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  1. Maybe someone has already suggested the same but I failed to find their post. So, here's my thought.. Let's say I make a Win7 Home Premium x86 ISO with my serial (because I bought it, of course) with all updates up to today. And I keep that ISO on my drive for various purposes (virtual machine experiments, netbook installation, testing purposes). A month later that ISO will be outdated, there will be new updates. So, I fire up Win Toolkit, go to Downloads and Update Catalog. Here's what I'm thinking: is it possible for Win Toolkit to scan what updates are already in my extracted ISO's folder so it only offers me new ones and not 400+ of every update since SP1 release? Update Retriever would not work because I'm doing all this on an x64 machine while the ISO in question is x86. tl;dr is it possible for Win Toolkit to scan my extracted ISO's folder for installed updates and only offer me the new ones? Thanks and keep up the good work. PS - On one hand, this might be a long shot because I know how things went with nLite (errors and incompatibilities), on the other hand, XP is nothing like 7. Edit: Hope I'm not too late: in the current version of Win Toolkit, after installing updates to a 7 SP1 ISO's extracted folder, the Component Removal (under Advanced) shows all of these freshly installed updates. I don't want to remove them since I've just installed them - aren't they supposed to be hidden or am I missing something? Yeah, I know I could easily ignore them but on the other hand it makes (in my opinion) the list much much longer. Edit: Another request. In Win Toolkit's options, is it possible to arrange that when I manually pick my Temp folder that it does not create another WinToolkit folder within? Or does it have to be this way in order for software to work? Just wondering..
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