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Found 5 results

  1. I have run into problem : On my w7 x64 ultimate "Open CMD Here" folder shell-extension fails to recognize system32 folder (used for 64 bit console programs). I have integrated 64-bit version of nircmd (by NirSoft). When starting cmd from start menu > run, it finds nircmd.exe, but when starting from shell-extension, it fails. One that works, shows in title "Administrator : Command Prompt"and one that fails has in it's title "Administrator: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"1. If this si a bug, please correct it in WinToolkit update 2. how can i fix this issue on currently installed modded windows ? It's kind of funny that command prompt started from 64-bit folder fails to find other 64-bit commands/utilities :g:
  2. Hello. How about an option to permanently change the default folder view? I find that when using the Open/Save dialog window, the view does not remain to what you set it to. When using nLite on an XP build, the change does remain intact. I have found a registry hack so the OS will remember the change but would like a more permanent change. Also, during the unattended process, there is an option to select which OS you want installing i.e. Ultimate, Professional, Home Premium, etc... please allow this to be pre-determined when using the Unattended Creator as this is the only option that I need to tick to make a complete Autounattend.xml file. I can still make an Autounattend.xml file but this option I have to select to make the install progress further.
  3. Win Toolkit includes some awesome tweaks, one that i'm not sure about is the "Use third party themes tweak". Just one question. What method of patching theme files or services does Win Tookit apply when enabling this tweak? example: There are three methods for patching uxtheme.dll, themeui.dll, and themeservice.dll: Uxtheme multi patcher (Universal Theme Patcher) Uxtheme memory Patcher (UxStyle Core) Manually replacing the system files (For expert users) Any insight would be much appreciated.
  4. Here is my last session and screenshot. After installation, no metro apps are available on the start screen for running, except metro IE and app store. However, even if I use a non built-in administrator account with UAC on to run them, they will be automatically closed right after I clicked and opened them. I'm pretty sure there must be some reg tweaks in WinToolkit that disabled the metro app platform or app container from being installed properly during windows installation, but I just don't know which tweaks. Can someone help me? Thanks. BTW, it was installed on a VHDX for native boot by using imageX /apply, without any unattend.xml. Update: Problem is resolved. Do not touch services, especially the task scheduler. 2012-07-11_06-10-07_2012-07-11_06-10-07.ini
  5. Hi Lego and the others, I have have noticed the following regarding the Tweaks section : -many tweak descriptions aren't exhaustive -lost tweak presets when importing session from W7T 1.3.x (not sure when this happened, maybe caused by one of the early alphas?) -eventually make a checkbox to show the actual registry values to be added -adding an option to export reg settings to a .reg file would allow to apply tweaks to a running system Desktop add an option : show small desktop icons Not sure this reg value works, though... [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics] "Shell Icon Size"="32" Explorer "Mouse Hover Time" cannot change any value here what is the difference between "show all icons and notifications on the taskbar" and "show all icons on taskbar" and "Taskbar buttons" in Desktop section (maybe this one is for running programmes' icons, not for those next to the clock?) IE GPU Rendering (IE9 only afaik) I assume "Software Rendering OFF" means that GPU Rendering will be on. "GPU Rendering ON (default) " and "GPU Rendering OFF" would be easier to understand You have done great work so far with 1.4.x :thumbsup_anim: off topic : Lego, please also have a look at http://www.wincert.n...ors/#entry83808
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