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Everything posted by bober

  1. what version of xptsp r u using? cause this seems like an old problem, i switched my theme to classic and i dont have this problem.can you confirm this is the same dialog as when you normally copy paste items .so jsut test copy pasting any big item so you ahve the chance to see the animation and compair,thx. also what xptsp are you using ? the manual patcher? the addon?the gui? and it would help to know what build is the xp ure using,and what version of the uxtheme.dll patch ure also using if you havint used the addon or gui.
  2. ure host is seems down(screenie), but do you mean the 'video' which shows the animation dosent fit to the full lenght of the box(dialog window)
  3. ok kal ,like i said,ill eventually repalce them,me and amnesia had agrred a while abck that it was safe to remove the 4 bit icons,but seems its now breaking stuff. dougie,ithink the setup renames it....but im not sure let me investigate. %WinDir%\Resources\Themes\Royale\Energy Bliss.jpg kaylar:when i set my resolution to 1680x1050 ,i have no such problem. but thx anyways, i hope this info helps any one else. dougie,i found a vbs script to generate the oem info,which can also gen a hradware profile and much more, its very intresting,ill show it to you 2moral or soemthing.
  4. so the default auto play isint affected, only for portable devices?this dosent include usb keys? also for logonui thx(i will edit the batch file to fix the space i added), but we truly DO need to erase the edited sections,ive done many tests and its a no go if i dont proceed this way.as for 4 bit icons...urgh i dunno if i have the will to go thru each and every res....since you are able to reproduce the error could you please test patching the original file with a res that contains the 4 bit icons ,and while ure at it,also test ure resolution theory,this would help me alot.thx -but this brings me to an other question, why arent other things affected by this?there are tons of other resourses that affect driver dlls and such,the only other similar problem is the prompt of the ide channel on first boot that me and dougie have experianced,but opther than that i cant say ive had any other problem. so we really must find out exactly the source of the problem. dougie; whats the problem with mce and bliss?
  5. XPtsp.v1.0.10b11batch.addon.rar XPtsp.v1.0.10b11batch.exe only changed the batch, res files r the same.
  6. yes but it wont del the strings/bmps/uifile lines etc that it dosent need.
  7. gorki are you using, ricks Windows Easy Transfer addon?
  8. yeah, but i dunno if ill have time to investigate and fix it 2 day/nite here is a quick fix till i can re upload: 3 logonui sections that need to be fixed in the batch, you should be able to copy paste this %rh% %del% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", UIFILE,, %rh% %del% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", Bitmap,, %rh% %del% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", String Table,, right b4 this line which is the original line %rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext% sorry for the problems,i got alot of things going on in my life nowa days.
  9. i screwed logonui again, i forgot to del the different sections of the target file b4 patching. edit lol i screwed that too.
  10. ill see if i cant find a few...,also i changed main.cpl ....its gonna be in next build once its uploaded edit: it will take longer than thought so here it is: http://rapidshare.com/files/146183048/main.cpl.res.html about file locations WINNTBBU.DLL=%Sys%\WINNTBBU.DLL WINNTBBA.DLL= WINNT32A.DLL= WINNT32U.DLL= these files arent very important for the live install as they are only for the install process so i think you can just skip them all together.also i see youve set a variable;%sys%=system32,is this correct?if so,im not sure but what if some files go to system? n e ways ill find the missing files and send you the ini. i have a question, did you parse txtsetup.sif to find the locations? also;i dont know if the live patcher will keep in mind that depending on what hardware poeple ahve soem file may be or not be copied to the system, a good example is NTKRNLMP.EXE,i think this kernel is only present if a user has more than 1 physical cpu. some files couldint be found on my system so i referenced the locations from the site: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/filedb/ came quite handy if i might add. also i found an other file that will also need to be added to the nrie 7 section; HMMAPI.MUI=%Prog%\Internet Explorer\en-US\hmmapi.dll.mui ill be updating my batch so it also patches it incase a user has integrated nr's ie7. also;i checked the section you made to patch inside the nr ie7 addon but im wondering why you seem to cabbing the file when the file is not cabbed in his archive... n e ways ill be inluding the new ini containing all of the previously missing locations. XPtsp.ini.rar
  11. the missing strings are mainly; current programs running and email,also about the font thing,if a user has those fonts then they will appear,if not defaults kick in. the logonui is trying to mimic as much as possible the vista logon.but it maybe a good idea to include the fonts in the future. also; if anyone has dled the new build in the last 1 hour or so, plz re-dl i had forgot to fix something. edit:damn it still some issue in the new logon res,ill have to re-re-reupload the whole thing again.... dougie, nice work,this is realy begining to be a very complete program,oh and on an other note, i think the drive space indicator problem uppon first logon is gone, lol i just realised this the other day.im doing a virtual install to test xptsp,and ure drive space addon is in there so ill confirm if the problem still happens. edit:ive simply edited the 3 longonui files, nothing else has changed.will upload later,but under the same name,so check hash ...
  12. ya i know i prepaired the post b4 the files were uploaded and i applied it too fast. n e ways, greate news on the gui.i may be able to test with mce later 2 nite.
  13. alot of the 4 bit icons were removed size-wise,as test shown that they were never used anyway.so it helps reduce the size in the end, i also do know that not all resoruces are conform to this... so if you find any you are also welcome to point them out. dougie, ive update some res files and added a section in the batch: ::specific cab patching:: :nrie7 if not exist "i386\NR_IE7en.cab" goto wmp_check echo extracting NR_IE7en.cab if not exist "NRIE7en" md "NRIE7en" %xp% "I386\NR_IE7en.CAB" -F:* "NRIE7en" >nul set name=ieframe set name1=dll set ext=mui %rh% %ao% "NRIE7en\%name%.%name1%.%ext%", "NRIE7en\%name%.%name1%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%name1%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%name1%.%ext% echo compressing NR_IE7en.cab echo>NR_IE7en_CAB.DDF .Set Cabinet=on&echo>>NR_IE7en_CAB.DDF .Set Compress=on&echo>>NR_IE7en_CAB.DDF .Set CompressionType=LZX&echo>>NR_IE7en_CAB.DDF .Set CompressionMemory=21 echo>>NR_IE7en_CAB.DDF .Set FolderSizeThreshold=5000000&echo>>NR_IE7en_CAB.DDF .Set MaxDiskSize=CDROM&echo>>NR_IE7en_CAB.DDF .Set DiskDirectory1="I386" echo>>NR_IE7en_CAB.DDF .Set InfFileName=NUL&echo>>NR_IE7en_CAB.DDF .Set RptFileName=NUL&echo>>NR_IE7en_CAB.DDF .Set CabinetNameTemplate="NR_IE7en.CAB" for /F %%i in ('dir/B/ON/A-D NRIE7en') do echo>>NR_IE7en_CAB.DDF NRIE7en\%%i %cab% /f "NR_IE7en_CAB.DDF" >nul modded res files will be in the change log,but comparing/re-organising the res by date maybe a better way if i forget to mention any.
  14. tested patching without that specific res file and i still got the error.too bad, but thx for keeping an eye on the problem. ishould be able to psot new links 2 nite,cleaned up a few res files again,as kal pointed out, i also fixed inetcplc.dll and inetcpl.cpl,also thx to kal. i implimented the patching of ieframe.mui.dll in MrNxDmx's IE7 addon.
  15. kal alot of other res tools exist like restorator or xn resource editor,so plz try with those if you have trouble opening res files. "sysdm.cpl.res: all resource that are not modified in this file should not be included. Same thing applies to every other resources files, but I can't check them all." -well i cant check em all either but i have done alot of them and removed as much as possible about all the non edited stuff. "deskapd.dll.res dialog 200 : button List All Modes is hidden">>real res has *absolutely no button for this its a box to list items and evidently its not hidden at all. AND "edit : why capitalising every word in dialog 200 of deskperf.dll.res?" *i have no idea what ure talking about, again i compaired to the orginal and i cant see any trouble. "edit : ieframe.dll.mui.res seems useless : it just changes the size of a dialog window, and it doesn't look very good." dialog had to be resize cause of avi. AND "Same thing for mmsys.cpl.res " AND "edit : why all these dialogs in inetcpl.cpl ? they don't come with inetcpl.cpl when we open it in reshacker " its the internet option cpl page, so there are many tabs,and alot of tabs have options depending on the button you push. you seem to be right on that 1 tho,the dialog belongs to inetcplc.dll, ill do some tests and change it,thx. AND "EDIT : in resource Dialog 101, I don't like the : "Customized By:/XP-tsp Version:". We know you want to be famous, but comon, it doesn't really look professional "<<<LOLOLOL -i my self havint created all the res files, i have edited some, other members have also done some work(if things are like they are chances are some of us have agreed to edit it like it is),and the rest comes from other visual patchers.i think you should take the time and read this topic thoroughly,it might answer alot of youre questions.also, if you took the time to read 1st page, this is the continuity of rick's viso,so if you also go on that topic and read it, you might also find other answers. changes are welcome, but i think we should all agree 1st.
  16. open addon.rar and edit entries.ini and remove this section: [AddProgram] addrunonceexe.bat
  17. thx amnesia, will include. dougie i dont know if you have red my last post on page 17... also ill be adding the power res file that amnesia posted,plz include. urgh... gonna have to add soemthign to the batch...and possibly is gonna have to be added to the gui code, seems nr's ie7 addon cabs certains files instead of just leaving them in i386. so we will need to extract NR_IE7en.cab patch the file and re cab..shouldint be that hard btu i jsut found out why ie7's ieframe.mui wasint getting patched.
  18. thx for the update will test. xptsp.inf still not getting copied to i386. still same prob with uxtheme.dll not being copied correctly. setup.exe still not getting copied . edit i may knwo why setup.exe is not getting copyed over,if a file has a read only attribute then one must use the xcopy /r switch . i will update the batch script to this and unplaod a new version,i ahve also modifyed 1 resfile.so here are the changes: mmsys.cpl.res: swaped surround a surrund 5.1 images xptsp batch: :setupexe set name=setup set ext=exe echo replacing %name%.%ext% XCOPY /r /v /y "%xtra%\%name%.%ext%" "%name%.%ext%" >nul MD AutoPlay >nul XCOPY /S /Y "%xtra%\AutoPlay" "AutoPlay" >nul
  19. if i may suggest,try re-doing ure dialog mods but use as current theme the default xp theme.i have found that depending on the current theme used, it does have a wierd impact on the ressource editor ure using and the outcome of the saved res file. also,just as i thought ,mona is using a hex edit for the uxtheme.dll file in his entries. [HexEdit] I386\uxtheme.dll|6.0.2900.2180|113178|83EC1C568D4DE4|33C0C9C2040090 I386\uxtheme.dll|6.0.2900.2523|104714|83EC1C568D4DE4|33C0C9C2040090 I386\uxtheme.dll|6.0.2900.2845|104746|83EC1C568D4DE4|33C0C9C2040090 if you could do a test and remove this section and let either zacams patch or xptsp batch addon version do the hexing and see if it dosent fix the problem.
  20. stimpy: can you point me to a link to Mona's multi theme pack. dougie: ill finaly be able to test the new gui build, and nice find of the signed dll, ill test without it to see if it dosent cure the problem. also,the xptsp.inf not being copied to i386 is still happening, but the detection is right on and i just love the iso creation tab!!nice one. also;i think the files hex edited will be needed to be pe'd.cause setup is complaining that uxtheme.dll canot be copied when infact it is present in 386.so my guess is that the cheksum needs to be reset or something.and the setup.exe is not getting copied over,but the autoplay folder is.when looking at the autoplay folder xp pro and home background images are in the same folder, and within the gui sfx, the default autoplay folder(xp pro)also has home image in it. and; some select resources have reshacker delete certain sections within a resource.here is a list of resources that need this: remotepg.dll %rh% %del% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", icongroup,, winntbbu.dll and winntbba.dll %rh% %del% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", stringtable,, and;oem gen dosent seem to be ever launched at all.there still might be a prob with the webm thing.iex is nowhere to be found.but i do not understand why the fix is needed at all and why the problemis happening.also,i find it strange that the uxtheme.dll problem mentioned earlier happened but the system was still patched and seems the file was copied correctly as the theme uppon logon was loaded.
  21. ok ill try and test as quickly as possible.thx edit, double posts are so cool.
  22. ok ill try and test as quickly as possible.thx
  23. about the pids , isint there a list of the difference between langs? cause the setupp.ini way would be the way to go,and the resources for xptsp are in english right now anyways..and ypu could jsut promt the user to enter their xp version if it cannot be determined. also,this site seems to give a couple other lang pids : http://wiki.lunarsoft.net/wiki/Product_IDs...other_languages
  24. what service pack are you using and what version of the uxtheme.dll hack r you using? this dialog problem is very weird, i hope more poeple could test and compaire the results.
  25. what check are you presently doing to find out what version of xp a user has?
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