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Update catalog not working


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Small Problem A. With build 28 it hangs a little at loading McRip servers (right after pushing the Update Catalog button from Basic, 2-3 seconds, but after that everything is ok. :) Build 27 is lightning fast. :)

Problem B. Also,in v28, when downloading all the checked by default updates (Win Toolkit preset for KUC x64), it also downloads ''server or AD LDS'' folder with one update in it - Windows6.1-KB2703811-v4-x64 - and also ''server or RSAT'' with one update in it - Windows6.1-KB2494036-v2-x64.

This shouldn't happen, so please check again the preset code for all servers. Thanks :)

Problem C. Also, don't know why, but test 28 doesn't like two updates in komm's main folder - Windows6.1-KB2494036-v2-x64 and Windows6.1-KB2703811-v4-x64. It doesn't download them, and also directly deletes them if I run the tool again and point it to the same directory.

Question D. Wasn't Update Catalog supposed to move the superseded / extra updates in another folder? As you can see at problem C, it directly deletes them. Not really an issue, but maybe the old way with the Old folder is preferable in my opinion. :)

Edited by Legolash2o
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Problem A: Sorted.

Problem B: May need more details, what's suppose to happen.

Problem C: They download fine for me.

EDIT: They seem to disappear for me when i next load it also, I will investigate!

Problem D: It only deleted corrupt files (0 bytes in size). I haven't removed the old folder feature :/

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Problem B: ''server or AD LDS'' and ''server or RSAT'' are in the Additionals (Optional) category. They shouldn't be downloaded, since they aren't selected in the preset, and also don't have nothing to do with the main (New Updates) Recommended'' category.

Problem D: I can guarantee that also updates are deleted, and not moved to an ''Old'' folder. Please investigate further. Thanks. :)

Also, I think McRip will send you a pm soon, he is ~ ok with moving that WU Satisfy folder from what I undestood. He is busy at the moment though. :)

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Problem B: ''server or AD LDS'' and ''server or RSAT'' are in the Additionals (Optional) category. They shouldn't be downloaded, since they aren't selected in the preset, and also don't have nothing to do with the main (New Updates) Recommended'' category.

Lego, I can confirm this behavior here too. Test V28 on Windows 7 x64.

Edited by dotfusion
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"aren't selected in the preset"

Which preset are you on about?

1. Start update catalog

2. Select KUC Windows 7 x64

3. All 'New Updates' (Recommended) by default :D are selected for download, nothing selected under 'Additional' (Optional)

3. Complete the Download Process

4. Browse to <download> folder and you will see that To folders for AD LDS and RSAT with updates inside that were not initially selected from step 3

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preset - updates selected by Win Toolkit by default (pre-ticked - the main category / recommended). those two folders that aren't ticked / selected / not in the main category, but downloaded nevertheless, are the problem. I don't know how to explain it better. Sorry for my english. :D

So two updates, that aren't supposed to be downloaded, are downloaded ( ''server or AD LDS'' folder with one update in it - Windows6.1-KB2703811-v4-x64 - and also ''server or RSAT'' with one update in it - Windows6.1-KB2494036-v2-x64), and other two from the main (recommended) category aren't downloaded ( Windows6.1-KB2494036-v2-x64 and Windows6.1-KB2703811-v4-x64). maybe there's a link...

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with all those numbers I didn't verify to see if those were the same updates or not. I'll inform komm about this. problem solved - B and C from above. also very likely problem D, since those two updates were deleted as they were found somewhere else in the same folder. but automagically deleted doesn't sound the same as automagically mmoved to fiile OLD. :D

Sorry for not beeing more careful - don't know how I missed that. :D

Edited by RicaNeaga
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However, in v29 Update catalog hangs even longer than in v28 at first, while still in the main Win Toolkit interface, before loading the Update Catalog screen, when scanning for the server of McRip. In v27 everything was ok, no lags. Not really an issue, anyone can live with an ~10 seconds lag. :)

Same with v30.

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Nope. :) However, the problem seems to have something to do with McRip server - the text shown when the app freezes for ~10 sec. is ''Testing McRip servers''. However, v27 was free of such problems, and also with v28, v29 and v30 the problem isn't permanent - it happens seldomly. So it's very likely that not your app is to blame - maybe v27 had the same behaviour, but maybe since I didn't start it too many times (less than 10 times)...

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I've discovered a new issue, one is ''revisited'' and also one suggestion:

Problem 1: Win Toolkit's Update Catalog skips from downloading three updates from KUC's x64 main folder - Windows6.1-KB2561821-v2-x64, Windows6.1-KB2748302-v2-x64 and Windows6.1-KB2756651-x64. Don't know why - I searched, I don't think they're duplicates. Please Lego investigate further.

Problem 2 (revisited): Although I've sent komm a pm, he still didn't have the time needed to remove the two duplicate updates that generated the problems you're aware of (Windows6.1-KB2494036-v2-x64 and Windows6.1-KB2703811-v4-x64). When I've run today Update Catalog again (31 test build), the two duplicate updates were nowhere to be found!!!

So, before your latest fix, those two updates didn't appear in the main update folder (recommended category), however they were downloaded from their duplicate sub-folders, ''server or AD LDS'' and ''server or RSAT''. Now, in test 31, after your latest tweak, they're not beeing downloaded at all!

Maybe it would be a good idea to fix this without waiting for komm's fix to its server, because duplicate updates in multiple folders may also be present in either komm or McRip servers in the future, so I think a solution that solves potential duplicate updates is preferable, making Win Toolkit future-proof against this kind of issues.

Suggestion 3. Let me first explain why I want the next thing - komm doesn't have on his server Windows6.1-KB947821-v24-x64, because of its size (360 MB for x64, and half for x86), so I named a ''extra'' named sub-folder inside the updates/KUC Windows 7 x64 folder generated by Update Catalog, and put Windows6.1-KB947821-v24-x64. When I ran Update Catalog again, it renamed my sub-folder from ''extra'' to ''Old'' - an expected behaviour, since Windows6.1-KB947821-v24-x64 is not present in komm server.

So my small request / suggestion: Maybe the user will have some unnofficial updates or Windows6.1-KB947821-v24-x64 that he wants also integrated alongside komm's updates, and if he isn't careful, Update Catalog will move them to the Old folder, and so the user will delete them, thinking they're superseeded. Can you do something about this, Lego? Maybe a certain folder, with a certain name, like ''User_Extra_Updates'', inside which Update Catalog won't ''take a peek'' / scan?

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If you type in the KB number for KB2561821 for example, it's also in the DVD folder.

UPDATE: Win Toolkit no longer shows duplicates and just shows them in the additionals folder.

I can certainly add "User_Extra_Updates" to the exceptions list.

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As a novice user of Win Toolkit, I must say, excellent job on making the Update Catalog n00b friendly in the recent beta. Seeing it all come together is really motivating. Anyhow, Great job. I think I'll start beta testing some builds over the weekend. Best Regards.

Edited by dotfusion
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The server should be available for everybody since yesterday.

If the server is not available, it is under heavy ddos attacks. Some people in the internet want that server to be down, for good.

However everything should work properly, for everybody.

Edited by McRip
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If you type in the KB number for KB2561821 for example, it's also in the DVD folder.

UPDATE: Win Toolkit no longer shows duplicates and just shows them in the additionals folder.

I can certainly add "User_Extra_Updates" to the exceptions list.

In the test 32 version all my problems from my previous post are still present - the five updates from Problem 1 and 2 are nowhere to be found, and also "User_Extra_Updates" is still renamed by Win Toolkit to ''Old".

In test 33 again "User_Extra_Updates" is renamed to ''Old", however now the Download button is just gone from the Update Catalog interface, so can't say for sure for the other two problems, but pretty sure they're again present. :(

LE: Attached a proof of this (missing download button in test 33).


Edited by RicaNeaga
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:ranting: :censored: Visual Studio removed the buttons on the toolstrip, it randomly does this every so often and it does my head in. I've restored it and added the User_Extra_Files or whatever you put it as. I'm running behind as all of the current threads are being mixed around and confusing the hell out of me.

UPDATE: Release t34.

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Great! In test 34, The "User_Extra_Updates" folder isn't renamed anymore, so Win Toolkit doesn't look inside it, so problem fixed, and also the download button is back where is supposed to.

However, in test 34, the first two problems from my previous post are still unsolved - to put it shortly, from komm's main folder, five updates are missing form the main recommended section (Windows6.1-KB2494036-v2-x64, Windows6.1-KB2703811-v4-x64, Windows6.1-KB2561821-v2-x64, Windows6.1-KB2748302-v2-x64 and Windows6.1-KB2756651-x64), all having duplicates in one form or another..

The first two updates have duplicates in .msu form, the last three though have duplicates in .cab form, and since you said earlier that, quote, ''Win Toolkit no longer shows duplicates and just shows them in the additionals folder'', can't you do it the other way around, I mean not show them in the additional folder, but show the duplicates in the main folder? It's important because people who rely on the preset (pre-ticked updates) may skip integrating some important updates just because komm or McRip forgot to also delete them from some additional folders.

Also, in the future, I'll be making a separate thread for each minor bug I'll encounter, so it can easier for you. Thanks. :)

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