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Posts posted by pri2sh

  1. i think we all know 7zip probably using this also. but it has windows 98 icons which looks odd in pc of now a days.. so i modified look of 7zip to vista like.


    Bitmap is ported from winrar vista theme and icons are made my me modifying zip icon of vista.

    This is modified version of 7-Zip v4.65.

    All old icons/bitmaps has been changes to gloosy vista like icons and bitmaps.

    The code of 7-zip is not changes and is same as of 7-zip v4.65.

    To install this move "7z.dll" & "7zFM.exe" to the location where you have installed 7zip.

    You may have to log off or restart to get change in icon.

    I don't know who created the 7-zip app logo.. I found this on image search and used it..

    7-zip is free & open source software u can get 7-zip from 7-zip.org

    if u want this then download Vista style 7zip from here


  2. i think we all know 7zip probably using this also. but it has windows 98 icons which looks odd in pc of now a days.. so i modified look of 7zip to vista like.


    Bitmap is ported from winrar vista theme and icons are made my me modifying zip icon of vista.

    This is modified version of 7-Zip v4.65.

    All old icons/bitmaps has been changes to gloosy vista like icons and bitmaps.

    The code of 7-zip is not changes and is same as of 7-zip v4.65.

    To install this move "7z.dll" & "7zFM.exe" to the location where you have installed 7zip.

    You may have to log off or restart to get change in icon.

    I don't know who created the 7-zip app logo.. I found this on image search and used it..

    7-zip is free & open source software u can get 7-zip from 7-zip.org

    if u want this then download Vista style 7zip from here


  3. It has been a year i have been making themes & customization apps.

    so here are selected best themes made by me.All themes and apps here are for XP(all sp) only.

    Ultimate Green Theme for XP


    Ultimate Green is new version of Vista Green theme for XP.

    When I first released Vista Green I got good reviews from visitors who

    where tired of "Black" Vista theme for XP. They found new taste in Vista Green Theme.

    Some of them reviewed that there was too much green in

    this theme because of this in this Version I have used Aero Glass frame instead of green frame. This was only green 7 theme when i first released it.

    i guess now u can find some more win7 green theme.

    ( It is also one of my most popular theme it was it sites like Brothersoft.com

    stuffheaven.com etc)

    Download Link : http://www.deviantart.com/download/1174788...P_by_pri2sh.rar

    Note: LS patch is needed to get result as in screen shot. to get file google

    you can download from here http://www.windowsxlive.net/download/myvs/tools/lspatch.zip


    Vista Night v1 theme


    This theme is made by with help of a guy in internet.

    I modded this theme and made this as per his reqest.

    things i have done shellstyle, wallpaper selection & edit in theme.

    Download link:



    WMP12 Replacement for WMP11 XP


    WMP12 Replacement will modify existing WMP11 UI to like of WMP12 of Windows 7.

    This supports only WMP 11 XP ( all v11 & Language, but only x86/32bit OS ) .

    Run "wmp12-replacement-XPwmp11.exe" to install & "uninstaller.exe" to uninstall.

    every thing is automatic you don't have to do anything manually.

    In this version of wmp12 mod glass look / Aero Look has been decreased and useless

    image in .res file has also been removed.

    You can also check Windows 7 Replacement Beta2 for Windows 7 Transformation

    i have use images from user fediafedia.deviantart.com for this.. before it was dll tha



    Windows 7 Properties for XP (v1.2)


    Here is new version of windows 7 Properties XP.

    It give windows7 Like system properties dialog.

    If you have installed Windows 7 Replacement Beta 2 then first run "win7-puninstaler.exe" then run "win7_prop-installerv1.2.exe" .

    Download from here: http://www.deviantart.com/download/1186279...2_by_pri2sh.rar


    Vista Green Theme


    Around Web I saw different themes inspired by vista,

    But I found all themes to be common in 1 thing that is its black taskbar

    and default vista orb so i try to make different and made this Theme known as

    Vista Green where Every thing is green instead of Black. I have made / added green

    start button orb(from vista media center) replaced to green scroll bar,checkbutton,

    minimize,maximize,close button etc.

    Modified Aurora to green look so it can match with theme and released it finally

    from my website. This was really great and unique theme and when i released it there was barely any vista green theme.

    Download from here: http://www.deviantart.com/download/1091505...P_by_pri2sh.jpg

    =================< End >===========================

    This are some of my chosen work i hope u like it.

    Some unsorted stuffs are available in my dA profile pri2sh.deviantart.com

    & my website Vastdown.co.nr.



    Thank u

  4. Here is my reviews of some of antivirus and which antivirus is good for me.


    As u know there is lots of virus coming out daily. If ur connected to internet than probability of getting virus is very high.

    I used some of the antivirus and among those this i liked NOD32. The reason why.

    Norton AV.

    This seems to give lots of false alarm and uses lots of memory for operation. Scan is also slow. In some old pc it makes pc so slow that u choose to keep virus than antivirus.


    It is very naggy and display which app is lauched what it is doing etc.. this is make really angry and makes u turn it off. Similarly it consumes lots of memory while scanning making pc slow and scan is also not so fast.


    This is the best antivirus i think. I have been using this now and using other av instead of this was my mistake.

    This uses very less memory in comparision of other while scanning as well as while running in backgrounf .it is not naggy like kaspersky and scan is also fast. Time to boot for it is also fast.It doesn't even feel like there is AV running in my pc while using nod32.So i don't need to turn it off while playing games. this is reason why I choose NOD32. And after going to eset's "why eset?" i think i can trust on nod32.

    here is some of why eset images:






    u can also go to eset.com to know about more.

    if u think i should not use nod give me reasons. And say which AV I should use

    ; this are my true reviews of antivirus and i am not promoting any antivirus.

  5. ya the best way is to load a website in ie ( any version) and go to it's temporary folder. and find .swf file.. this works in ie only..

    i watched a video in 1 site and i searched file there but it was not there.. don't know where it get downloaded...

    or u can use excellent firefox addon "download helper" http://www.downloadhelper.net/

    u can use this to download any file frm any site ( basically vids,images etc)

    if downloaded game is in .flv then manually change it to .swf

    but video should be in .flv format.

  6. From neowin.net

    The Pirate Bay is having a bad time after losing the court case about copyright infringement, and the threat of spending up to a year behind bars due to the massive public torrent web site. The debt collectors now wants nearly half of the money owed (out of the $3.6 million US owed) soon, or the four web site owners could face stiffer penalties.

    The owners behind The Pirate Bay may see bank accounts frozen if the money is not paid soon, putting The Pirate Bay in a rough spot, especially if they cannot afford to pay their monthly server fees to keep the web site online.

    The site rejected peoples offer to help pitch in to pay for the legal fees, stating that they do not want people's money, and do not intend to pay their fine. Perhaps TPB may need to revisit this possibility after the defendants claimed they do not have the money, but pay server fees and hardware upgrade costs.

    Currently a higher Swedish court is looking into the possibility of a retrial after the judge's conflict of interest was raised shortly after the trial ended. As for now, the four owners do not seemed worried, as Kolmisoppi put his letter through the paper shredder as soon as he received the threat.

    New source


    I later visited their website and there was no this kinf of news ( i think they r not worried) and they where also talking about upgrading their website's features.

  7. Awsurveys.com is Scam


    U may not beleive that Awsurveys.com is scam. It is True and I am 1 of the victim of this

    scam site.I used to be active member of awsurveys.com and I was active meber of this site

    for more than 8 months. I took me more than 7 months to get that 75$ minimum Payout but at

    last i reached that amount of 75$ it was really tough to get that amount, to get referrals i

    joined different forums, site & Chat Room I reguested user to join etc. After all that i

    reached 75$ and hoped to get money and redeem my money via alertpay. Awsurveys.com said that it will take maximum of 5 days to get that money

    I waited for more than 5 days but i didnot get that money.

    My Awsurveys.com balance decreased for some days and again it got up 66$

    (there was no new signups or surveys). I also send them message telling that i didnot got my

    payment but they didnot responded. In this way I was SCAMMED!!!.

    How I got to this scam site Awsurveys.com?

    I was searching in internet via GOOGLE for free rapidshare Account it took my to one of the

    blog. Author of that blog had recommended Awsurveys.com as there was 27$ signup bonus, 1$

    for survey of 2 site 75$ minimum payout (he has also shown payment proof, don't know how he

    got). As i read it seemed to be easy and I immediately signed up for that scam site

    Awsurveys.com. After signing up completed all survey and earned 27$ and thought if i get a

    survey of 1$ daily then i will get 75$ easily after some months but i was completely wrong!!

    there was 1$ survey a month!!!I will take a years to get that minimum amount!!! So i began

    to refer people and hardly earned 75$ and awsurvey is not paying me cuz this site

    "Awsurveys.com" is scam site. It used us to earn money for themself. I request all users to

    stop using this site.. THIS SITE IS SCAM!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T WASTE UR TIME....

    i have got minimum 2 times!!! and both time they did same.

    It may use to pay in past to get member but now it doesnot pay

    :spam: :spam: :spam:

    stay away from this site if u r member of this site stop using it.. it won't pay!!

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