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Posts posted by Ronnie_Geek

  1. No problem. I doubt that integrating something simple as a theme would hamper the extract. Integrating an Update Pack into an install after XPtsp integration should only cause the system to patch those files that have been updated once the XP source has been installed. Unfortunately, I really am at a loss on how to explain what's going on, because I haven't encountered this issue.

    Have you tried the latest version? Maybe it'll make a difference....

    thanks sir again for giving me ur valuable time... i hv downloaded the latest version (XPtsp_v2.0.0.1_GUI.exe) yesterday and installed it in my running WinXP SP2. everything was smooth during installation process.... but after first reboot its continuously rebooting automatically after every Boot.... :shy:

    then i had to setup a new Windows...

    Was there any special/custom settings that have to put down? tx again sir...TC

  2. Huh, that's weird.... I really can't imagine a situation where it would fail to create a 0-byte file.... I've been doing a lot of testing on the GUI in the last 2 weeks and it's extremely rare that that particular message shows up, primarily because a FileInstall in AutoIt doesn't usually fail....

    thanks sir for ur reply... i have preinstalled VistaVG Theme... is it hampered the extraction or something else?... im noob in this area :doh: .. so plz help me... I Love the Total Theme....TC

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