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Need help with drivers in Aio setup.


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Hi i have made Windows 7 x86 and x64.

WIndows7 Home, Pro, Ultimate. danish version.

intergrated all update from windows update. (no driver are intergrated yet)

then i used Aio disk creator to merge x86 and x64 together.

and then i boot from USB stick. using usb 2.0 port.

my question is, i wanna use usb 3.0 port to install windows7 aio.

i put in the usb 3.0 drivers inside boot.wim so i could use usb 3.0. that works great.

but when i get to the desktop. no drivers are loader for usb3.0. so WPI and other stuff that i shall load from the USB3.0 port does not work.

then i intergrate usb3.0 drivers for all know usb 3.0 controller. and also some net drivers from driver pack.net and the i use aio intergrator. everything seem to intergrate fine. but when i test the windows installation. no usb 3.0 or netcard driver gets install.

then i think, can i be because i have no unattend.xml. if there no good way from within wintoolkit to intergrate driver into windows 7. is there another way like from $oem$.

i hope you understand what i mean. i know its a bit messy :)

Kind regards THXMAN

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thanks Ricktendo64. i just figure it out. that the same command i use for intergrating drivers onto boot.wim. Was the samme as to Install wim.

so thats pretty easy yes. but i can only intergrate one driver at the time with DSIM. Is there a way to get DSIM to scan a folder with many drivers inside, and then intergrate them all to install.wim :)

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And one more thing. i use both x86 and x64 windows7. do i need to intergrate both x86 and x64 drivers to install.wim. i readt somwhere because i use both x86 and x64, i should only use x86 drivers when installing usb 3.0 drivers to the boot.wim. and it also work when install win7 from usb 3.0 ports. so far so good. i would believe its because drivers xxx.inf files are named the same in both x86 and x64. so cant intergrate both x86 and x64 because the file names are the same when intergrating them inside the install.wim

or i am off there?

i am pretty noob still just trying to learn. and its fun i think :)

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If you made a AIO disk then I guess you used the X86 iso to create it, so integrate the x86 drivers into your boot.wim...now when it comes to install.wim integrate the x86 drivers in the x86 image and x64 into the x64 image (no need to integrate the x86 drivers into x64 image or vice versa, they will only take up space)

BTW does not matter if a driver has the same filename, Windows takes care of this by adding a hash number after the INF foldername in DriverStore

To integrate multiple drivers just point dism to the root folder and use /Recurse switch, example:

dism /Image:X:\<MountDir> /Add-Driver /Driver:X:\<RootFolderName> /Recurse

You may want to have a look at these WAIK vids I did a while back

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