black black/light-bluetimeout 240#graphicsmode 0x6Agraphicsmode -1 640 480:800 24:32 || graphicsmode -1## Menu AutoNumberwrite 0x8274 0x2001#graphicsmode -1 800:640 -1 24:32 || graphicsmode -1#font /unifont.hex.gz#clear mappings and set root in case we return from bootmgrmap --unmap=0:0xffmap --unhookmap --rehookls /usbdrive.tag > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag > nulls /default > nul && default /defaulttitle WINDOWS XP PRO SP3    (PREAKTIVERT INSTALLIEREN)\nAuswahl im folgenden Untermenuemap --unmap=0:0xffmap --unhook && map --rehooksavedefaultls /usbdrive.tag > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tagconfigfile /winsetup.lsttitle WINDOWS Vista/7/8/8.1 (PREAKTIVERT INSTALLIEREN)\nAuswahl im folgenden Untermenuemap --unhookmap --unmap=0:0xff && map --rehooksavedefault +1ls /shifthd.bat > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /shifthd.bat/shifthd.batif "%RDSK%"=="" pause Fatal error while swaping hard disk order, cannot continue! && configfile /menu.lstroot (hd%RDSK%,0)chainloader /BOOTMGRtitle WINDOWS          (BOOTE von Interner FESTPLATTE)\nBootet falls vorhanden das installierte System auf HD 0/1.map --unhookmap --unmap=0:0xff && map --rehooksavedefaultls /shifthd.bat > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /shifthd.bat/shifthd.batif "%RDSK%"=="" pause Fatal error while swaping hard disk order, cannot continue! && configfile /menu.lstpause --wait=1 Booting MBR on hd0 ...chainloader (hd0)+1title Windows NT6 (Vista/7 and above) Setupmap --unhookmap --unmap=0:0xff && map --rehooksavedefault +1ls /shifthd.bat > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /shifthd.bat/shifthd.batif "%RDSK%"=="" pause Fatal error while swaping hard disk order, cannot continue! && configfile /menu.lstroot (hd%RDSK%,0)chainloader /BOOTMGRtitle Second part/continue NT6 Setup (Boot first internal disk)map --unhookmap --unmap=0:0xff && map --rehooksavedefaultls /shifthd.bat > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /shifthd.bat/shifthd.batif "%RDSK%"=="" pause Fatal error while swaping hard disk order, cannot continue! && configfile /menu.lstpause --wait=1 Booting MBR on hd0 ...chainloader (hd0)+1

  5. Hey Guys!


    I can confirm mooms post for rmprepusb.This tool is State of the Art for USB.Multiworkout.

    rmprepusb performs all of this Steps (and many more),but not realy userfriendly for me.

    It is allso included in WinSetupFromUSBv1.3.


    WARNING! easy2Boot is a real good Tool,but has Problems with more than 1 Windows Source.(self testet).


    Allover the named Tools use Grub4Dos or SysLinux as Bootloader.

    The tricky Part of preparing an Multiboot (DVD or USBflash) is to integrate the Drivers (such as XP need) in the Bootsection,and form the Grubbootlist most times manual.

    (I've used lot of Time and Training to get the same Result as WinSetupFromUSB performs).

    Will test the new Versions...and report...


    Have a nice Day...

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