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Posts posted by JuMz

  1. I will repack it making sure I used the /norestart switch but I use it during svcpack and never restarted with any of my tests

    I know your addon was not meant to work this way but try doing what I did and see if it reboots on you...I was using your executable in a WPI install when it occurred...

  2. Hey Rick,

    I extracted your VMWare Tools 6 cab and ran the executable that was inside SVCPACK alone inside a VM of XP that did not have VMWare tools installed. It automatically, without prompt, forced a reboot...Is there anyway I can get rid of that? Thanks!

  3. Thank you! Will test and post back soon!

    EDIT: Just tried it in a VM using my WPI and this selected as the only entry...It hangs and doesn't seem to complete. When I go into the task manager, I see that it's just sitting there. When I end it manually, then WPI finishes, and it 'appears' to have installed correctly but I am not sure...

    As you can see, this is a fresh build with no Applications whatsoever...


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