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Notice [Message to Donators]


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Lego, this is your hard work and you deserve the credit for it in the means of donations.

I can create a VIP sub-forum for the WinToolkit where all members that would donate or have donated to you or to Wincert would have access.


As for the group, we can have another Sponsor group called WinToolkit Supporters or something similar. Once you get donation, you can send me a PM with the member name and he/she will be instantly added to that group and thus get access to the VIP area.


If this is alright with you, please let me know.

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Sorry to be a little offtopic, but shouldn't all people who contribute to your app be somehow recognised alongside donators?



I have two ideas:


1. The same as AS SSD benchmark tool (see the About tab in the app), to have a tab with the name of donators, and in the same tab another list with beta testers / feature ''proposers''.


2. Make the trash forum with the deleted and closed threads public - already discussed here. Please Lego also discuss this with NIM.



Otherwise only donators will be really motivated to ''contribute'' to your app. All other people who contribute in other ways than with money won't.

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I have to agree with this, but it's up to lego. Contributors can also be added to the VIP group.


This is not very important from my point of view, however the two ideas mentioned above are. Please NIM also take a look on the second one quoted below and give me your opinion. :)


2. Make the trash forum with the deleted and closed threads public - already discussed here. Please Lego also discuss this with NIM.
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[....] to have a tab with the name of donators, and in the same tab another list with beta testers / feature ''proposers''.


Otherwise only donators will be really motivated to ''contribute'' to your app. All other people who contribute in other ways than with money won't.


While I always appreciate any extra goodies earned as a contributor,  I don't care about actually being listed anywhere.  I can take or leave that.


I agree that it would be nice to motivate contributors to give more than just money, such as their time and effort for beta testing, providing language translations when/if that becomes possible, finding and reporting bugs (preferably helping to find a solution if possible), etc.  You could even argue that those who repeatedly help others on the forum to solve problems help Lego by saving him from having to take his time to do it.  (Of course we should all do that on the forum with no thought of compensation as a way that we give back to the community. :) )  But feature "proposers" I'm not sure about.  Lego could get flooded with requests to add everything under the sun.  He's already been asked by many folks to add all the features that nLite, vLite, RT7Lite, etc ever thought about having.  In any case, if Lego decides to create this group, membership should not be automatic in any case, but by invitation only by Lego based on his opinion, and his opinion alone, as to who is truly worthy of his special thanks through this kind of honor.  I'm sure that the regular members here would agree with whomever he might choose since their contributions would be obvious.


Cheers and Regards

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I agree with bphlpt.  The decision should be with what Legolash2o wants.  He is the programmer.  He has the singular choice of deciding what to work on or add to WinToolKit.


Keep up the great work Legolash2o.

Edited by crashfly
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When I start WinToolkit and click on the Donate button the next page lists the amount in pounds and the address for a County in the UK - even though I show United States as my country. Is there some reason the amount is not in dollars and the addresses reflect possibilities in countries other than the UK?

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If you want I can make it show USD instead (if that's possible). Anyways im going to set off now to a place with a much faster upload speed :P Expect a release in about 1.5 hours from now. Takes about 30 mins just to walk there :-O It would take 20 hours to upload from here.


As Bphlmpt mentioned, it's in GBP as i'm from the UK, Hull to be precise :)

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That's just the way it got set up by Lego, Chief. He's in the UK.  It's legit.  If necessary, you can do conversions here - http://www.dollars2pounds.com/.  Then go back and enter the amount in pounds that you want to donate.  It will be fine.


Cheers and Regards

Have no problem with pounds but how can a payment be accepted if I cannot fill out the address boxes correctly - UK County versus US State and Postal Code versus nine-digit ZIP code?

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Send it via paypal as a gift or donation.


You will not need addresses that way.

Just tried - did not work; refused my MasterCard number as being incorrect (I'm assuming this is because of numbering differences between US and UK/Europe cards) and my address as being bad because I was unable to put anyhting in the (UK) County field

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Ah I see. do you have a Paypal account?

If not ask lego for his Paypal id and initiate the payment from a us link Paypal and enter his id.

Like my Paypal id is "Kelsenellenelvian @ gmail.com"

I have not used PayPal for years - have no idea if they still show me with an account. I clicked on their forgot password link to verify, still waiting on an answer.

Don't need to ask Lego - at the top of the donate page is: liamcrozier@btinternet.com which I'm assuming is him??!!

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