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  1. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from shhnedo in [Tool] DX Tool x86/x64   
  2. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from mooms in Flash Player Plugins SFX & AddOn Maker   
    for example you can also save the Flash.sfx
  3. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from mooms in Flash Player Plugins SFX & AddOn Maker   
    Hi mooms, I've seen in your Flash_Silent_Install_Maker (anyway is already everything Ok there) that uses BL_FV to take the version of the file, and I remembered that years ago when I used the cmd file (to creating True Addon), I used this way ehhh, always thinking of including fewer files in the source or doing everything from the cmd file
    :FLASHPLAYER IF /I EXIST "%TARGETDIR%" RD /S /Q "%TARGETDIR%" MD "%TARGETDIR%" CD /D "%TARGETDIR%" "%TEMP%\7z.exe" x -y "%WORKFILE%" > .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO strPath = "%TARGETDIR%\AFPVerFN.txt" >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Set strFile = fso.CreateTextFile(strPath, True) >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Set f = fso.GetFolder("%TARGETDIR%") >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Set fc = f.Files >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO For Each fs In fc >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO If fso.GetExtensionName(fs) = "ocx" then >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO strFile.WriteLine(fso.GetFileVersion(fs)) >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO End if >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Next AFPOCXVer.vbs DEL /F/Q *.vbs IF EXIST "*.*" FOR /F "USEBACKQ DELIMS==" %%I IN (`DIR /A-D /OGN /B "%TARGETDIR%\*.exe"`) DO ECHO %%~nxI >> "AFPVerFN.txt" IF EXIST "*.*" FOR /F "USEBACKQ DELIMS==" %%I IN (`DIR /A-D /OGN /B "%TARGETDIR%\*.ocx"`) DO ECHO %%~nxI >> "AFPVerFN.txt" setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (AFPVerFN.txt) do ( set /a AFPVer+=1 set AFPVerFN!AFPVer!=%%a) set AFPVerFN ::== setLocal DisableDelayedExpansion set AFPVer=%AFPVerFN1% SET AFPEXEN=%AFPVerFN2: =% SET AFPOCXN=%AFPVerFN3: =% ::ect ect ect ::ect ect ect ::ect ect ect ::ect ect ect nothing special,  thought to post it  maybe you're interested
  4. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from matekudasai in DXTool Beta   
    Ragazzi ecco il nuovo Tool che comprende CabTool (supporta pienamente unicode mod), Reg2Inf, GOscdimg e il Grant Admin Full Control (Permissions and Ownership) che e 4 volte piu veloce del subinacl.exe & SetAcl.exe
    DXTool BETA x64
    Update (2 Settembre 2017)
    Update (2 Settembre 2017)
    Update (2 Settembre 2017)
    Update (2 Settembre 2017)
    Update (2 Settembre 2017)
    Update (2 Settembre 2017)
    Hash MD5 5933E3965452379338D726CDA0678A5B
    Filesize: 275 KB (281600 bytes)   DXTool BETA x86
    Aggiornato (2 Settembre 2017)
    Aggiornato (2 Settembre 2017)
    Aggiornato (2 Settembre 2017)
    Aggiornato (2 Settembre 2017)
    Aggiornato (2 Settembre 2017)
    Aggiornato (2 Settembre 2017)
    Hash MD5 C4ACDE86764DC2D2ED765AB0330AE5E4
    Filesize: 246 KB (252416 bytes)   aggiungo CabTool e Hash Tool, che vuole dire supporta il
    DXTool.exe /RTI file.reg 
    DXTool.exe /CT FilePath
    DXTool.exe /MD5 FilePath
    DXTool.exe /SHA1 FilePath
    DXTool.exe /SAOD FilePath
    DXTool.exe /GOscdimg FolderPath
    DXTool.exe /GUPX FilePath
    DXTool.exe /7ZSplit FilePath
    DXTool.exe /DRE FilePath.dll
    per di piu guardate il topic del vechio DXTool
    Ciao a tutti.
  5. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from Dziubek in Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO International Update Packs FINAL   
  6. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from filter in Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL   
    Hi guys, about KB4012598  just integrate it with nLite after integrating Update Pack
    Or, is simple hotfix that includes only 2 files so anyone who wants will be able to integrate it in updatepack
    1 - extrack hotfix - WindowsXP-KB4012598-x86-custom-ENU.exe -x:"C:\WindowsXP-KB4012598-x86-ENU" /Q
    2 - Take from the C:\WindowsXP-KB4012598-x86-ENU\SP3QFE "xpsp4res.dll" and "srv.sys" 
    3 - extrack UpdatePack e Copy\Replace inside these two files, Also copy "KB4012598.CAT" in SvcPack folder
    4 - This hotfix puts obsolete the KB2508429, so if you want, you can delete KB2508429.cat from the svcpack folder, and replace all (KB2508429 with KB4012598) in OPMWXPUP.inf, replace KB4012598.AddReg section with
    [KB4012598.AddReg]     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598", "Description", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_SECURITY_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KB4012598)"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598", "InstalledBy", %REG_SZ%, "%NAME%"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598", "InstalledDate", %REG_SZ%, "%VERSION%"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598", "Type", %REG_SZ%, "Update"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\0", "FileName", %REG_SZ%, "srv.sys"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\0", "Version", %REG_SZ%, "5.1.2600.7208"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\0", "BuildDate", %REG_SZ%, "Sat Feb 11 21:38:35 2017"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\0", "BuildCheckSum", %REG_SZ%, "5ddea"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\0", "Location", %REG_SZ%, "%12%"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\1", "FileName", %REG_SZ%, "xpsp4res.dll"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\1", "Version", %REG_SZ%, "5.1.2600.7208"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\1", "BuildDate", %REG_SZ%, "Sat Feb 11 19:54:15 2017"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\1", "BuildCheckSum", %REG_SZ%, "ab63"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\1", "Location", %REG_SZ%, "%11%"     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Backup Dir", %REG_SZ%, ""     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Comments", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_SECURITY_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KB4012598)"     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Fix Description", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_SECURITY_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KB4012598)"     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Installed", %REG_DWORD%, "1"     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Installed By", %REG_SZ%, "%NAME%"     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Installed On", %REG_SZ%, "%VERSION%"     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Service Pack", %REG_DWORD%, %SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Valid", %REG_DWORD%, "1"     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598\File 1", "Flags", %REG_SZ%, ""     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598\File 1", "New File", %REG_SZ%, ""     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598\File 1", "New Link Date", %REG_SZ%, ""     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598\File 1", "Old Link Date", %REG_SZ%, ""     HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\System\Srv","EventMessageFile",%REG_EXPAND_SZ%,"%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\xpsp4res.dll" archive UpdatePack with 7-Zip or WinRar or other (which nLite and RVMi supports) and is all OK.
    Ciao a tutti.
  7. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from mooms in Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL   
    Hi guys, about KB4012598  just integrate it with nLite after integrating Update Pack
    Or, is simple hotfix that includes only 2 files so anyone who wants will be able to integrate it in updatepack
    1 - extrack hotfix - WindowsXP-KB4012598-x86-custom-ENU.exe -x:"C:\WindowsXP-KB4012598-x86-ENU" /Q
    2 - Take from the C:\WindowsXP-KB4012598-x86-ENU\SP3QFE "xpsp4res.dll" and "srv.sys" 
    3 - extrack UpdatePack e Copy\Replace inside these two files, Also copy "KB4012598.CAT" in SvcPack folder
    4 - This hotfix puts obsolete the KB2508429, so if you want, you can delete KB2508429.cat from the svcpack folder, and replace all (KB2508429 with KB4012598) in OPMWXPUP.inf, replace KB4012598.AddReg section with
    [KB4012598.AddReg]     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598", "Description", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_SECURITY_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KB4012598)"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598", "InstalledBy", %REG_SZ%, "%NAME%"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598", "InstalledDate", %REG_SZ%, "%VERSION%"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598", "Type", %REG_SZ%, "Update"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\0", "FileName", %REG_SZ%, "srv.sys"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\0", "Version", %REG_SZ%, "5.1.2600.7208"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\0", "BuildDate", %REG_SZ%, "Sat Feb 11 21:38:35 2017"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\0", "BuildCheckSum", %REG_SZ%, "5ddea"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\0", "Location", %REG_SZ%, "%12%"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\1", "FileName", %REG_SZ%, "xpsp4res.dll"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\1", "Version", %REG_SZ%, "5.1.2600.7208"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\1", "BuildDate", %REG_SZ%, "Sat Feb 11 19:54:15 2017"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\1", "BuildCheckSum", %REG_SZ%, "ab63"     HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\1", "Location", %REG_SZ%, "%11%"     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Backup Dir", %REG_SZ%, ""     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Comments", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_SECURITY_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KB4012598)"     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Fix Description", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_SECURITY_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KB4012598)"     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Installed", %REG_DWORD%, "1"     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Installed By", %REG_SZ%, "%NAME%"     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Installed On", %REG_SZ%, "%VERSION%"     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Service Pack", %REG_DWORD%, %SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Valid", %REG_DWORD%, "1"     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598\File 1", "Flags", %REG_SZ%, ""     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598\File 1", "New File", %REG_SZ%, ""     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598\File 1", "New Link Date", %REG_SZ%, ""     HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598\File 1", "Old Link Date", %REG_SZ%, ""     HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\System\Srv","EventMessageFile",%REG_EXPAND_SZ%,"%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\xpsp4res.dll" archive UpdatePack with 7-Zip or WinRar or other (which nLite and RVMi supports) and is all OK.
    Ciao a tutti.
  8. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from filter in Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO International Update Packs FINAL   
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 ARA - (Arabic)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 3835131B82248D2471CA4B1F18F3B46C
    Filesize: 22.91 MB (24026519 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 CHS - (Chinese Simplified)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 A6E05643DCF59100EE0F4EE0DFB6F130
    Filesize: 22.87 MB (23979898 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 CHT - (Chinese Traditional)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 B7147986D2685DB517F84D4FA0585830
    Filesize: 22.87 MB (23977850 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 CSY - (Czech)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 62436365B00DDEFF9FA3D32293102EAB
    Filesize: 22.87 MB (23981402 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 DAN - (Danish)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 DE11F06E09C238630A5026F3D38B9EAC
    Filesize: 22.86 MB (23966681 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 DEU - (German)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 752CF77E57732CFE2FFA6177DD252EF4
    Filesize: 22.86 MB (23971264 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 ELL - (Greek)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 A59E4EF8528F61A7E187A5FFC8C791D9
    Filesize: 22.9 MB (24008744 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 ENU - (English)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 D165288E21109551F229A2C38009BB46
    Filesize: 22.78 MB (23886724 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 ESN - (Spanish)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 D156761E9AF530713AD429483CAF7AF0
    Filesize: 22.87 MB (23978000 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 FIN - (Finnish)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 DC1C4E2C0C4183F9CD801F33C2039C99
    Filesize: 22.86 MB (23966469 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 FRA - (French)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 5CA7E58FBA6969C1AE7C46F14B29ED09
    Filesize: 22.87 MB (23979016 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 HEB - (Hebrew)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 BA6BA52B49DADDFC7BE691F63994EDAD
    Filesize: 22.91 MB (24026633 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 HUN - (Hungarian)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 85F562ECE072A1CAC82660A253447390
    Filesize: 22.87 MB (23980449 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 ITA - (Italiano)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 491673AA22A6CB46FFC67A40CCA71260
    Filesize: 22.86 MB (23970988 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 JPN - (Japanese)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 462C8D438B78E5FCF912E32156D0C599
    Filesize: 22.88 MB (23992001 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 KOR - (Korean)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 151F7C7C822235A6B5307AE0248E286A
    Filesize: 22.88 MB (23989332 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 NLD - (Dutch)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 FFB40B24AD6EA8FF00A67722110BC0CC
    Filesize: 22.87 MB (23983773 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 NOR - (Norwegian)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 95E61888498A6ED4D0CEF5A697B944A3
    Filesize: 22.85 MB (23964189 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 PLK - (Polish)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 0653E641C3636D2A589B88757F31F217
    Filesize: 22.87 MB (23980694 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 PTB - (Brazilian)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 B3923E66D24E751C18A1783A32319EA6
    Filesize: 22.86 MB (23972417 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 PTG - (Portuguese)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 4AC7B46F6FD09B80ECE0DB4152496352
    Filesize: 22.87 MB (23975828 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 RUS - (Russian)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 69CFBF380FB51529DDC58305F76660A2
    Filesize: 22.86 MB (23968767 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 SVE - (Swedish)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 826FA667A38892027A94A30BA836E432
    Filesize: 22.86 MB (23968575 bytes)  
    OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 TRK - (Turkish)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Update (21 December 2016)
    Hash MD5 110AAD201212C61C57AD872047FA6D0E
    Filesize: 22.86 MB (23967892 bytes)  
  9. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from montellam in Unlocker v1.9.2 (x86 & x64) True AddOn INTL (per Windows XP/2003/Vista/Seven/8/NEXT)   
    Ragazzi ecco come True AddOn anche il Unlocker x32 & x64, ragazzi il addon comprende gi� la versione x32 e il x64, il addon crea collegamento in pannello di controllo, o scelto il modo di non creare collegamenti in start menu, il addon e applicabile in Windows NT6.x Vista/Seven x32 & x64 e WinXP e Win2k3 in x32, per integrare il addon in Windows NT6.x Vista/Seven necessita usare ultima release del WinNT6.x TrueIntegrator, invece in WinXP e Win2k3 serve usare come sempre nLite e RVMi per integrarlo

    OnePiece Unlocker v1.9.2 AddOn INTL
    Aggiornato (Maggio 17 2013)
    Aggiornato (Maggio 17 2013)
    Aggiornato (Maggio 17 2013)
    Aggiornato (Maggio 17 2013)
    Hash MD5 AF313F3F20F5A1A63821AE23A19A1C33
    Filesize: 118 KB (121416 byte)

    PS: Non fate caso ai immagini in inglese, sapete eWin7 x64 non o avuto davvero nervi installare il Lang pack ITA in VM, visto che estendo che lavoro in un notebook buono ma on cosi cosi potente ehhhhhhh, la cosa mi prendeva ancora altri 20 minuti di tempo (e dopo settimane di test e tutto quella fatica 20 minuti di piu ormai sembravano come altri 20 giorni ehhhhh), ma in un secondo momento metteremo immagini ITA
  10. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from BusyElf in copying multiple versions with same file name to multiple target folders   
    Hi BusyElf, the inf setup and all other microsoft setup (like Windows Installer) do not support subdirectory inside cab archive, but it supports anything else so you do not need to do so that is not the most efficient and useful mod, so for this reason Microsoft does not use it, the alternatives are many (I do not know if nLite\RVMi support them I think not, but the DX WinNT6.x True Integrator supports all), so in INF SourceDisksNames Section
    and in INF SourceDisksFiles Sectionso Mod 1 (nLite\RVMi support it)

    Mod 2

    Mod 3

    in poor words with Inf Setup you can do every everything, and even perfectly and safe, in the end is a Microsoft thing ehhhh
    anyway see also how WinRAR True AddOn install the theme from Entries.ini, that an easy way, but not as useful as INF SourceDisksFiles because INF SourceDisksFiles check recent\version file ect ect
    ahhh in x64 Setup for x32 files use DirId 16425 (16425 = %SystemRoot%\system32 ;OR %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64 in X64), as i said before inside all True AddOns find all possible examples
  11. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from BusyElf in [Tool] DX WinNT6.x True Integrator for Vista/7/8/8.1/10 32/64bit   
    Hi BusyElf, there is no difference only the section [sysoc] that must be put also in [sysPrepOC], WinNT6.x True Integrator is much more advanced (It supports much more) than nLite\RVMi because WinNT6.x True Integrator add\integrate\install but also rollback\remove\uninstall the addon, that thanks to Windows NT6.x where you can add\install\integrate\remove\uninstall\rollback software in offline mod, however the structure is the same (It is fully compatible with the nLite\RVMi) but in WinNT6.x True Integrator the entries.ini in can also be used in advanced mod, here
    are in Italian, but is same idea, is the same thing
    however the true examples are those inside the True AddOn himself, so need only to extract the True AddOn and see inside them, inside you will find every example that will serve you
    in poor words WinNT6.x True Integrator interpret\execute the True AddOn, exactly as dism interpret\execute the update .cab\ .msu
    Sorry for my English
  12. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from SunLion in DXTool   
    Ragazzi ecco il nuovo Tool che comprende CabTool (supporta pienamente unicode mod), Reg2Inf, Inf2Reg, Registry Tweaks True AddOn Creator, GUPX, GOscdimg e il Grant Admin Full Control (Permissions and Ownership) che e 4 volte piu veloce del subinacl.exe & SetAcl.exe
    DXTool x64 v1.2.1.1
    Aggiornato (22 Marzo 2017)
    Aggiornato (22 Marzo 2017)
    Aggiornato (22 Marzo 2017)
    Aggiornato (22 Marzo 2017)
    Aggiornato (22 Marzo 2017)
    Aggiornato (22 Marzo 2017)
    Hash MD5 DD7B4EB2CBE0330F73D855C8FAEFAD98
    Filesize: 2.13 MB (2228224 bytes) DXTool x86 v1.2.1.1
    Aggiornato (22 Marzo 2017)
    Aggiornato (22 Marzo 2017)
    Aggiornato (22 Marzo 2017)
    Aggiornato (22 Marzo 2017)
    Aggiornato (22 Marzo 2017)
    Aggiornato (22 Marzo 2017)
    Hash MD5 C06B72F253342DEDDE16D373BA619EC1
    Filesize: 2.09 MB (2192896 bytes)  
    serve fare doppio click sul DXtool.exe per installare i collegamenti in Send To, oppure per rimuoverli eseguire il DXTool.exe /Remove

    Oppure potere usarlo sul riga di comando
    Riguardo Grant Admin Full Control (Permissions and Ownership) ragazzi la troverete strano ma il DXTool e circa 4 volte piu veloce del subinacl.exe & SetAcl.exe (di piu e in GUI mod ;)), in un test semplice fato da me montando il Windows 8 x64 in "D:\MountDir_TMP" indicato la cartella "D:\MountDir_TMP\Windows" che e di circa 80000 file\diretory, sia al subinacl.exe sia al SetAcl.exe li sono serviti circa 16-17 minuti per prendere i permessi di tutti i file\diretory, invece il DXTool li servano circa 4 minuti
    CD /D "%~dp0"ECHO. | TIME | FIND /i "current">> subinacl_test.txtsubinacl.exe /subdirectories D:\MountDir_TMP\Windows\* /setowner=administrator /grant=administrators=fECHO. | TIME | FIND /i "current">> subinacl_test.txt SetAcl
    CD /D "%~dp0"ECHO. | TIME | FIND /i "current">> SetACL_test.txtSetACL.exe -on "D:\MountDir_TMP\Windows" -ot file -rec cont_obj -actn setowner -ownr "n:Administrators" -actn ace -ace "n:Administrators;p:full"ECHO. | TIME | FIND /i "current">> SetACL_test.txt  
  13. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from Mescal0 in Video Corso C/C++ ITA   

  14. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from StopLooking in AIO-Integrator: Add option for "RAM-Patcher"?   
    Is not entirely correct
    System memory is separated from 2GB to head 2 GB OS and 2GB for the User (in poor words any exe or process may not seek or use more than 2GB), but in Programming Languages for example like the C++ that most used in Windows limit the required memory in 32-bit systems is 4 GB (sizeof(DWORD))
    // Maximum heap request the heap manager will attempt#ifdef _WIN64   #define _HEAP_MAXREQ 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE0#else   #define _HEAP_MAXREQ 0xFFFFFFE0#endifso obvious question of programmers how to use more memory, and Microsoft satisfied them (that is the famous modification BCDEdit and boot. ini) as always everything well explained in Microsoft.com (where everyone will have to go for strength before asking opinions in the forum of third parties)
    4-Gigabyte Tuning: BCDEdit and Boot.ini
    Physical Address Extension
    Address Windowing Extensions
    Large-Page Support
    in poor words you can run a modification in x32 systems to tell the system to give an application up to 3GB of RAM, but the point is just that many do not understand that application itself must be written and compiled to support a certain thing, that is the famous LARGEADDRESSAWARE so in 99% of cases a specific change has no the impact that many believes, in the archives of the MSDN articles are always\very interesting discussions as in this case for example Using /LARGEADDRESSAWARE on 64-bit Windows for 32-bit programs however it seems the LARGEADDRESSAWARE gives an x32 application in X64 systems the right to ask\use full 4GB of Ram so is really helpful
    all this because not for ignorance how to say, but was always easy for everyone (including itself programmers) make mistakes and get confused between the physical memory and virtual memory etc etc
    Regarding the memory limits Memory Limits for Windows and Windows Server Releases
    Ciao a tutti.
  15. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from Legolash2o in Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (Windows ICD)   
    What's new in the Windows ADK http://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=45522
    Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (Windows ICD)
    Quickly create a provisioning package that you can use to customize devices without re-imaging. You can also build a customized Windows image for specific market segments and regions. 
    Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer
    [some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    PurposeThe Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) streamlines the customizing and provisioning of a Windows image.
    Note   The latest version of Windows ICD is still in development and not feature complete. All the information and screenshots in this section are preliminary and subject to change. 
    Windows ICD is primarily designed for use by:
    OEMs and ODMs looking for a simple and streamlined process of creating and deploying a Windows image. System integrators who provision devices based on their customers' needs. IT departments for business and educational institutions who need to provision bring-your-own-device (BYOD) and business-supplied devices. To determine if Windows ICD is the right tool for you, see the following table, which shows the scenarios that Windows 10 Technical Preview supports and the tool that you can use.
    If you are a: Interested in: Use:System builder or OEM
    Configuring and applying Windows images on new desktop and mobile devices
    Windows ICD to create full image media (USB, network, USB tethering)
    Small organization
    Customizing new desktop and mobile devices
    Windows ICD to create provisioning package(s)
    Configuring and applying Windows images on new desktop devices
    Windows ICD to create full image media (USB, network, USB tethering)
    Mid-sized organization
    Creating and deploying custom Windows images on new or existing desktop devices
    Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) to create and deploy custom image(s) (USB, network, Windows Deployment Services (WDS)/Preboot Execution Environment (PXE))
    Configuring and applying Windows images on new desktop devices
    Windows ICD to create provisioning package(s)
    Customizing mobile devices
    Windows ICD to create provisioning package(s)
    Large organization
    Creating and deploying custom Windows images on new or existing desktop images
    MDT and/or Configuration Manager to create and deploy custom image(s) (USB, network, WDS/PXE/Multicast)
    Customizing new desktop and mobile devices
    Windows ICD to create provisioning package(s)
    In this section Topic DescriptionGetting started with Windows ICD
    Read this topic to find out how to install and run the Windows ICD.
    Supported platforms for Windows ICD
    Provides information about:
    Supported host platforms - Versions of Windows 10 Technical Preview that can run Windows ICD
    Supported target images - Windows images that can be configured using Windows ICD
    Build and apply a provisioning package
    You can use Windows ICD to create a provisioning package (.ppkg), which contains customizations that you can include for a particular Windows image. You can either apply the provisioning package to an image or share it as a standalone package that can be applied to a running system using the Provisioning Engine.
    Export a provisioning package
    Export a provisioning package if you want to reuse the customizations already configured in a different project or to share it as a standalone package that can be applied to a running system during initial device setup or later.
    Build and deploy a Windows 10 image for desktop editions
    You can use Windows ICD to create a new Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise) image and customize it by adding drivers, apps, language packs, settings, and more. You can also build the deployment media either to a folder or to a USB key.
    Configure customizations using Windows ICD
    You can use Windows ICD to configure the Windows device UI, connectivity settings, and user experience to better reflect your brand, to meet mobile network requirements, to comply with IT department security requirements, or to fit market segments or regions where the device will ship.
    Use the Windows ICD command-line interface
    You can use the Windows ICD command-line interface (CLI) to automate the building of provisioning packages and Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions.
    For OEMs who already have an established manufacturing process or for enterprise IT Pros who also have established IT management infrastructures, you can use the Windows ICD CLI to require less re-tooling of your existing processes. You must run the Windows ICD CLI from a command window with administrator privileges.
    For OEMs that want to create an image and/or provisioning package with multivariant support, you must use the Windows ICD CLI and edit the customizations.xml sources.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Getting started with Windows ICD[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    Note   The latest version of Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) is still in development and not feature complete. All the information and screenshots in this section are preliminary and subject to change. 
    Read this topic to find out how to install and run the Windows ICD.
    Install Windows ICDTo install Windows ICD and configure Windows 10 Technical Preview images only, you must install the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10 Technical Preview.
    While running "ADKsetup.exe", check the following ADK features from the Select the features you want to install dialog box:
    Deployment Tools Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (Windows ICD) User State Migration Tool (USMT) Windows ICD depends on other tools in order to work correctly. If you only select Windows ICD in the ADK install wizard, these other tools (Deployment tools, Windows PE, and USMT) will also be selected for installation.
    Run Windows ICDAfter you have installed Windows ICD, you can use either the Windows ICD UI or command-line interface (CLI) from the Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment, with administrator privileges, using these steps:
    To use the UI
    Launch Windows ICD:
    From either the Start screen or the Start menu search pane, type 'Imaging and Configuration Designer' and click on the Windows ICD shortcut, or,
    Navigate to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Imaging and Configuration Designer\x86' (on an x64 computer) or 'C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Imaging and Configuration Designer\x86\ICD.exe' (on an x86 computer), and then double-click ICD.exe.
    The Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer window should display the Start page.
    To start with a new project, click "New Project..." and follow the Windows ICD wizard.
    For step-by-step UI instructions and scenario information, see these topics:
    Build and apply a provisioning package Export a provisioning package Build and deploy a Windows 10 image for desktop editions Configure customizations using Windows ICD If you have previously created projects that you want to modify, click "Open Project..." to navigate to your existing projects.
    To use the command-line interface
    Open a command-line window with administrator privileges.
    From the command-line, navigate to the Windows ICD install directory.
    On an x64 computer, type:
    'cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Imaging and Configuration Designer\x86'
    On an x86 computer, type:
    'cd C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Imaging and Configuration Designer\x86'
    See Use the Windows ICD command-line interface for more information about using the Windows ICD CLI.
    Supported Windows ICD project workflowsWhen you select a new project within Windows ICD, you have a choice of two project workflows:
    Provisioning Package - Use this workflow to build a provisioning package that targets a Windows edition. A provisioning package allows you to customize an existing Windows image without re-imaging, or you can use this package to build a Windows image. For more information, see Build and deploy a provisioning package and Export a provisioning package.
    Imaging - Use this workflow to create and build a new Windows image. From this workflow, you can use a:
    Windows Desktop WIM-based image - This imaging method requires an Install.wim file, which contains the Windows edition that you want to use. This lets you build a deployment media either to a folder or to a USB key. For more information, see Build and deploy a Windows 10 image for desktop editions.
    Windows pre-installed OS kit - This imaging method uses a pre-installed OS kit for Windows editions that have associated OS kits already installed.
    Current Windows ICD limitationsYou can only run one instance of Windows ICD on your computer at a time.
    A provisioning package must apply to a specific Windows edition. In other words, you cannot create a generic provisioning package that applies to all Windows devices.
    Deployment time application of a provisioning package is not yet available.
    When building an image for Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise), you can only build to a .wim file.
    Be aware that when adding apps and drivers, all files stored in the same folder will be imported and may cause errors during the build process.
    While you can open multiple projects at the same time within Windows ICD, you can only build one project at a time.
    A best practice when using Windows ICD to build projects or answer files that contains assets, such as apps or drivers, is to copy all necessary files to the local computer that is running Windows ICD. For example, when you add a driver to a provisioned package, you must copy the .INF file to a local directory on the computer that is running Windows ICD. If you do not do this, and attempt to use a copied version of this project on a different computer, Windows ICD might attempt to resolve the path to the files that point to the original computer.
    Note  This might cause Windows ICD with the copied project or answer file to crash when you try to build an image. 
    Related topics Windows Imaging Configuration and Designer Supported platforms for Windows ICD 
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Supported platforms for Windows ICD[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    Note   The latest version of Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) is still in development and not feature complete. All the information and screenshots in this section are preliminary and subject to change. 
    Provides information about:
    Supported host platforms - Versions of Windows 10 Technical Preview that can run Windows ICD
    Supported target images - Windows images that can be configured using Windows ICD
    Supported host platforms 
    The supported host platform is the operating system that can run Windows ICD. These platforms include:
    Windows 10 Technical Preview - x86 and amd64
    Windows 8.1 Update - x86 and amd64
    Windows 8.1 - x86 and amd64
    Windows 8 - x86 and amd64
    Windows 7 - x86 and amd64
    Windows Server Technical Preview
    Windows Server 2012 R2 Update
    Windows Server 2012 R2
    Windows Server 2012
    Windows Server 2008 R2
    Supported target images 
    The Windows images that can be configured using Windows ICD are:
    Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise) image
    Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones image
    Note  Windows ICD does not support the configuring of Windows Server Technical Preview editions. 
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Build and apply a provisioning package[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    You can use Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) to create a provisioning package (.ppkg), which contains customizations that you can include for a particular Windows image. You can either apply the provisioning package to an image or share it as a standalone package that can be applied to a running system using the Provisioning Engine.
    To build and customize a provisioning packageCreate a project for a provisioning package
    From the Windows ICD Start Page, select New Project....
    Or, you can also select New Project... from the File menu.
    In the Enter Project Details window, specify a Name and Location for your project. Optionally, you can also enter a brief Description to describe your project.
    Click Next.
    In the Choose Workflow window, select Provisioning Package from the list of available project workflows and then click Next.
    In the Select Windows Edition window, select the Windows edition for which you want to create the provisioning package and then click Finish.
    This loads all the customizations that you can configure based on the Windows edition that you selected. Once all the available customizations are loaded, you can see the Customizations Page.
    Customize a provisioning package
    In the Customizations Page, select what you want to customize from the Available Customizations panel. This can include:
    Applications Drivers Features on demand Language Packages MBS Driver Set Settings Windows Updates Note  The assets and settings available for customization depend on the Windows edition that you selected from the previous step, so not all of these assets may be available. For more information about how to set the assets and settings, see Configure customizations using Windows ICD.
    After you're done configuring your customizations, click Build.
    In the Provisioning Package Configuration screen, describe the provisioning package by filling in the following fields. You can change or keep the default values for these fields.
    Package Name - This field is pre-populated with the project name that you entered in the New Project wizard. You can change this value by entering a different name in the Package Name field.
    Package Owner - You must select one of these values for Package Owner:
    Microsoft Silicon Vendor OEM System Integrator Mobile Operator IT Admin Package Version - Optional. You can change the default package version by specifying a new value in the Package Version field. The version must follow this numerical format: "<Major>.<Minor>"
    Package Rank - Optional. You can select a value between 0 and 99, inclusive. The default package rank is 0.
    Windows ICD also shows an auto-generated package GUID in the Package Id field. You cannot change this string and it's shown only for your reference.
    Click Next.
    Specify the output location where you want the provisioning package to go once it's built. Click Browse to change the default location (optional). Click Next.
    Click Build to start building the package. The project information is displayed in the build page and the progress bar indicates the build status.
    If you need to cancel the build, click Cancel. This cancels the current build process, closes the wizard, and takes you back to the Customizations Page.
    If your build fails, an error message will show up that includes a link to the project folder. You can scan the logs to determine what caused the error. Once you fix the issue, try building the package again.
    If your build is successful, the name of the provisioning package, output directory, and project directory will be shown.
    If you choose, you can build the provisioning package again and pick a different path for the output package. To do this, click Back to change the output package name and path, and then click Next to start another build. If you are done, click Finish to close the wizard and go back to the Customizations Page.
    Note  For Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise), the provisioning package will be included in the Windows ICD media and be consumed at deployment time in various setup phases. During device setup time, the provisioning engine starts and consumes the packages.To apply a provisioning package to a Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editionsYou can add a provisioning package to a .WIM that will be applied at deployment time.
    Deployment time
    Create a local copy of the base image, Install.wim.
    Mount the .WIM using DISM.
    dism /mount-image /imagefile:"install.wim" /index:1 /mountdir:"C:\MountDir" Navigate to the mounted image using File Explorer.
    C:\MountDir\ProgramData\Microsoft\Provisioning\Packages Copy the provisioning package to this location. You may copy multiple provisioning packages.
    Unmount the image.
    Save your changes.
    dism /unmount-image /mountdir:"C:\MountDir" /Commit Discard your changes.
    dism /unmount-image /mountdir:"C:\MountDir" /Discard You can apply a provisioning package that will be applied to the image at runtime.
    Select the provisioning package that you want to apply, double-click the file, and then allow admin privileges.
    Consent to allow the package to be installed.
    After you allow the package to be installed, the runtime settings will be applied to the image.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Export a provisioning package[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    Export a provisioning package if you want to reuse the customizations already configured in a different project or to share it as a standalone package that can be applied to a running system during initial device setup or later.
    For example, you can use Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) for image customization and then build the model image with its media. You can then export the customizations done in the Customizations Page to a provisioning package before building the model image and media. You can also import the provisioning package in the New Project wizard when starting another imaging project workflow to create a model image for a similar device model. The assets and settings in the imported provisioning package will be pre-populated in the Customizations Page and you can add or change more assets and settings instead of redoing the customization tasks again before building the model image media.
    Important  Importing a provisioning package is not yet supported in this release of Windows 10 Technical Preview.Alternatively, you can also use the Windows ICD command-line interface to specify the provisioning package to build another model image with the media without further modifications to the current package contents. For more information, see Use the Windows ICD command line interface.
    To export a provisioning package
    From the Windows ICD menu, select Export and then choose Provisioning Package.
    Optional. In the Provisioning Package Configuration page, specify a Package Name. This field is pre-populated with the project name that you entered in the New Project wizard. You can change this value by entering a different name in the Package Name field.
    Windows ICD shows an auto-generated package GUID or the package GUID inherited from an imported provisioning package in the Package Id field. You cannot change this string and it's shown only for your reference.
    Optional. You can change the default package version by specifying a new value in the Package Version field. The version must follow this numerical format: "<Major>.<Minor>"
    The value for the package version is pre-populated with the latest package version number or "1.0" if this is the first time that a package is being exported.
    Set the Package Owner to one of these values:
    Microsoft Silicon Vendor OEM System Integrator Mobile Operator IT Admin Optional. You can set the Package Rank to a value between 0 and 99, inclusive. The default package rank is 0.
    Click Next.
    In the Provisioning Package Output window, a default location is shown in the Output Location field.
    Click Browse to change the default value and specify a different output location where you want the provisioning package to go once it's built.
    Click Next.
    Click Build to build the provisioning package.
    Once the provisioning package is built, you can use it for the scenarios described above.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Build and deploy a Windows 10 image for desktop editions[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    You can use Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) to create a new Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise) image and customize it by adding drivers, apps, language packs, settings, and more. You can also build the deployment media either to a folder or to a USB key.
    Note  This imaging method requires a Windows image (Install.wim) file, which contains the base Windows image. 
    To build a customized Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions image
    From the Windows ICD Start page, select New Project....
    Or, you can also select New Project... from the File menu.
    In the Enter Project Details window, specify a Name and Location for your project. Optionally, you can also enter a brief Description to describe your project.
    Click Next.
    In the Choose Workflow window, select Imaging from the list of available project workflows and then click Next.
    In the Imaging Methodology window, select Windows Desktop WIM-based image, and then click Next.
    In the Select Image window, click Browse to launch File Explorer. Search and locate the path to the Install.wim file.
    After you've selected the Install.wim file, all the Windows images in the .wim file are listed in the Select Image screen. By default, the first Windows image in the list is selected and the information about this image is displayed in the Image Information panel.
    Select the Windows image that you want to use and then click Finish.
    This loads all the customizations that you can configure based on the Windows edition that you selected. Once all the available customizations are loaded, you can see the Customizations Page.
    In the Customizations Page, select what you want to customize from the Available Customizations panel. This can include:
    Applications Drivers Features on demand Language Packages MBS Driver Set Settings Windows Updates Note  The assets and settings available for customization depend on the Windows edition you selected from the previous step, so not all of these assets may be available. For more information about how to set the assets and settings, see Configure customizations using Windows ICD.
    After you're done configuring your customizations, click Build.
    In the Select image format screen, select the image format for your build media:
    WIM - Builds the image in a Windows image (WIM) file format. This option allows you to build the media to a local folder on your PC or to a network share, or to create a bootable media on a USB drive.
    FFU - Builds the image in a full flash update (FFU) file format.
    Select WIM and click Next.
    Select the type of media that you want to create.
    Folder Media - Creates a folder that contains the deployment media. The resulting media is not a bootable media and is not guaranteed to work on bootable drives.
    USB Bootable Drive - Creates a bootable media on a USB drive.
    If you selected Folder Media in the previous step, enter or select the path for the deployment media.
    If you selected WIM in the previous step, Windows ICD detects all the available USB drives attached to the host PC and lists these in the Output Drive drop-down list. If Windows ICD doesn't detect any USB drives, attach a USB drive to your PC and click Refresh.
    Click Build to start building the image. The project information is displayed in the build page and the progress bar indicates the build status.
    If you need to cancel the build, click Cancel. This cancels the current build process, closes the wizard, and takes you back to the Customizations Page.
    If your build fails, an error message will show up that includes a link to the project folder. You can scan the logs to determine what caused the error. Once you fix the issue, try building the image again.
    If your build is successful, the name of the image, output directory, and project directory will be displayed.
    If you want to, you can build the image again by picking a different image format, selecting the deployment media (or both), and then starting another build. To do this, click Back to select what you want to change, and then click Next to start another build. If you are done, click Finish to close the wizard and go back to the Customizations Page.
    Media options for a Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions imageYou can use the Create menu to use a wizard to select and choose your media option.
    Production Media - Use to create a production media of a desktop image. When you select this media option, you can choose from a WIM or FFU image format. If you choose either the WIM or FFU image format, the Select imaging options page allows you to enable OS file compression. This option is selected by default.
    Clean Install Media - Use to create a clean install media of a desktop image.
    Upgrade Media - Use to create an upgrade media of a desktop image.
    Recovery Media - Use to create a recovery media of a desktop image. This can only be in the WIM image format. The Recovery Options page replaces the Select image format page that is displayed when you click the Build button. However, the rest of the workflow and pages remain the same.
    To deploy an image to a PC
    Insert the USB drive that contains the bootable media into a PC and then boot the PC from the USB drive.
    Enter the product key.
    Accept the EULA and then wait for the installation to complete.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Configure customizations using Windows ICD[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    You can use Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) to configure the Windows device UI, connectivity settings, and user experience to better reflect your brand, to meet mobile network requirements, to comply with IT department security requirements, or to fit market segments or regions where the device will ship.
    The following screenshot shows what you might see in the Customizations Page for a particular Windows edition.

    The Customizations Page contains these elements:
    Project Information panel - Summarizes the information for the current project including the selected project workflow and the Windows edition that was selected for customization.
    Available Customizations panel - Shows the assets and settings that you can customize for the selected project.
    Assets are configurable customizations that are not settings. These, and more information on how to configure them, are as follows:
    Applications - To add an app Drivers - To add a driver Features on demand - To add an individual feature package Language packages - To add a language pack MBS driver set - To add an MBS driver set OS updates - To add OS updates Important  For Windows 10 Technical Preview, if you build a provisioning package that contains any asset and then install the package during the first runtime experience or later, the asset will not be installed on the device. Assets can only be applied during the deployment process and not at runtime. The Settings group in the Available Customizations window shows the various settings that you can configure for a provisioning package or image. For more information on how to configure them, see To customize OS settings.
    Customizations Editor panel - Displays information about the asset including the asset's name and path, shows the default OS value and description for a setting (if available), and lets you set different values for these settings and assets. You will do most of your customization work in this panel.
    Configured Customizations panel - Shows the assets and settings that you have saved or set in the Customizations Editor panel. The configured customizations is a list of customizations that will be included in the provisioning package.
    If there are any assets or settings that you want to change or remove, see the following sections for more information on how to do this:
    To remove or change an asset To remove or change a setting  Select the Applications asset to add a Store or LOB App.
    To add an app
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path to a Store or LOB App .appx or .appxbundle package, dependency package, license file, source custom data file, or source shared local data file.
    Select the .appx or .appxbundle, depdency package, license file, source custom data file, or source shared local data file that you want to add.
    Specify a friendly name for the app by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    If you specify dependency packages in the Dependency Package Path textbox, the Store or LOB App .appx or .appxbundle package name is automatically populated in the Name textbox and multiple dependency packages are automatically populated in the Dependency Packages listbox.
    If you specify an .appxbundle in the Package Path textbox, the bundle already includes the dependent packages for that app so you can skip specifying any Dependency Packages.
    To avoid specifying a license file for the app, check the Skip License checkbox. If you don't check this box, you must provide a license file for the app. This checkbox is not checked by default.
    Click Add to add the app package to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark in the Available Customizations pane appears next to the asset that you added.
     Select the Drivers asset to add a driver.
    Note  This asset is only available when you're customizing an image for Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise).To add a driver
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path to a folder that contains your driver files or packages.
    Select the folder that contains the driver. The driver(s) in the specified folder must be in the INF format.
    This populates the Driver Folder Path textbox.
    Specify a friendly name for the driver by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    To allow unsigned drivers to be added, check the Force unsigned install checkbox. This is not enabled by default.
    Click Add to add the driver to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark appears next to the asset that you added in the Available Customizations pane.
     Select the Features on demand asset to add an individual feature package (.cab).
    To add an individual feature package
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path to an individual .cab.
    Select the folder that contains the feature package.
    This populates the Features package path textbox.
    Specify a friendly name for the feature package by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    Click Add to add the feature package to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark appears next to the asset that you added in the Available Customizations pane.
     Select the Language Packages asset to add a language pack. Language packs provide a translated version of most of the UI.
    To add a language pack
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path to a folder that contains the language pack's .cab file.
    Select the .cab file for the language pack.
    This populates the Cab File textbox.
    Specify a friendly name for the language pack by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    Click Add to add the language pack to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark pane appears next to the asset that you added in the Available Customizations pane.
     Select the MBS Driver Set asset to add an MBS driver.
    To add an MBS driver set
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path to a folder that contains your driver files or packages.
    Select the folder that contains the driver set. The driver set in the specified folder must be in the INF format.
    This populates the MBS Driver Set Path textbox.
    Specify a friendly name for the driver set by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    To allow unsigned drivers to be added, check the Force unsigned install checkbox. This is not enabled by default.
    Click Add to add the driver set to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark appears next to the asset that you added in the Available Customizations pane.
     You can customize certain settings by selecting a grouped setting or an individual subsetting, or property, from the Settings group.
    Note  Settings can be applied to a running device during the first runtime experience or later, but some settings can also be applied during deployment time.To customize OS settings
    From the Settings group in Available Customizations panel, select the setting that you want to configure.
    For most settings, a brief description of the setting and its default value is shown in the Customizations Editor panel.
    In the Customizations Editor panel, set the value for the setting that you selected and then click the save setting button (denoted by a floppy disk) next to the textbox.
    A check mark appears next to the setting that you customized and saved in the Available Customizations pane.
     Select the Windows Updates asset to add Windows Updates. Windows Updates are .MSU files that you can add to a provisioning package.
    To add OS updates
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path that contains the individual Windows Updates (.msu), or the folder that contains multiple Windows Updates.
    Select the path. This populates the Update package path textbox.
    Specify a friendly name for the Windows Updates by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    Click Add to add the Windows Updates to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark in the Available Customizations pane appears next to the asset that you added.
    Important  If you selected a folder path that contains multiple update packages, the folder path will be added to the Configured Customizations tree view as the parent node to the update package nodes. In this case, you cannot remove individual update packages from the configured customizations list as only the folder path that contains all the update packages can be removed. You must remove the update packages from the folder using File Explorer before you can add the folder path again using the Customizations Page in Windows ICD to add the rest of the update packages in the folder.  You can remove or change the information for any asset that you add.
    To remove or change an asset
    Select the asset from the Configured Customizations panel to show that asset's information in the Customizations Editor panel.
    To remove the asset, click Remove.
    To change the information about the existing asset including selecting a different path, specifying a different name, and so on, update the information that you want to change and then click Save.
     You can remove or change the information for any setting that you add.
    To remove or change a setting
    Select the setting from the Configured Customizations panel to show that setting's information in the Customizations Editor panel.
    To reset the value to the default OS value or to remove the setting from the configured customizations list, click the X next to the textbox.
    The X removes the setting from the configured customizations list.
    To change the value for the setting, type the new setting value and then click the save setting button (denoted by a floppy disk) next to the textbox.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Use the Windows ICD command-line interface[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    You can use the Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) command-line interface (CLI) to automate the building of provisioning packages and Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise).
    For OEMs who already have an established manufacturing process or for enterprise IT Pros who also have established IT management infrastructures, you can use the Windows ICD CLI to require less re-tooling of your existing processes. You must run the Windows ICD CLI from a command window with administrator privileges.
    For OEMs that want to create an image and/or provisioning package with multivariant support, you must use the Windows ICD CLI and edit the customizations.xml sources.
    Supported scenariosTo build a provisioning package To build a Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions image  
    UsageRunning "icd.exe /?" brings up the following usage information:
    icd.exe <command> <parameters> 
    icd.exe /Build-ImageFromWIM /CustomizationXML:x /OutputPath:x /SourceImage:x /ImageIndex:x 
    To build a provisioning packageFor more information about what a provisioning package is, see the description in Build and apply a provisioning package. You must gather all the assets and settings that you need and then write the answer file that contains the asset payloads and setting values. You need the answer file as one of the inputs to the Windows ICD CLI to build a provisioning package.
    icd.exe /Build-ProvisioningPackage /CustomizationXML:<path_to_xml> /PackagePath:<path_to_ppkg> [/storeFile:<path_to_storefile>][[+|-]Encrypted] [/?]
    Switches and arguments:
    Switch Required? Arguments/CustomizationXML
    Specifies the path to an XML file that contains the customization assets and settings.
    Specifies the path and the package name where the built provisioning package will be saved.
    Specifies the path to a Windows store file.
    Specifies if the provisioning package should be built with encryption. Windows ICD auto-generates the decryption password and includes this information in the output.
    Precede with + for encryption or - for no encryption. The default is no encryption.
    Lists the switches and their descriptions for the command-line tool or for certain commands.
    To build a Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions imageBefore you can use the Windows ICD CLI to build a Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions image, you must:
    Download the image WIM file from the Windows Portal and save it to a location that is accessible by the command line.
    Optionally, run the build provisioning package command line to create one or more provisioning packages that contain the assets and settings that you will use to customize the Windows image.
    Create a deployment XML file that contains the selected options for the type of deployment media that you are building. These are the same options that are available in the build wizard of the Windows ICD UI; for example, the WIM or FFU image format, and the local folder or USB key as the target media. For more information, see Build and deploy a Windows 10 image.
    icd.exe /Build-ImageFromWIM /CustomizationXML:<path_to_xml> /MediaPath:<path_to_media_folder> /SourceImage:<path_to_image> [imageIndex:<index>] [imageName:<name>] [/ProvisioningPackage:<path_to_ppkg>] /DeploymentConfigXml:<path_to_xml>
    Switches and arguments:
    Switch Required? Arguments/CustomizationXML
    Specifies the path to an XML file that contains the customization assets and settings.
    Specifies the directory path to a local folder or local network share where the Windows image and its deployment media will be saved.
    Specifies the path to a WIM file, which contains the image to be used to build the customized image.
    Specifies the index of the image in the WIM file.
    Specifies the name of the image in the WIM file that will be used as the base image.
    Specifies the path to a provisioning package that contains the customization assets and settings that will be applied to the image. You can use this parameter multiple times to specify multiple provisioning packages.
    Specifies the path to an XML file that contains the selected options for the target deployment media that should be built.
    Lists the switches and their descriptions for the command-line tool or for certain commands.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

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    Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (Windows ICD)
    Quickly create a provisioning package that you can use to customize devices without re-imaging. You can also build a customized Windows image for specific market segments and regions. 
    Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer
    [some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    PurposeThe Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) streamlines the customizing and provisioning of a Windows image.
    Note   The latest version of Windows ICD is still in development and not feature complete. All the information and screenshots in this section are preliminary and subject to change. 
    Windows ICD is primarily designed for use by:
    OEMs and ODMs looking for a simple and streamlined process of creating and deploying a Windows image. System integrators who provision devices based on their customers' needs. IT departments for business and educational institutions who need to provision bring-your-own-device (BYOD) and business-supplied devices. To determine if Windows ICD is the right tool for you, see the following table, which shows the scenarios that Windows 10 Technical Preview supports and the tool that you can use.
    If you are a: Interested in: Use:System builder or OEM
    Configuring and applying Windows images on new desktop and mobile devices
    Windows ICD to create full image media (USB, network, USB tethering)
    Small organization
    Customizing new desktop and mobile devices
    Windows ICD to create provisioning package(s)
    Configuring and applying Windows images on new desktop devices
    Windows ICD to create full image media (USB, network, USB tethering)
    Mid-sized organization
    Creating and deploying custom Windows images on new or existing desktop devices
    Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) to create and deploy custom image(s) (USB, network, Windows Deployment Services (WDS)/Preboot Execution Environment (PXE))
    Configuring and applying Windows images on new desktop devices
    Windows ICD to create provisioning package(s)
    Customizing mobile devices
    Windows ICD to create provisioning package(s)
    Large organization
    Creating and deploying custom Windows images on new or existing desktop images
    MDT and/or Configuration Manager to create and deploy custom image(s) (USB, network, WDS/PXE/Multicast)
    Customizing new desktop and mobile devices
    Windows ICD to create provisioning package(s)
    In this section Topic DescriptionGetting started with Windows ICD
    Read this topic to find out how to install and run the Windows ICD.
    Supported platforms for Windows ICD
    Provides information about:
    Supported host platforms - Versions of Windows 10 Technical Preview that can run Windows ICD
    Supported target images - Windows images that can be configured using Windows ICD
    Build and apply a provisioning package
    You can use Windows ICD to create a provisioning package (.ppkg), which contains customizations that you can include for a particular Windows image. You can either apply the provisioning package to an image or share it as a standalone package that can be applied to a running system using the Provisioning Engine.
    Export a provisioning package
    Export a provisioning package if you want to reuse the customizations already configured in a different project or to share it as a standalone package that can be applied to a running system during initial device setup or later.
    Build and deploy a Windows 10 image for desktop editions
    You can use Windows ICD to create a new Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise) image and customize it by adding drivers, apps, language packs, settings, and more. You can also build the deployment media either to a folder or to a USB key.
    Configure customizations using Windows ICD
    You can use Windows ICD to configure the Windows device UI, connectivity settings, and user experience to better reflect your brand, to meet mobile network requirements, to comply with IT department security requirements, or to fit market segments or regions where the device will ship.
    Use the Windows ICD command-line interface
    You can use the Windows ICD command-line interface (CLI) to automate the building of provisioning packages and Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions.
    For OEMs who already have an established manufacturing process or for enterprise IT Pros who also have established IT management infrastructures, you can use the Windows ICD CLI to require less re-tooling of your existing processes. You must run the Windows ICD CLI from a command window with administrator privileges.
    For OEMs that want to create an image and/or provisioning package with multivariant support, you must use the Windows ICD CLI and edit the customizations.xml sources.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Getting started with Windows ICD[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    Note   The latest version of Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) is still in development and not feature complete. All the information and screenshots in this section are preliminary and subject to change. 
    Read this topic to find out how to install and run the Windows ICD.
    Install Windows ICDTo install Windows ICD and configure Windows 10 Technical Preview images only, you must install the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10 Technical Preview.
    While running "ADKsetup.exe", check the following ADK features from the Select the features you want to install dialog box:
    Deployment Tools Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (Windows ICD) User State Migration Tool (USMT) Windows ICD depends on other tools in order to work correctly. If you only select Windows ICD in the ADK install wizard, these other tools (Deployment tools, Windows PE, and USMT) will also be selected for installation.
    Run Windows ICDAfter you have installed Windows ICD, you can use either the Windows ICD UI or command-line interface (CLI) from the Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment, with administrator privileges, using these steps:
    To use the UI
    Launch Windows ICD:
    From either the Start screen or the Start menu search pane, type 'Imaging and Configuration Designer' and click on the Windows ICD shortcut, or,
    Navigate to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Imaging and Configuration Designer\x86' (on an x64 computer) or 'C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Imaging and Configuration Designer\x86\ICD.exe' (on an x86 computer), and then double-click ICD.exe.
    The Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer window should display the Start page.
    To start with a new project, click "New Project..." and follow the Windows ICD wizard.
    For step-by-step UI instructions and scenario information, see these topics:
    Build and apply a provisioning package Export a provisioning package Build and deploy a Windows 10 image for desktop editions Configure customizations using Windows ICD If you have previously created projects that you want to modify, click "Open Project..." to navigate to your existing projects.
    To use the command-line interface
    Open a command-line window with administrator privileges.
    From the command-line, navigate to the Windows ICD install directory.
    On an x64 computer, type:
    'cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Imaging and Configuration Designer\x86'
    On an x86 computer, type:
    'cd C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Imaging and Configuration Designer\x86'
    See Use the Windows ICD command-line interface for more information about using the Windows ICD CLI.
    Supported Windows ICD project workflowsWhen you select a new project within Windows ICD, you have a choice of two project workflows:
    Provisioning Package - Use this workflow to build a provisioning package that targets a Windows edition. A provisioning package allows you to customize an existing Windows image without re-imaging, or you can use this package to build a Windows image. For more information, see Build and deploy a provisioning package and Export a provisioning package.
    Imaging - Use this workflow to create and build a new Windows image. From this workflow, you can use a:
    Windows Desktop WIM-based image - This imaging method requires an Install.wim file, which contains the Windows edition that you want to use. This lets you build a deployment media either to a folder or to a USB key. For more information, see Build and deploy a Windows 10 image for desktop editions.
    Windows pre-installed OS kit - This imaging method uses a pre-installed OS kit for Windows editions that have associated OS kits already installed.
    Current Windows ICD limitationsYou can only run one instance of Windows ICD on your computer at a time.
    A provisioning package must apply to a specific Windows edition. In other words, you cannot create a generic provisioning package that applies to all Windows devices.
    Deployment time application of a provisioning package is not yet available.
    When building an image for Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise), you can only build to a .wim file.
    Be aware that when adding apps and drivers, all files stored in the same folder will be imported and may cause errors during the build process.
    While you can open multiple projects at the same time within Windows ICD, you can only build one project at a time.
    A best practice when using Windows ICD to build projects or answer files that contains assets, such as apps or drivers, is to copy all necessary files to the local computer that is running Windows ICD. For example, when you add a driver to a provisioned package, you must copy the .INF file to a local directory on the computer that is running Windows ICD. If you do not do this, and attempt to use a copied version of this project on a different computer, Windows ICD might attempt to resolve the path to the files that point to the original computer.
    Note  This might cause Windows ICD with the copied project or answer file to crash when you try to build an image. 
    Related topics Windows Imaging Configuration and Designer Supported platforms for Windows ICD 
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Supported platforms for Windows ICD[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    Note   The latest version of Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) is still in development and not feature complete. All the information and screenshots in this section are preliminary and subject to change. 
    Provides information about:
    Supported host platforms - Versions of Windows 10 Technical Preview that can run Windows ICD
    Supported target images - Windows images that can be configured using Windows ICD
    Supported host platforms 
    The supported host platform is the operating system that can run Windows ICD. These platforms include:
    Windows 10 Technical Preview - x86 and amd64
    Windows 8.1 Update - x86 and amd64
    Windows 8.1 - x86 and amd64
    Windows 8 - x86 and amd64
    Windows 7 - x86 and amd64
    Windows Server Technical Preview
    Windows Server 2012 R2 Update
    Windows Server 2012 R2
    Windows Server 2012
    Windows Server 2008 R2
    Supported target images 
    The Windows images that can be configured using Windows ICD are:
    Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise) image
    Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones image
    Note  Windows ICD does not support the configuring of Windows Server Technical Preview editions. 
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Build and apply a provisioning package[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    You can use Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) to create a provisioning package (.ppkg), which contains customizations that you can include for a particular Windows image. You can either apply the provisioning package to an image or share it as a standalone package that can be applied to a running system using the Provisioning Engine.
    To build and customize a provisioning packageCreate a project for a provisioning package
    From the Windows ICD Start Page, select New Project....
    Or, you can also select New Project... from the File menu.
    In the Enter Project Details window, specify a Name and Location for your project. Optionally, you can also enter a brief Description to describe your project.
    Click Next.
    In the Choose Workflow window, select Provisioning Package from the list of available project workflows and then click Next.
    In the Select Windows Edition window, select the Windows edition for which you want to create the provisioning package and then click Finish.
    This loads all the customizations that you can configure based on the Windows edition that you selected. Once all the available customizations are loaded, you can see the Customizations Page.
    Customize a provisioning package
    In the Customizations Page, select what you want to customize from the Available Customizations panel. This can include:
    Applications Drivers Features on demand Language Packages MBS Driver Set Settings Windows Updates Note  The assets and settings available for customization depend on the Windows edition that you selected from the previous step, so not all of these assets may be available. For more information about how to set the assets and settings, see Configure customizations using Windows ICD.
    After you're done configuring your customizations, click Build.
    In the Provisioning Package Configuration screen, describe the provisioning package by filling in the following fields. You can change or keep the default values for these fields.
    Package Name - This field is pre-populated with the project name that you entered in the New Project wizard. You can change this value by entering a different name in the Package Name field.
    Package Owner - You must select one of these values for Package Owner:
    Microsoft Silicon Vendor OEM System Integrator Mobile Operator IT Admin Package Version - Optional. You can change the default package version by specifying a new value in the Package Version field. The version must follow this numerical format: "<Major>.<Minor>"
    Package Rank - Optional. You can select a value between 0 and 99, inclusive. The default package rank is 0.
    Windows ICD also shows an auto-generated package GUID in the Package Id field. You cannot change this string and it's shown only for your reference.
    Click Next.
    Specify the output location where you want the provisioning package to go once it's built. Click Browse to change the default location (optional). Click Next.
    Click Build to start building the package. The project information is displayed in the build page and the progress bar indicates the build status.
    If you need to cancel the build, click Cancel. This cancels the current build process, closes the wizard, and takes you back to the Customizations Page.
    If your build fails, an error message will show up that includes a link to the project folder. You can scan the logs to determine what caused the error. Once you fix the issue, try building the package again.
    If your build is successful, the name of the provisioning package, output directory, and project directory will be shown.
    If you choose, you can build the provisioning package again and pick a different path for the output package. To do this, click Back to change the output package name and path, and then click Next to start another build. If you are done, click Finish to close the wizard and go back to the Customizations Page.
    Note  For Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise), the provisioning package will be included in the Windows ICD media and be consumed at deployment time in various setup phases. During device setup time, the provisioning engine starts and consumes the packages.To apply a provisioning package to a Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editionsYou can add a provisioning package to a .WIM that will be applied at deployment time.
    Deployment time
    Create a local copy of the base image, Install.wim.
    Mount the .WIM using DISM.
    dism /mount-image /imagefile:"install.wim" /index:1 /mountdir:"C:\MountDir" Navigate to the mounted image using File Explorer.
    C:\MountDir\ProgramData\Microsoft\Provisioning\Packages Copy the provisioning package to this location. You may copy multiple provisioning packages.
    Unmount the image.
    Save your changes.
    dism /unmount-image /mountdir:"C:\MountDir" /Commit Discard your changes.
    dism /unmount-image /mountdir:"C:\MountDir" /Discard You can apply a provisioning package that will be applied to the image at runtime.
    Select the provisioning package that you want to apply, double-click the file, and then allow admin privileges.
    Consent to allow the package to be installed.
    After you allow the package to be installed, the runtime settings will be applied to the image.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Export a provisioning package[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    Export a provisioning package if you want to reuse the customizations already configured in a different project or to share it as a standalone package that can be applied to a running system during initial device setup or later.
    For example, you can use Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) for image customization and then build the model image with its media. You can then export the customizations done in the Customizations Page to a provisioning package before building the model image and media. You can also import the provisioning package in the New Project wizard when starting another imaging project workflow to create a model image for a similar device model. The assets and settings in the imported provisioning package will be pre-populated in the Customizations Page and you can add or change more assets and settings instead of redoing the customization tasks again before building the model image media.
    Important  Importing a provisioning package is not yet supported in this release of Windows 10 Technical Preview.Alternatively, you can also use the Windows ICD command-line interface to specify the provisioning package to build another model image with the media without further modifications to the current package contents. For more information, see Use the Windows ICD command line interface.
    To export a provisioning package
    From the Windows ICD menu, select Export and then choose Provisioning Package.
    Optional. In the Provisioning Package Configuration page, specify a Package Name. This field is pre-populated with the project name that you entered in the New Project wizard. You can change this value by entering a different name in the Package Name field.
    Windows ICD shows an auto-generated package GUID or the package GUID inherited from an imported provisioning package in the Package Id field. You cannot change this string and it's shown only for your reference.
    Optional. You can change the default package version by specifying a new value in the Package Version field. The version must follow this numerical format: "<Major>.<Minor>"
    The value for the package version is pre-populated with the latest package version number or "1.0" if this is the first time that a package is being exported.
    Set the Package Owner to one of these values:
    Microsoft Silicon Vendor OEM System Integrator Mobile Operator IT Admin Optional. You can set the Package Rank to a value between 0 and 99, inclusive. The default package rank is 0.
    Click Next.
    In the Provisioning Package Output window, a default location is shown in the Output Location field.
    Click Browse to change the default value and specify a different output location where you want the provisioning package to go once it's built.
    Click Next.
    Click Build to build the provisioning package.
    Once the provisioning package is built, you can use it for the scenarios described above.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Build and deploy a Windows 10 image for desktop editions[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    You can use Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) to create a new Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise) image and customize it by adding drivers, apps, language packs, settings, and more. You can also build the deployment media either to a folder or to a USB key.
    Note  This imaging method requires a Windows image (Install.wim) file, which contains the base Windows image. 
    To build a customized Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions image
    From the Windows ICD Start page, select New Project....
    Or, you can also select New Project... from the File menu.
    In the Enter Project Details window, specify a Name and Location for your project. Optionally, you can also enter a brief Description to describe your project.
    Click Next.
    In the Choose Workflow window, select Imaging from the list of available project workflows and then click Next.
    In the Imaging Methodology window, select Windows Desktop WIM-based image, and then click Next.
    In the Select Image window, click Browse to launch File Explorer. Search and locate the path to the Install.wim file.
    After you've selected the Install.wim file, all the Windows images in the .wim file are listed in the Select Image screen. By default, the first Windows image in the list is selected and the information about this image is displayed in the Image Information panel.
    Select the Windows image that you want to use and then click Finish.
    This loads all the customizations that you can configure based on the Windows edition that you selected. Once all the available customizations are loaded, you can see the Customizations Page.
    In the Customizations Page, select what you want to customize from the Available Customizations panel. This can include:
    Applications Drivers Features on demand Language Packages MBS Driver Set Settings Windows Updates Note  The assets and settings available for customization depend on the Windows edition you selected from the previous step, so not all of these assets may be available. For more information about how to set the assets and settings, see Configure customizations using Windows ICD.
    After you're done configuring your customizations, click Build.
    In the Select image format screen, select the image format for your build media:
    WIM - Builds the image in a Windows image (WIM) file format. This option allows you to build the media to a local folder on your PC or to a network share, or to create a bootable media on a USB drive.
    FFU - Builds the image in a full flash update (FFU) file format.
    Select WIM and click Next.
    Select the type of media that you want to create.
    Folder Media - Creates a folder that contains the deployment media. The resulting media is not a bootable media and is not guaranteed to work on bootable drives.
    USB Bootable Drive - Creates a bootable media on a USB drive.
    If you selected Folder Media in the previous step, enter or select the path for the deployment media.
    If you selected WIM in the previous step, Windows ICD detects all the available USB drives attached to the host PC and lists these in the Output Drive drop-down list. If Windows ICD doesn't detect any USB drives, attach a USB drive to your PC and click Refresh.
    Click Build to start building the image. The project information is displayed in the build page and the progress bar indicates the build status.
    If you need to cancel the build, click Cancel. This cancels the current build process, closes the wizard, and takes you back to the Customizations Page.
    If your build fails, an error message will show up that includes a link to the project folder. You can scan the logs to determine what caused the error. Once you fix the issue, try building the image again.
    If your build is successful, the name of the image, output directory, and project directory will be displayed.
    If you want to, you can build the image again by picking a different image format, selecting the deployment media (or both), and then starting another build. To do this, click Back to select what you want to change, and then click Next to start another build. If you are done, click Finish to close the wizard and go back to the Customizations Page.
    Media options for a Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions imageYou can use the Create menu to use a wizard to select and choose your media option.
    Production Media - Use to create a production media of a desktop image. When you select this media option, you can choose from a WIM or FFU image format. If you choose either the WIM or FFU image format, the Select imaging options page allows you to enable OS file compression. This option is selected by default.
    Clean Install Media - Use to create a clean install media of a desktop image.
    Upgrade Media - Use to create an upgrade media of a desktop image.
    Recovery Media - Use to create a recovery media of a desktop image. This can only be in the WIM image format. The Recovery Options page replaces the Select image format page that is displayed when you click the Build button. However, the rest of the workflow and pages remain the same.
    To deploy an image to a PC
    Insert the USB drive that contains the bootable media into a PC and then boot the PC from the USB drive.
    Enter the product key.
    Accept the EULA and then wait for the installation to complete.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Configure customizations using Windows ICD[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    You can use Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) to configure the Windows device UI, connectivity settings, and user experience to better reflect your brand, to meet mobile network requirements, to comply with IT department security requirements, or to fit market segments or regions where the device will ship.
    The following screenshot shows what you might see in the Customizations Page for a particular Windows edition.

    The Customizations Page contains these elements:
    Project Information panel - Summarizes the information for the current project including the selected project workflow and the Windows edition that was selected for customization.
    Available Customizations panel - Shows the assets and settings that you can customize for the selected project.
    Assets are configurable customizations that are not settings. These, and more information on how to configure them, are as follows:
    Applications - To add an app Drivers - To add a driver Features on demand - To add an individual feature package Language packages - To add a language pack MBS driver set - To add an MBS driver set OS updates - To add OS updates Important  For Windows 10 Technical Preview, if you build a provisioning package that contains any asset and then install the package during the first runtime experience or later, the asset will not be installed on the device. Assets can only be applied during the deployment process and not at runtime. The Settings group in the Available Customizations window shows the various settings that you can configure for a provisioning package or image. For more information on how to configure them, see To customize OS settings.
    Customizations Editor panel - Displays information about the asset including the asset's name and path, shows the default OS value and description for a setting (if available), and lets you set different values for these settings and assets. You will do most of your customization work in this panel.
    Configured Customizations panel - Shows the assets and settings that you have saved or set in the Customizations Editor panel. The configured customizations is a list of customizations that will be included in the provisioning package.
    If there are any assets or settings that you want to change or remove, see the following sections for more information on how to do this:
    To remove or change an asset To remove or change a setting  Select the Applications asset to add a Store or LOB App.
    To add an app
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path to a Store or LOB App .appx or .appxbundle package, dependency package, license file, source custom data file, or source shared local data file.
    Select the .appx or .appxbundle, depdency package, license file, source custom data file, or source shared local data file that you want to add.
    Specify a friendly name for the app by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    If you specify dependency packages in the Dependency Package Path textbox, the Store or LOB App .appx or .appxbundle package name is automatically populated in the Name textbox and multiple dependency packages are automatically populated in the Dependency Packages listbox.
    If you specify an .appxbundle in the Package Path textbox, the bundle already includes the dependent packages for that app so you can skip specifying any Dependency Packages.
    To avoid specifying a license file for the app, check the Skip License checkbox. If you don't check this box, you must provide a license file for the app. This checkbox is not checked by default.
    Click Add to add the app package to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark in the Available Customizations pane appears next to the asset that you added.
     Select the Drivers asset to add a driver.
    Note  This asset is only available when you're customizing an image for Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise).To add a driver
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path to a folder that contains your driver files or packages.
    Select the folder that contains the driver. The driver(s) in the specified folder must be in the INF format.
    This populates the Driver Folder Path textbox.
    Specify a friendly name for the driver by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    To allow unsigned drivers to be added, check the Force unsigned install checkbox. This is not enabled by default.
    Click Add to add the driver to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark appears next to the asset that you added in the Available Customizations pane.
     Select the Features on demand asset to add an individual feature package (.cab).
    To add an individual feature package
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path to an individual .cab.
    Select the folder that contains the feature package.
    This populates the Features package path textbox.
    Specify a friendly name for the feature package by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    Click Add to add the feature package to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark appears next to the asset that you added in the Available Customizations pane.
     Select the Language Packages asset to add a language pack. Language packs provide a translated version of most of the UI.
    To add a language pack
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path to a folder that contains the language pack's .cab file.
    Select the .cab file for the language pack.
    This populates the Cab File textbox.
    Specify a friendly name for the language pack by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    Click Add to add the language pack to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark pane appears next to the asset that you added in the Available Customizations pane.
     Select the MBS Driver Set asset to add an MBS driver.
    To add an MBS driver set
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path to a folder that contains your driver files or packages.
    Select the folder that contains the driver set. The driver set in the specified folder must be in the INF format.
    This populates the MBS Driver Set Path textbox.
    Specify a friendly name for the driver set by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    To allow unsigned drivers to be added, check the Force unsigned install checkbox. This is not enabled by default.
    Click Add to add the driver set to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark appears next to the asset that you added in the Available Customizations pane.
     You can customize certain settings by selecting a grouped setting or an individual subsetting, or property, from the Settings group.
    Note  Settings can be applied to a running device during the first runtime experience or later, but some settings can also be applied during deployment time.To customize OS settings
    From the Settings group in Available Customizations panel, select the setting that you want to configure.
    For most settings, a brief description of the setting and its default value is shown in the Customizations Editor panel.
    In the Customizations Editor panel, set the value for the setting that you selected and then click the save setting button (denoted by a floppy disk) next to the textbox.
    A check mark appears next to the setting that you customized and saved in the Available Customizations pane.
     Select the Windows Updates asset to add Windows Updates. Windows Updates are .MSU files that you can add to a provisioning package.
    To add OS updates
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path that contains the individual Windows Updates (.msu), or the folder that contains multiple Windows Updates.
    Select the path. This populates the Update package path textbox.
    Specify a friendly name for the Windows Updates by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    Click Add to add the Windows Updates to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark in the Available Customizations pane appears next to the asset that you added.
    Important  If you selected a folder path that contains multiple update packages, the folder path will be added to the Configured Customizations tree view as the parent node to the update package nodes. In this case, you cannot remove individual update packages from the configured customizations list as only the folder path that contains all the update packages can be removed. You must remove the update packages from the folder using File Explorer before you can add the folder path again using the Customizations Page in Windows ICD to add the rest of the update packages in the folder.  You can remove or change the information for any asset that you add.
    To remove or change an asset
    Select the asset from the Configured Customizations panel to show that asset's information in the Customizations Editor panel.
    To remove the asset, click Remove.
    To change the information about the existing asset including selecting a different path, specifying a different name, and so on, update the information that you want to change and then click Save.
     You can remove or change the information for any setting that you add.
    To remove or change a setting
    Select the setting from the Configured Customizations panel to show that setting's information in the Customizations Editor panel.
    To reset the value to the default OS value or to remove the setting from the configured customizations list, click the X next to the textbox.
    The X removes the setting from the configured customizations list.
    To change the value for the setting, type the new setting value and then click the save setting button (denoted by a floppy disk) next to the textbox.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Use the Windows ICD command-line interface[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    You can use the Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) command-line interface (CLI) to automate the building of provisioning packages and Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise).
    For OEMs who already have an established manufacturing process or for enterprise IT Pros who also have established IT management infrastructures, you can use the Windows ICD CLI to require less re-tooling of your existing processes. You must run the Windows ICD CLI from a command window with administrator privileges.
    For OEMs that want to create an image and/or provisioning package with multivariant support, you must use the Windows ICD CLI and edit the customizations.xml sources.
    Supported scenariosTo build a provisioning package To build a Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions image  
    UsageRunning "icd.exe /?" brings up the following usage information:
    icd.exe <command> <parameters> 
    icd.exe /Build-ImageFromWIM /CustomizationXML:x /OutputPath:x /SourceImage:x /ImageIndex:x 
    To build a provisioning packageFor more information about what a provisioning package is, see the description in Build and apply a provisioning package. You must gather all the assets and settings that you need and then write the answer file that contains the asset payloads and setting values. You need the answer file as one of the inputs to the Windows ICD CLI to build a provisioning package.
    icd.exe /Build-ProvisioningPackage /CustomizationXML:<path_to_xml> /PackagePath:<path_to_ppkg> [/storeFile:<path_to_storefile>][[+|-]Encrypted] [/?]
    Switches and arguments:
    Switch Required? Arguments/CustomizationXML
    Specifies the path to an XML file that contains the customization assets and settings.
    Specifies the path and the package name where the built provisioning package will be saved.
    Specifies the path to a Windows store file.
    Specifies if the provisioning package should be built with encryption. Windows ICD auto-generates the decryption password and includes this information in the output.
    Precede with + for encryption or - for no encryption. The default is no encryption.
    Lists the switches and their descriptions for the command-line tool or for certain commands.
    To build a Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions imageBefore you can use the Windows ICD CLI to build a Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions image, you must:
    Download the image WIM file from the Windows Portal and save it to a location that is accessible by the command line.
    Optionally, run the build provisioning package command line to create one or more provisioning packages that contain the assets and settings that you will use to customize the Windows image.
    Create a deployment XML file that contains the selected options for the type of deployment media that you are building. These are the same options that are available in the build wizard of the Windows ICD UI; for example, the WIM or FFU image format, and the local folder or USB key as the target media. For more information, see Build and deploy a Windows 10 image.
    icd.exe /Build-ImageFromWIM /CustomizationXML:<path_to_xml> /MediaPath:<path_to_media_folder> /SourceImage:<path_to_image> [imageIndex:<index>] [imageName:<name>] [/ProvisioningPackage:<path_to_ppkg>] /DeploymentConfigXml:<path_to_xml>
    Switches and arguments:
    Switch Required? Arguments/CustomizationXML
    Specifies the path to an XML file that contains the customization assets and settings.
    Specifies the directory path to a local folder or local network share where the Windows image and its deployment media will be saved.
    Specifies the path to a WIM file, which contains the image to be used to build the customized image.
    Specifies the index of the image in the WIM file.
    Specifies the name of the image in the WIM file that will be used as the base image.
    Specifies the path to a provisioning package that contains the customization assets and settings that will be applied to the image. You can use this parameter multiple times to specify multiple provisioning packages.
    Specifies the path to an XML file that contains the selected options for the target deployment media that should be built.
    Lists the switches and their descriptions for the command-line tool or for certain commands.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

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    Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (Windows ICD)
    Quickly create a provisioning package that you can use to customize devices without re-imaging. You can also build a customized Windows image for specific market segments and regions. 
    Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer
    [some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    PurposeThe Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) streamlines the customizing and provisioning of a Windows image.
    Note   The latest version of Windows ICD is still in development and not feature complete. All the information and screenshots in this section are preliminary and subject to change. 
    Windows ICD is primarily designed for use by:
    OEMs and ODMs looking for a simple and streamlined process of creating and deploying a Windows image. System integrators who provision devices based on their customers' needs. IT departments for business and educational institutions who need to provision bring-your-own-device (BYOD) and business-supplied devices. To determine if Windows ICD is the right tool for you, see the following table, which shows the scenarios that Windows 10 Technical Preview supports and the tool that you can use.
    If you are a: Interested in: Use:System builder or OEM
    Configuring and applying Windows images on new desktop and mobile devices
    Windows ICD to create full image media (USB, network, USB tethering)
    Small organization
    Customizing new desktop and mobile devices
    Windows ICD to create provisioning package(s)
    Configuring and applying Windows images on new desktop devices
    Windows ICD to create full image media (USB, network, USB tethering)
    Mid-sized organization
    Creating and deploying custom Windows images on new or existing desktop devices
    Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) to create and deploy custom image(s) (USB, network, Windows Deployment Services (WDS)/Preboot Execution Environment (PXE))
    Configuring and applying Windows images on new desktop devices
    Windows ICD to create provisioning package(s)
    Customizing mobile devices
    Windows ICD to create provisioning package(s)
    Large organization
    Creating and deploying custom Windows images on new or existing desktop images
    MDT and/or Configuration Manager to create and deploy custom image(s) (USB, network, WDS/PXE/Multicast)
    Customizing new desktop and mobile devices
    Windows ICD to create provisioning package(s)
    In this section Topic DescriptionGetting started with Windows ICD
    Read this topic to find out how to install and run the Windows ICD.
    Supported platforms for Windows ICD
    Provides information about:
    Supported host platforms - Versions of Windows 10 Technical Preview that can run Windows ICD
    Supported target images - Windows images that can be configured using Windows ICD
    Build and apply a provisioning package
    You can use Windows ICD to create a provisioning package (.ppkg), which contains customizations that you can include for a particular Windows image. You can either apply the provisioning package to an image or share it as a standalone package that can be applied to a running system using the Provisioning Engine.
    Export a provisioning package
    Export a provisioning package if you want to reuse the customizations already configured in a different project or to share it as a standalone package that can be applied to a running system during initial device setup or later.
    Build and deploy a Windows 10 image for desktop editions
    You can use Windows ICD to create a new Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise) image and customize it by adding drivers, apps, language packs, settings, and more. You can also build the deployment media either to a folder or to a USB key.
    Configure customizations using Windows ICD
    You can use Windows ICD to configure the Windows device UI, connectivity settings, and user experience to better reflect your brand, to meet mobile network requirements, to comply with IT department security requirements, or to fit market segments or regions where the device will ship.
    Use the Windows ICD command-line interface
    You can use the Windows ICD command-line interface (CLI) to automate the building of provisioning packages and Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions.
    For OEMs who already have an established manufacturing process or for enterprise IT Pros who also have established IT management infrastructures, you can use the Windows ICD CLI to require less re-tooling of your existing processes. You must run the Windows ICD CLI from a command window with administrator privileges.
    For OEMs that want to create an image and/or provisioning package with multivariant support, you must use the Windows ICD CLI and edit the customizations.xml sources.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Getting started with Windows ICD[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    Note   The latest version of Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) is still in development and not feature complete. All the information and screenshots in this section are preliminary and subject to change. 
    Read this topic to find out how to install and run the Windows ICD.
    Install Windows ICDTo install Windows ICD and configure Windows 10 Technical Preview images only, you must install the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10 Technical Preview.
    While running "ADKsetup.exe", check the following ADK features from the Select the features you want to install dialog box:
    Deployment Tools Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (Windows ICD) User State Migration Tool (USMT) Windows ICD depends on other tools in order to work correctly. If you only select Windows ICD in the ADK install wizard, these other tools (Deployment tools, Windows PE, and USMT) will also be selected for installation.
    Run Windows ICDAfter you have installed Windows ICD, you can use either the Windows ICD UI or command-line interface (CLI) from the Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment, with administrator privileges, using these steps:
    To use the UI
    Launch Windows ICD:
    From either the Start screen or the Start menu search pane, type 'Imaging and Configuration Designer' and click on the Windows ICD shortcut, or,
    Navigate to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Imaging and Configuration Designer\x86' (on an x64 computer) or 'C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Imaging and Configuration Designer\x86\ICD.exe' (on an x86 computer), and then double-click ICD.exe.
    The Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer window should display the Start page.
    To start with a new project, click "New Project..." and follow the Windows ICD wizard.
    For step-by-step UI instructions and scenario information, see these topics:
    Build and apply a provisioning package Export a provisioning package Build and deploy a Windows 10 image for desktop editions Configure customizations using Windows ICD If you have previously created projects that you want to modify, click "Open Project..." to navigate to your existing projects.
    To use the command-line interface
    Open a command-line window with administrator privileges.
    From the command-line, navigate to the Windows ICD install directory.
    On an x64 computer, type:
    'cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Imaging and Configuration Designer\x86'
    On an x86 computer, type:
    'cd C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Imaging and Configuration Designer\x86'
    See Use the Windows ICD command-line interface for more information about using the Windows ICD CLI.
    Supported Windows ICD project workflowsWhen you select a new project within Windows ICD, you have a choice of two project workflows:
    Provisioning Package - Use this workflow to build a provisioning package that targets a Windows edition. A provisioning package allows you to customize an existing Windows image without re-imaging, or you can use this package to build a Windows image. For more information, see Build and deploy a provisioning package and Export a provisioning package.
    Imaging - Use this workflow to create and build a new Windows image. From this workflow, you can use a:
    Windows Desktop WIM-based image - This imaging method requires an Install.wim file, which contains the Windows edition that you want to use. This lets you build a deployment media either to a folder or to a USB key. For more information, see Build and deploy a Windows 10 image for desktop editions.
    Windows pre-installed OS kit - This imaging method uses a pre-installed OS kit for Windows editions that have associated OS kits already installed.
    Current Windows ICD limitationsYou can only run one instance of Windows ICD on your computer at a time.
    A provisioning package must apply to a specific Windows edition. In other words, you cannot create a generic provisioning package that applies to all Windows devices.
    Deployment time application of a provisioning package is not yet available.
    When building an image for Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise), you can only build to a .wim file.
    Be aware that when adding apps and drivers, all files stored in the same folder will be imported and may cause errors during the build process.
    While you can open multiple projects at the same time within Windows ICD, you can only build one project at a time.
    A best practice when using Windows ICD to build projects or answer files that contains assets, such as apps or drivers, is to copy all necessary files to the local computer that is running Windows ICD. For example, when you add a driver to a provisioned package, you must copy the .INF file to a local directory on the computer that is running Windows ICD. If you do not do this, and attempt to use a copied version of this project on a different computer, Windows ICD might attempt to resolve the path to the files that point to the original computer.
    Note  This might cause Windows ICD with the copied project or answer file to crash when you try to build an image. 
    Related topics Windows Imaging Configuration and Designer Supported platforms for Windows ICD 
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Supported platforms for Windows ICD[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    Note   The latest version of Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) is still in development and not feature complete. All the information and screenshots in this section are preliminary and subject to change. 
    Provides information about:
    Supported host platforms - Versions of Windows 10 Technical Preview that can run Windows ICD
    Supported target images - Windows images that can be configured using Windows ICD
    Supported host platforms 
    The supported host platform is the operating system that can run Windows ICD. These platforms include:
    Windows 10 Technical Preview - x86 and amd64
    Windows 8.1 Update - x86 and amd64
    Windows 8.1 - x86 and amd64
    Windows 8 - x86 and amd64
    Windows 7 - x86 and amd64
    Windows Server Technical Preview
    Windows Server 2012 R2 Update
    Windows Server 2012 R2
    Windows Server 2012
    Windows Server 2008 R2
    Supported target images 
    The Windows images that can be configured using Windows ICD are:
    Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise) image
    Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones image
    Note  Windows ICD does not support the configuring of Windows Server Technical Preview editions. 
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Build and apply a provisioning package[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    You can use Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) to create a provisioning package (.ppkg), which contains customizations that you can include for a particular Windows image. You can either apply the provisioning package to an image or share it as a standalone package that can be applied to a running system using the Provisioning Engine.
    To build and customize a provisioning packageCreate a project for a provisioning package
    From the Windows ICD Start Page, select New Project....
    Or, you can also select New Project... from the File menu.
    In the Enter Project Details window, specify a Name and Location for your project. Optionally, you can also enter a brief Description to describe your project.
    Click Next.
    In the Choose Workflow window, select Provisioning Package from the list of available project workflows and then click Next.
    In the Select Windows Edition window, select the Windows edition for which you want to create the provisioning package and then click Finish.
    This loads all the customizations that you can configure based on the Windows edition that you selected. Once all the available customizations are loaded, you can see the Customizations Page.
    Customize a provisioning package
    In the Customizations Page, select what you want to customize from the Available Customizations panel. This can include:
    Applications Drivers Features on demand Language Packages MBS Driver Set Settings Windows Updates Note  The assets and settings available for customization depend on the Windows edition that you selected from the previous step, so not all of these assets may be available. For more information about how to set the assets and settings, see Configure customizations using Windows ICD.
    After you're done configuring your customizations, click Build.
    In the Provisioning Package Configuration screen, describe the provisioning package by filling in the following fields. You can change or keep the default values for these fields.
    Package Name - This field is pre-populated with the project name that you entered in the New Project wizard. You can change this value by entering a different name in the Package Name field.
    Package Owner - You must select one of these values for Package Owner:
    Microsoft Silicon Vendor OEM System Integrator Mobile Operator IT Admin Package Version - Optional. You can change the default package version by specifying a new value in the Package Version field. The version must follow this numerical format: "<Major>.<Minor>"
    Package Rank - Optional. You can select a value between 0 and 99, inclusive. The default package rank is 0.
    Windows ICD also shows an auto-generated package GUID in the Package Id field. You cannot change this string and it's shown only for your reference.
    Click Next.
    Specify the output location where you want the provisioning package to go once it's built. Click Browse to change the default location (optional). Click Next.
    Click Build to start building the package. The project information is displayed in the build page and the progress bar indicates the build status.
    If you need to cancel the build, click Cancel. This cancels the current build process, closes the wizard, and takes you back to the Customizations Page.
    If your build fails, an error message will show up that includes a link to the project folder. You can scan the logs to determine what caused the error. Once you fix the issue, try building the package again.
    If your build is successful, the name of the provisioning package, output directory, and project directory will be shown.
    If you choose, you can build the provisioning package again and pick a different path for the output package. To do this, click Back to change the output package name and path, and then click Next to start another build. If you are done, click Finish to close the wizard and go back to the Customizations Page.
    Note  For Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise), the provisioning package will be included in the Windows ICD media and be consumed at deployment time in various setup phases. During device setup time, the provisioning engine starts and consumes the packages.To apply a provisioning package to a Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editionsYou can add a provisioning package to a .WIM that will be applied at deployment time.
    Deployment time
    Create a local copy of the base image, Install.wim.
    Mount the .WIM using DISM.
    dism /mount-image /imagefile:"install.wim" /index:1 /mountdir:"C:\MountDir" Navigate to the mounted image using File Explorer.
    C:\MountDir\ProgramData\Microsoft\Provisioning\Packages Copy the provisioning package to this location. You may copy multiple provisioning packages.
    Unmount the image.
    Save your changes.
    dism /unmount-image /mountdir:"C:\MountDir" /Commit Discard your changes.
    dism /unmount-image /mountdir:"C:\MountDir" /Discard You can apply a provisioning package that will be applied to the image at runtime.
    Select the provisioning package that you want to apply, double-click the file, and then allow admin privileges.
    Consent to allow the package to be installed.
    After you allow the package to be installed, the runtime settings will be applied to the image.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Export a provisioning package[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    Export a provisioning package if you want to reuse the customizations already configured in a different project or to share it as a standalone package that can be applied to a running system during initial device setup or later.
    For example, you can use Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) for image customization and then build the model image with its media. You can then export the customizations done in the Customizations Page to a provisioning package before building the model image and media. You can also import the provisioning package in the New Project wizard when starting another imaging project workflow to create a model image for a similar device model. The assets and settings in the imported provisioning package will be pre-populated in the Customizations Page and you can add or change more assets and settings instead of redoing the customization tasks again before building the model image media.
    Important  Importing a provisioning package is not yet supported in this release of Windows 10 Technical Preview.Alternatively, you can also use the Windows ICD command-line interface to specify the provisioning package to build another model image with the media without further modifications to the current package contents. For more information, see Use the Windows ICD command line interface.
    To export a provisioning package
    From the Windows ICD menu, select Export and then choose Provisioning Package.
    Optional. In the Provisioning Package Configuration page, specify a Package Name. This field is pre-populated with the project name that you entered in the New Project wizard. You can change this value by entering a different name in the Package Name field.
    Windows ICD shows an auto-generated package GUID or the package GUID inherited from an imported provisioning package in the Package Id field. You cannot change this string and it's shown only for your reference.
    Optional. You can change the default package version by specifying a new value in the Package Version field. The version must follow this numerical format: "<Major>.<Minor>"
    The value for the package version is pre-populated with the latest package version number or "1.0" if this is the first time that a package is being exported.
    Set the Package Owner to one of these values:
    Microsoft Silicon Vendor OEM System Integrator Mobile Operator IT Admin Optional. You can set the Package Rank to a value between 0 and 99, inclusive. The default package rank is 0.
    Click Next.
    In the Provisioning Package Output window, a default location is shown in the Output Location field.
    Click Browse to change the default value and specify a different output location where you want the provisioning package to go once it's built.
    Click Next.
    Click Build to build the provisioning package.
    Once the provisioning package is built, you can use it for the scenarios described above.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Build and deploy a Windows 10 image for desktop editions[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    You can use Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) to create a new Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise) image and customize it by adding drivers, apps, language packs, settings, and more. You can also build the deployment media either to a folder or to a USB key.
    Note  This imaging method requires a Windows image (Install.wim) file, which contains the base Windows image. 
    To build a customized Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions image
    From the Windows ICD Start page, select New Project....
    Or, you can also select New Project... from the File menu.
    In the Enter Project Details window, specify a Name and Location for your project. Optionally, you can also enter a brief Description to describe your project.
    Click Next.
    In the Choose Workflow window, select Imaging from the list of available project workflows and then click Next.
    In the Imaging Methodology window, select Windows Desktop WIM-based image, and then click Next.
    In the Select Image window, click Browse to launch File Explorer. Search and locate the path to the Install.wim file.
    After you've selected the Install.wim file, all the Windows images in the .wim file are listed in the Select Image screen. By default, the first Windows image in the list is selected and the information about this image is displayed in the Image Information panel.
    Select the Windows image that you want to use and then click Finish.
    This loads all the customizations that you can configure based on the Windows edition that you selected. Once all the available customizations are loaded, you can see the Customizations Page.
    In the Customizations Page, select what you want to customize from the Available Customizations panel. This can include:
    Applications Drivers Features on demand Language Packages MBS Driver Set Settings Windows Updates Note  The assets and settings available for customization depend on the Windows edition you selected from the previous step, so not all of these assets may be available. For more information about how to set the assets and settings, see Configure customizations using Windows ICD.
    After you're done configuring your customizations, click Build.
    In the Select image format screen, select the image format for your build media:
    WIM - Builds the image in a Windows image (WIM) file format. This option allows you to build the media to a local folder on your PC or to a network share, or to create a bootable media on a USB drive.
    FFU - Builds the image in a full flash update (FFU) file format.
    Select WIM and click Next.
    Select the type of media that you want to create.
    Folder Media - Creates a folder that contains the deployment media. The resulting media is not a bootable media and is not guaranteed to work on bootable drives.
    USB Bootable Drive - Creates a bootable media on a USB drive.
    If you selected Folder Media in the previous step, enter or select the path for the deployment media.
    If you selected WIM in the previous step, Windows ICD detects all the available USB drives attached to the host PC and lists these in the Output Drive drop-down list. If Windows ICD doesn't detect any USB drives, attach a USB drive to your PC and click Refresh.
    Click Build to start building the image. The project information is displayed in the build page and the progress bar indicates the build status.
    If you need to cancel the build, click Cancel. This cancels the current build process, closes the wizard, and takes you back to the Customizations Page.
    If your build fails, an error message will show up that includes a link to the project folder. You can scan the logs to determine what caused the error. Once you fix the issue, try building the image again.
    If your build is successful, the name of the image, output directory, and project directory will be displayed.
    If you want to, you can build the image again by picking a different image format, selecting the deployment media (or both), and then starting another build. To do this, click Back to select what you want to change, and then click Next to start another build. If you are done, click Finish to close the wizard and go back to the Customizations Page.
    Media options for a Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions imageYou can use the Create menu to use a wizard to select and choose your media option.
    Production Media - Use to create a production media of a desktop image. When you select this media option, you can choose from a WIM or FFU image format. If you choose either the WIM or FFU image format, the Select imaging options page allows you to enable OS file compression. This option is selected by default.
    Clean Install Media - Use to create a clean install media of a desktop image.
    Upgrade Media - Use to create an upgrade media of a desktop image.
    Recovery Media - Use to create a recovery media of a desktop image. This can only be in the WIM image format. The Recovery Options page replaces the Select image format page that is displayed when you click the Build button. However, the rest of the workflow and pages remain the same.
    To deploy an image to a PC
    Insert the USB drive that contains the bootable media into a PC and then boot the PC from the USB drive.
    Enter the product key.
    Accept the EULA and then wait for the installation to complete.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Configure customizations using Windows ICD[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    You can use Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) to configure the Windows device UI, connectivity settings, and user experience to better reflect your brand, to meet mobile network requirements, to comply with IT department security requirements, or to fit market segments or regions where the device will ship.
    The following screenshot shows what you might see in the Customizations Page for a particular Windows edition.

    The Customizations Page contains these elements:
    Project Information panel - Summarizes the information for the current project including the selected project workflow and the Windows edition that was selected for customization.
    Available Customizations panel - Shows the assets and settings that you can customize for the selected project.
    Assets are configurable customizations that are not settings. These, and more information on how to configure them, are as follows:
    Applications - To add an app Drivers - To add a driver Features on demand - To add an individual feature package Language packages - To add a language pack MBS driver set - To add an MBS driver set OS updates - To add OS updates Important  For Windows 10 Technical Preview, if you build a provisioning package that contains any asset and then install the package during the first runtime experience or later, the asset will not be installed on the device. Assets can only be applied during the deployment process and not at runtime. The Settings group in the Available Customizations window shows the various settings that you can configure for a provisioning package or image. For more information on how to configure them, see To customize OS settings.
    Customizations Editor panel - Displays information about the asset including the asset's name and path, shows the default OS value and description for a setting (if available), and lets you set different values for these settings and assets. You will do most of your customization work in this panel.
    Configured Customizations panel - Shows the assets and settings that you have saved or set in the Customizations Editor panel. The configured customizations is a list of customizations that will be included in the provisioning package.
    If there are any assets or settings that you want to change or remove, see the following sections for more information on how to do this:
    To remove or change an asset To remove or change a setting  Select the Applications asset to add a Store or LOB App.
    To add an app
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path to a Store or LOB App .appx or .appxbundle package, dependency package, license file, source custom data file, or source shared local data file.
    Select the .appx or .appxbundle, depdency package, license file, source custom data file, or source shared local data file that you want to add.
    Specify a friendly name for the app by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    If you specify dependency packages in the Dependency Package Path textbox, the Store or LOB App .appx or .appxbundle package name is automatically populated in the Name textbox and multiple dependency packages are automatically populated in the Dependency Packages listbox.
    If you specify an .appxbundle in the Package Path textbox, the bundle already includes the dependent packages for that app so you can skip specifying any Dependency Packages.
    To avoid specifying a license file for the app, check the Skip License checkbox. If you don't check this box, you must provide a license file for the app. This checkbox is not checked by default.
    Click Add to add the app package to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark in the Available Customizations pane appears next to the asset that you added.
     Select the Drivers asset to add a driver.
    Note  This asset is only available when you're customizing an image for Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise).To add a driver
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path to a folder that contains your driver files or packages.
    Select the folder that contains the driver. The driver(s) in the specified folder must be in the INF format.
    This populates the Driver Folder Path textbox.
    Specify a friendly name for the driver by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    To allow unsigned drivers to be added, check the Force unsigned install checkbox. This is not enabled by default.
    Click Add to add the driver to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark appears next to the asset that you added in the Available Customizations pane.
     Select the Features on demand asset to add an individual feature package (.cab).
    To add an individual feature package
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path to an individual .cab.
    Select the folder that contains the feature package.
    This populates the Features package path textbox.
    Specify a friendly name for the feature package by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    Click Add to add the feature package to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark appears next to the asset that you added in the Available Customizations pane.
     Select the Language Packages asset to add a language pack. Language packs provide a translated version of most of the UI.
    To add a language pack
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path to a folder that contains the language pack's .cab file.
    Select the .cab file for the language pack.
    This populates the Cab File textbox.
    Specify a friendly name for the language pack by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    Click Add to add the language pack to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark pane appears next to the asset that you added in the Available Customizations pane.
     Select the MBS Driver Set asset to add an MBS driver.
    To add an MBS driver set
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path to a folder that contains your driver files or packages.
    Select the folder that contains the driver set. The driver set in the specified folder must be in the INF format.
    This populates the MBS Driver Set Path textbox.
    Specify a friendly name for the driver set by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    To allow unsigned drivers to be added, check the Force unsigned install checkbox. This is not enabled by default.
    Click Add to add the driver set to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark appears next to the asset that you added in the Available Customizations pane.
     You can customize certain settings by selecting a grouped setting or an individual subsetting, or property, from the Settings group.
    Note  Settings can be applied to a running device during the first runtime experience or later, but some settings can also be applied during deployment time.To customize OS settings
    From the Settings group in Available Customizations panel, select the setting that you want to configure.
    For most settings, a brief description of the setting and its default value is shown in the Customizations Editor panel.
    In the Customizations Editor panel, set the value for the setting that you selected and then click the save setting button (denoted by a floppy disk) next to the textbox.
    A check mark appears next to the setting that you customized and saved in the Available Customizations pane.
     Select the Windows Updates asset to add Windows Updates. Windows Updates are .MSU files that you can add to a provisioning package.
    To add OS updates
    Click the Browse... button to launch File Explorer to search and locate the path that contains the individual Windows Updates (.msu), or the folder that contains multiple Windows Updates.
    Select the path. This populates the Update package path textbox.
    Specify a friendly name for the Windows Updates by typing a name in the Name textbox.
    Click Add to add the Windows Updates to the Configured Customizations panel.
    A check mark in the Available Customizations pane appears next to the asset that you added.
    Important  If you selected a folder path that contains multiple update packages, the folder path will be added to the Configured Customizations tree view as the parent node to the update package nodes. In this case, you cannot remove individual update packages from the configured customizations list as only the folder path that contains all the update packages can be removed. You must remove the update packages from the folder using File Explorer before you can add the folder path again using the Customizations Page in Windows ICD to add the rest of the update packages in the folder.  You can remove or change the information for any asset that you add.
    To remove or change an asset
    Select the asset from the Configured Customizations panel to show that asset's information in the Customizations Editor panel.
    To remove the asset, click Remove.
    To change the information about the existing asset including selecting a different path, specifying a different name, and so on, update the information that you want to change and then click Save.
     You can remove or change the information for any setting that you add.
    To remove or change a setting
    Select the setting from the Configured Customizations panel to show that setting's information in the Customizations Editor panel.
    To reset the value to the default OS value or to remove the setting from the configured customizations list, click the X next to the textbox.
    The X removes the setting from the configured customizations list.
    To change the value for the setting, type the new setting value and then click the save setting button (denoted by a floppy disk) next to the textbox.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Use the Windows ICD command-line interface[some information relates to pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]
    You can use the Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) command-line interface (CLI) to automate the building of provisioning packages and Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions (Home, Pro, and Enterprise).
    For OEMs who already have an established manufacturing process or for enterprise IT Pros who also have established IT management infrastructures, you can use the Windows ICD CLI to require less re-tooling of your existing processes. You must run the Windows ICD CLI from a command window with administrator privileges.
    For OEMs that want to create an image and/or provisioning package with multivariant support, you must use the Windows ICD CLI and edit the customizations.xml sources.
    Supported scenariosTo build a provisioning package To build a Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions image  
    UsageRunning "icd.exe /?" brings up the following usage information:
    icd.exe <command> <parameters> 
    icd.exe /Build-ImageFromWIM /CustomizationXML:x /OutputPath:x /SourceImage:x /ImageIndex:x 
    To build a provisioning packageFor more information about what a provisioning package is, see the description in Build and apply a provisioning package. You must gather all the assets and settings that you need and then write the answer file that contains the asset payloads and setting values. You need the answer file as one of the inputs to the Windows ICD CLI to build a provisioning package.
    icd.exe /Build-ProvisioningPackage /CustomizationXML:<path_to_xml> /PackagePath:<path_to_ppkg> [/storeFile:<path_to_storefile>][[+|-]Encrypted] [/?]
    Switches and arguments:
    Switch Required? Arguments/CustomizationXML
    Specifies the path to an XML file that contains the customization assets and settings.
    Specifies the path and the package name where the built provisioning package will be saved.
    Specifies the path to a Windows store file.
    Specifies if the provisioning package should be built with encryption. Windows ICD auto-generates the decryption password and includes this information in the output.
    Precede with + for encryption or - for no encryption. The default is no encryption.
    Lists the switches and their descriptions for the command-line tool or for certain commands.
    To build a Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions imageBefore you can use the Windows ICD CLI to build a Windows 10 Technical Preview for desktop editions image, you must:
    Download the image WIM file from the Windows Portal and save it to a location that is accessible by the command line.
    Optionally, run the build provisioning package command line to create one or more provisioning packages that contain the assets and settings that you will use to customize the Windows image.
    Create a deployment XML file that contains the selected options for the type of deployment media that you are building. These are the same options that are available in the build wizard of the Windows ICD UI; for example, the WIM or FFU image format, and the local folder or USB key as the target media. For more information, see Build and deploy a Windows 10 image.
    icd.exe /Build-ImageFromWIM /CustomizationXML:<path_to_xml> /MediaPath:<path_to_media_folder> /SourceImage:<path_to_image> [imageIndex:<index>] [imageName:<name>] [/ProvisioningPackage:<path_to_ppkg>] /DeploymentConfigXml:<path_to_xml>
    Switches and arguments:
    Switch Required? Arguments/CustomizationXML
    Specifies the path to an XML file that contains the customization assets and settings.
    Specifies the directory path to a local folder or local network share where the Windows image and its deployment media will be saved.
    Specifies the path to a WIM file, which contains the image to be used to build the customized image.
    Specifies the index of the image in the WIM file.
    Specifies the name of the image in the WIM file that will be used as the base image.
    Specifies the path to a provisioning package that contains the customization assets and settings that will be applied to the image. You can use this parameter multiple times to specify multiple provisioning packages.
    Specifies the path to an XML file that contains the selected options for the target deployment media that should be built.
    Lists the switches and their descriptions for the command-line tool or for certain commands.
    © 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

  18. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from BALTAGY in (Solved) Importing registry in 64Bit system   
    admin right in resource manifest only help that everything ends up OK
  19. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from BALTAGY in (Solved) Importing registry in 64Bit system   
    in WinNT6.x (Windows Vista/7/8/10/Next) is a duty https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb756929.aspx to add\use always those line in manifest resource
  20. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from BALTAGY in (Solved) Importing registry in 64Bit system   
    in 7ZipSFX or in Exe file add in resource manifest

    <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <dependency> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" version="" processorArchitecture="*" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*" /> </dependentAssembly> </dependency> <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"> <security> <requestedPrivileges> <requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false"/> </requestedPrivileges> </security> </trustInfo> <compatibility xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:compatibility.v1"> <application> <!-- Windows Vista --> <supportedOS Id="{e2011457-1546-43c5-a5fe-008deee3d3f0}"/> <!-- Windows 7 --> <supportedOS Id="{35138b9a-5d96-4fbd-8e2d-a2440225f93a}"/> <!-- Windows 8 --> <supportedOS Id="{4a2f28e3-53b9-4441-ba9c-d69d4a4a6e38}"/> <!-- Windows 8.1 --> <supportedOS Id="{1f676c76-80e1-4239-95bb-83d0f6d0da78}"/> <!-- Windows 10 --> <supportedOS Id="{8e0f7a12-bfb3-4fe8-b9a5-48fd50a15a9a}"/> </application> </compatibility></assembly>Ciao.
  21. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from BALTAGY in (Solved) Importing registry in 64Bit system   
    Try to do everything from a cmd file, if it works after try to use 7ZipSFX mod
  22. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from walkingeagle069 in Germany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 Computer   
    Germany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 Computer

  23. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from walkingeagle069 in Germany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 Computer   
    I translate (with Google Translator) what written by BAT in Italian community
    it seems that the American companies that produce security software, operating systems, applications, encryption and anything else remotely accessible and not (if electronic) policies shall by law have backdoors that allow American law enforcement to "investigate" (and spy). Same goes for those who want to distribute their products in the territories of the United State, so it is the same for all Unix, Apple, Linux, Android etc etc all must have a backdoor
  24. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from destroychip in Windows Search 4.0 True AddOn ITA   
    already done
  25. Like
    OnePiece got a reaction from Extended in [Enero] Update Pack Latino v2.0.6   
    WindowsXP-KB2934207-x86-%Local%.cab https://app.box.com/s/lwfwd77nw0ctrdi7hnai/1/1097545522 or (UpdatePack Folder) in my signature in MEGA
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