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Silent install SumatraPDF_2.5.2 & Silverlight don't work


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We cannot help you unless you provide more information like what switches you have tried and what methods you are trying to install them with. (Also what OS and architecture...)


Our crystal balls were shipped to Indonesia for cleaning and thus our fortune telling and guessing skills are quite lacking at the moment.

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i'm using windows 7 x64,

the switches are :



SFX_SumatraPDF_2.5.2 /s /register /opt plugin, pdffilter, pdfpreviewer

ChromeStandaloneSetup /silent /install

Reapers.Microsoft.Silverlight.5.1.30514.0.x64 /q /doNotRequireDRMPrompt /ignorewarnings


i'm testing with Virtualbox

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According to this thread :



THE addon is switchless........


Quick check of the sumutra it is also switchless.


Please research your addons better.


For chrome you now need the enterprise installer and the proper switch for it is /qn

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you are right, i've seen it just now that extentions are not displayed in the program itself, but in the ini files they are:


#Silent Installs
Reapers.Microsoft.Silverlight.5.1.30514.0.x64::/q /doNotRequireDRMPrompt /ignorewarnings;NO;12,75 MB;D:\Mijn documenten\Downloads\Reapers.Microsoft.Silverlight.5.1.30514.0.x64.exe;Always Installed
SFX_SumatraPDF_2.5.2::/s /register /opt plugin, pdffilter, pdfpreviewer;NO;4,02 MB;D:\Mijn documenten\Downloads\SFX_SumatraPDF_2.5.2.exe;Always Installed
ChromeStandaloneSetup::/silent /install;NO;40,57 MB;D:\wnew xxx\WinToolkit_Apps\ChromeStandaloneSetup.exe;Always Installed
the other things you mentioned i will investigate...
Added: it looks it will work now... i've choosen 'delete old installers' sumatra & silverlight now installs but chrome doesnt
i also uses WinToolkit instead of maybe that would have mad a difference...
Chrome still doesn't work tho.... but i will try your advice
added: i didn't succes searching for the enteprise edition of chrome, how and where do i get that?
Edited by loek3000
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