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Updates in "prerequisite"-section


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I have a small problem understanding the terms "Prerequisite" (WinToolkit) and "supersedes" MS-Bullettin.


What does it mean exactly, when WinToolkit puts an update under "Prerequisite"? Means, it is necessary for other updates?


I ask this, because KB2731771 has been put as "Prerequisite" by WinToolkit and MS says KB2726535 supersedes KB2731771; same behavior for KB2533623



Update for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2008 (KB2726535)

Locale: All
Deployment: Recommended/Automatic Updates, WSUS, and Catalog
Classification: Updates, Non-Security

  • KB2533623 on Windows Server 2008
  • KB2731771 on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2


If I look for "supersede" in the dictionary the meaning is "replace".


Have a nice weekend.



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  • 2 weeks later...

yep, prereq.. means that this particular update/addon needs to be integrated in the first stage to make other updates work, i.e. IE9 is a prereq for cumulative IE updates.


but as 'sperseded' status go, i'm lost too.

how does the WT determine which KB superseds other KB?

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Win Toolkit doesn't have a database, it's hardcoded :(

Maybe this needs a 'non-hardcoded' solution?  Would it be possible to have a "default" set of prerequisites and supersedes, and a way to change them (maybe saved in a text file or something)?

This would help resolve the problem of (if) WinToolKit (ever) stopped being maintained and it would still allow for updates to be properly prepared.

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