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Jan Krohn

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Posts posted by Jan Krohn

  1. Da WinCert.net nun einen deutschen Eigentümer hat, darf ein deutsches Forum natürlich nicht fehlen. Herzliche Einladung also zum Austausch über Windows und andere Microsoft-bezogene Themen. Irgendwelche Fragen und Probleme mit Eurer Microsoft-Software? Hier seid Ihr richtig. Und lasst Euch von den noch leeren Unterforen nicht abhalten.

  2. Dear Forum Members,

    I'm happy to announce that the WinCert platform (forum and blog) has been purchased by HeiDoc.

    HeiDoc is a specialized blog and platform focused mainly on Microsoft products, and other areas of IT and technology, such as Amazon and SAP Netweaver. HeiDoc is also the home of the "Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool", and the "Amazon Global Product Price Check".

    WinCert will not be fused into HeiDoc, but continue as a separate community under its own brand and domain. We will keep the changes to the existing WinCert forum to a minimum. A new support forum for the ISO Downloader and a German language subforum will be added. And we'll revive the community, which apparently has slowed down a bit over the past few years.

    As I'm in the process of relocating from Cambodia to the Netherlands, it might take a bit of time to implement the changes, but once I'm settled, I'll be working full-time on HeiDoc and WinCert, so you can expect some considerable improvements over the upcoming months!

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