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Posts posted by Sm0k3r

  1. N1K my results

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 186ms, Maximum = 444ms, Average = 365ms

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 231ms, Maximum = 457ms, Average = 351ms

  2. bober I've just noticed that regedit.exe is not being patched. I have gone through the bat and there is a goto regedit label but no patching routine for regedit. Looks like you have duplicated ntsd and not changed it to regedit.

    set name=rcimlby
    set ext=exe
    set big=RCIMLBY
    set com=EX_
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" set com=exe
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto regedit <--- No :regedit label in batch
    %xp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
    if exist "i386\%name%.%ext%" Del "i386\%name%.%ext%" >nul
    %rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
    %pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
    set com=EX_
    %cab% /D CompressionType=LZX /D CompressionMemory=21 "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
    :ntsd <-- Assuming this should really be regedit
    set name=ntsd
    set ext=exe
    set big=NTSD
    set com=EXE
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto ntshrui
    %cp% /v /y "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
    %rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
    %pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
    %cp% /v /y "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
    title XPtsp script Progress 62%%%...
    set name=regedt32
    set ext=exe
    set big=REGEDT32
    set com=EX_
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" set com=exe
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto regwizc
    %xp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
    if exist "i386\%name%.%ext%" Del "i386\%name%.%ext%" >nul
    %rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
    %pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
    set com=EX_
    %cab% /D CompressionType=LZX /D CompressionMemory=21 "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
    set name=regwizc
    set ext=dll
    set big=REGWIZC
    set com=DL_
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" set com=dll
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto remotepg
    %xp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
    if exist "i386\%name%.%ext%" Del "i386\%name%.%ext%" >nul
    %rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
    %pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
    set com=DL_
    %cab% /D CompressionType=LZX /D CompressionMemory=21 "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul

  3. Stimpy im expanding on bobers instructions for you

    copy sysdm.cpl to your desktop

    open reshacker and drag and drop sysdm.cpl into reshacker window

    in reshacker click Actions then click Update All Resources from the pull down

    in the Open File dialogue find your sysdm.cpl.res and double click it

    in reshacker a dialogue will say 133 resource items updated

    click Ok to the dialogue

    click File

    click Save

    close reshacker

    You will now see 2 files on your desktop one called sysdm.cpl and sysdm_original.cpl

    To test just double click sysdm and this will open the updated system properties. Once you are happy with this just copy the sysdm.cpl to your system32 folder overwriting the original.

    If you dont like the updated version delete it from the desktop and rename sysdm_original to sysdm and follow the steps above

    Hope this helps.

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