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[Solved] Help with registry. How to add runonce command for default user?


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If I enter a command for each user created to run from runonce what I should do?

If I use wim registry editor and load "users\default\ntuser.dat"

and add my command to:


Will it run every time a user is created?

I Know that I could test but I'm in hurry to reinstall windows 7 in 3 Pc home network before my trip there ends.... And I'm not that familiar with 7. That is something I would have done in the same case for XP.

Also I cannot figure how does the changes been saved? If I close registry editor and save the image will these just be saved?

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If I enter a command for each user created to run from runonce what I should do?

If I use wim registry editor and load "users\default\ntuser.dat"

and add my command to:


1. Will it run every time a user is created?

I Know that I could test but I'm in hurry to reinstall windows 7 in 3 Pc home network before my trip there ends.... And I'm not that familiar with 7. That is something I would have done in the same case for XP.

2. Also I cannot figure how does the changes been saved? If I close registry editor and save the image will these just be saved?

1. Yes.

2. Yes

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Why this registry file won't run then ?

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"TITLE"="Setting Windows and applications"

I've tried to run manually the batch file and runs ok. But I need to run this every time a user is created. Regsets folders contains .reg files with HKCU content, from each tweak is made and program setting which will run every time a user is created to provide currently suggested default settings...

Edited by stsaerox
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I've Found a funny solution at last. I've created in:

%systemdrive%\users\DEFAULT\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

A file "RunREG.bat" which contains:

@echo OFF
echo Setting default windows and applications settings
for %%a in (%allusersprofile%\RegSets\*.reg) do regedit /S "%%a"
del "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\RunREG.bat"

As you may already understand (just explaining for newbies) when a new user is created the personal folder will be copied from the default user containing the RunREG.bat which will run all registry files in the "%allusersprofile%\RegSets\" and delete itself!!! That means that windows won't find again the same file to run again and again. It is like a custom runonce.

So next time I only have to add this on DVD root: Sources.rar

I was searching all day and got sick of it.. I've tested one or two methods but most of I could not understand.

Here are some of my findings. Solutions that may work also for anyone searching.



The last two may contain a proper solution but I got really tired of it.... and I could not understand.

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