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WinRAR SFX Maker 3.2


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With this maker you can create switchless installers (and RVMi/nLite AddOn), with your own license file, in the language of your choice, and with themes &  others customization.
- Download and extract this archive:

SHA-1: c67f8a7b50743d7f6a1ca9eef1bf031675a9ccc2
Size: 554 KB

- Download a copy of the WinRAR installer(s) in your language: https://www.rarlab.com/download.htm
You can grab both x86 & x64 versions to make an universal installer, the sfx will take care to install the correct version.
- Place the installer(s) in the setup folder. (keep the original names)
- Optional: put a valid WinRAR license file (rarreg.key) in the setup folder
- Optional: extract the theme(s) you want to add in \Themes\theme_name\
                     Each theme must be extracted in his own subfolder
                     Themes can be downloaded here: https://www.rarlab.com/themes.htm
- Optional: If you want to add custom prefs to your WinRAR install (like enabling a theme you have added),
                  you can edit the file rar.reg accordingly and place it in the setup folder.
- Optional: If you want to create an AddOn for RVMi/nLite, edit the script and change the value to "set addon=1"
                   Note that starting with version 6.10, WinRAR is not compatible anymore with Windows XP.

- Run WinRAR_SFX_Maker.cmd

The  switchless installer and AddOn are created in the output folder.

As long as the WinRAR installer routine is not modified this maker will work, so keep it, it will be useful again when WinRAR will be updated.
(Read this thread for an in depth explanation of the capability of this maker)

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the original winrar installer will copy it if you put it in the same dir


That never worked for me.


Tried once more time, deleted these two lines:

RunProgram="x86:hidcon:cmd /c copy rarreg.key \"%ProgramFiles%\\WinRAR\\\" /y"RunProgram="x64:hidcon:cmd /c copy rarreg.key \"%ProgramW6432%\\WinRAR\\\" /y"

and ran the maker: Winrar is unregistered.

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Hi ianymaty,
I never used themes, but after a quick look I can see they are installed in %APPDATA%\WinRAR\Themes\theme_name\ so in 7zip config file we should add this line:

RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c xcopy Themes \"%APPDATA%\\WinRAR\\Themes\" /s /i /y"

and add theme(s) decompressed in \binary\Themes\theme_folder


I have added a step by step guide to add themes in the first post.

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I prefer to keep the original icon, less risk for false positives with antivirus (7zsd used is UPX'ed) and it's a 7zip sfx archive after all.


Why not sharing the one you've made ? You can attach the file in your post.

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Can be created the original setup, adding the rarreg.key or more if you want http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/8602-winrar-x86-x64-true-addon-ita-per-windows-xp2003vistaseven8next/?p=82937 adding files or commands (after the Uninstall.exe /setup) ect ect ect


Ciao a tutti.

Edited by OnePiece
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You're right, but I do not think in this case, when the difference is only 100 Kb, 100 Kb that perhaps do not count, since the 7zsfx is more than 100 kb,  so in this case in the end maybe the WinRar.exe (7-Zip Sfx Mod) is perhaps biggest regard WinRar.exe (WinRar Sfx Mod)



Edited by OnePiece
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When I posted the request I didn't tested the final installer to make sure it works.


Seems that patching the 7zsd.sfx file for the original WinRAR icon somehow brake the installer. It doesn't seem to install anything.


I tryied to patch the final file aswell, the same thing happens.


I'd like to use the original icon for the final file but can't manage to do it with my limited knowledge.

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@OnePiece: 7zsd.sfx  is UPXed so it weighs only 54 KB.

I have compared the 32bits French installer : even with the module + config the resulting file is about 100 KB smaller than the original Winrar installer.



@ianymaty: if you have replaced the icons in the provided 7zsd.sfx I think it failed because it is UPXed.

You should have made the changes in an original (uncompressed)  7zsd module then compressed it with UPX eventually.




Made a new version of the maker with the two modifications suggested by ianymaty: the possibility to add themes and patched 7zsd.sfx with original Winrar installer icon. (tested in VirusTotal: no false positive).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Version 2.1: now the renaming is done by the maker, you just have to put the installers in the binary folder.
Important: renaming will fail if the setup names are not in this form:
winrar-x64*.exe for 64 bits versions
wrar*.exe for 32 bits versions


(where * can be any number of characters)
This is the naming convention of the official site so as long as you download them from there it will be OK, but third party download sites often renames the setups so be careful.


You can verify the renaming was OK by looking in the binary folder after you ran the maker: the 64 bits setup should be named rar64.exe and the 32 bits setup rar32.exe .

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Hi... I created a WinRAR AIO made with 7z-sfx, you need three folders:


X86 (All x86 files uncompressed + rarreg.key + Themdef.reg inside)

X64 (All x64 files uncompressed + rarreg.key + Themdef.reg inside)

Temas (your favorite Themes)



;!@Install@!UTF-8!SetEnvironment="Name=WinRAR"SetEnvironment="Vers=v5.00"Title="%Name% %Vers% x86/x64 esp Silent..."BeginPrompt="    Creado por alfreire¿Quieres instalar %Name% %Vers%...?"ExtractDialogText="%Name% %Vers% x86/x64 español"FinishMessage="Instalación finalizada correctamente... ;-)"GUIFlags="2+4+8+16+32+2048"MiscFlags="4"ExtractTitle="Extrayendo archivos..."ExtractCancelText="Cancelar la instalación"RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c xcopy \"%%T\\Temas\" \"%appdata%\" /y /e /i /c /h"RunProgram="hidcon:x86:cmd /c xcopy \"%%T\\x86\" \"%programfiles%\\WinRAR\" /y /e /i /c /h"RunProgram="x86:\"%programfiles%\\WinRAR\\Uninstall.exe\" /clean"RunProgram="x86:\"%programfiles%\\WinRAR\\Uninstall.exe\" /setup /s"RunProgram="x86:REGEDIT /S \"%programfiles%\\WinRAR\\Themdef.reg\""RunProgram="hidcon:x64:cmd /c xcopy \"%%T\\x64\" \"%programW6432%\\WinRAR\" /y /e /i /c /h"RunProgram="x64:\"%programW6432%\\WinRAR\\Uninstall.exe\" /clean"RunProgram="x64:\"%programW6432%\\WinRAR\\Uninstall.exe\" /setup /s"RunProgram="x64:REGEDIT /S \"%programW6432%\\WinRAR\\Themdef.reg\"";!@InstallEnd@!


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WinRAR\Interface\Themes]"Activepath"="sscom_winrar_48x"[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WinRAR\Profiles\0]"Name"="Perfil predeterminado""Default"=dword:00000001"ImmExec"=dword:00000000"ExclNames"="""StoreNames"="""UseRAR"=dword:00000001"SFXModule"="""SFXIcon"="""SFXLogo"="""SFXElevate"=dword:00000000"CmtFile"="""CmtDataWide"=hex:00,00"VolumeSize"="0""VolSizeMod"=dword:00000000"VolPause"=dword:00000000"OldVolNames"=dword:00000000"RecVolNumber"=dword:00000000"Update"=dword:00000000"Fresh"=dword:00000000"SyncFiles"=dword:00000000"Overwrite"=dword:00000000"Move"=dword:00000000"ArcRecBin"=dword:00000000"ArcWipe"=dword:00000000"WipeIfPassword"=dword:00000000"Solid"=dword:00000000"AV"=dword:00000000"Test"=dword:00000000"Recovery"=dword:00000000"EraseDest"=dword:00000000"AddArcOnly"=dword:00000000"ClearArc"=dword:00000000"Lock"=dword:00000000"Method"=dword:00000001"DictSizeLZ"=dword:00400000"Background"=dword:00000000"WaitForOther"=dword:00000000"Shutdown"=dword:00000000"PasswordWide"=hex:49,4a"EncryptHeaders"=dword:00000000"OpenShared"=dword:00000000"ProcessOwners"=dword:00000000"SaveStreams"=dword:00000000"GenerateArcName"=dword:00000000"VersionControl"=dword:00000000"GenerateMask"="yyyymmddhhnnss""FileTimeMode"=dword:00000000"FileDays"=dword:00000000"FileHours"=dword:00000000"FileMinutes"=dword:00000000"FileTimeBefore"=dword:88000000"FileTimeAfter"=dword:88000000"ArcTimeOriginal"=dword:00000000"ArcTimeLatest"=dword:00000000"mtime"=dword:00000004"ctime"=dword:00000000"atime"=dword:00000000"PathsAbs"=dword:00000000"PathsNone"=dword:00000000"PathsAbsDrive"=dword:00000000"SeparateArc"=dword:00000000"EmailArcTo"="""PackDetails"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\  00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\  00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\  00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\  00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\  00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\  00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\  00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00  [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WinRAR\Viewer]"Type"=dword:00000002"DosCharSet"=dword:00000000"ReuseWindow"=dword:00000000"Wrap"=dword:00000001"ViewerUnpackAll"="*.exe *.msi *.htm *.html""ViewerIgnoreModifications"="""ExternalViewer"="

Need "WinRAR_Silent.exe -y" to full silent install...


Thanks and regards... ;-)


p.d.: I apologize if my post is not appropriate...

Edited by alfreire
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Hi alfreire, that's similar to the OnePiece method he posted above, but with 7zip sfx instead of winrar sfx
You can achieve the same without extracting WinRAR setups with this much simpler config file:
(Install is silent, all files are in the root of the 7zip archive except themes who are in the Temas subfolder)

;!@Install@!UTF-8!GUIMode="2"MiscFlags="4"RunProgram="x86:rar32.exe /S"RunProgram="x64:rar64.exe /S"RunProgram="x86:hidcon:cmd /c copy rarreg.key \"%ProgramFiles%\\WinRAR\\\" /y"RunProgram="x64:hidcon:cmd /c copy rarreg.key \"%ProgramW6432%\\WinRAR\\\" /y"RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c xcopy Temas\"%APPDATA%\\WinRAR\\Themes\" /s /i /y"RunProgram="\"regedit\" /S Themdef.reg";!@InstallEnd@!
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Hi alfreire, that's similar to the OnePiece method he posted above, but with 7zip sfx instead of winrar sfx


You can achieve the same without extracting WinRAR setups with this much simpler config file:

(Install is silent, all files are in the root of the 7zip archive except themes who are in the Temas subfolder)

Thanks... I know that, but the problem is that WinRAR x64 is installed in %programfiles(86)% that way...

Regards... ;-)

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That's not true. Try my maker and you'll see.


Yes, you are right... I don´t remember why choose this sfx mode, but I remember some problem in X64 mode... works anyway...

Thanks and regards... ;-)


p.d.: I think I remember, I wanted to run a cleanup of any previous version before installing the new...

SFX commands: PresetupPresetup=<program>SFX will try to execute <program> before starting extraction. The destination folder is set as the current before executing <program>. You may use this command, for example, to remove a previous version of program, when installing a new version over the old one. If a program name contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes.ExamplePresetup=uninstall.exe /clean
Edited by alfreire
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That's already done by the original installer if you don't extract it (or if you recreate it like Onepiece explained).


In your install scenario the uninstall.exe /clean command should be run before copying WinRAR folder in the program files (you can run it from the temp sfx folder).

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That's already done by the original installer if you don't extract it (or if you recreate it like Onepiece explained).


In your install scenario the uninstall.exe /clean command should be run before copying WinRAR folder in the program files (you can run it from the temp sfx folder).

Thanks again...

Regards... ;-)

Edited by alfreire
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