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Posts posted by spinalgr

  1. It is a registry entry not a file, that may be added or modified in the "Taskband" 
    registry hive under the following registry path:



    In the right-hand pane, see if there is a "NumThumbnails" DWORD line.


    If it is not there, you must add it as a DWORD (32-bit) string value,  
    and you must also enter 0 or 1 in the "Value data" blank provided.


    Next to the right of that blank, tick the radio button "Decimal" 
    click OK and exit the registry editor.


    A restart or signing out and signing back in may be required.




  2. Alternatives :
    - Genius PDF Reader do the job I want ( Genius PDF is no more! ) link version 2.1 here
    - Also I found Haihaisoft PDF Reader a bit similar to sumatra.(Video Tutorial)
    - Rocket PDF seems good also
    - PDF Lite is very similar (see video here) and can be downloaded from here  (silent setup here)
    - PDF Master is a Russian alternative , official website here
  3. On 1/23/2022 at 11:48 PM, mooms said:

    I see, but I will not re-create an outdated installer just for you.

    Maybe someone have kept it ?


    Or just use switches to make the installer silent:


    SumatraPDFinstaller.exe -install /s /d "%ProgramFiles%\SumatraPDF"


    plz if you have time make a repack for Sumatra PDF version 3.2 x32bit

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