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Posts posted by Botus
Thanks Rick for keeping this up to date. compared to first page MD5 on what I got from filesonic !!! :shifty:
thanks Rick, with me being english (and therefore a bit pedantic) "along with" doesn't specifically say at the same time (clearer instructions):
To use the RVMi modified addon, you must integrate this media center addon at the same time as you integrate an update pack.
thanks ricktendo64 :thumbsup_anim:
just feeding back info on successful install of your addon...
slightly confused by your comment "Integrate along with updatepack"... Onepiece suggests his pack should be integrated on its own, so I did just that:
integrated OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v4.5.0_ENU on its own. (with rvmi)
then ran integrator to remove a few bits from his update pack. (with rvmi)
then integrated your media center addon (with rvmi)
then added lots more stuff (with rvmi)
then nlited the key and few bits
then added loads of driver packs
experienced a couple of funnies,
1)with 10 mins to go on install up pops IE8 (I didn't know this wasn't windows first boot... as wasn't watching) so I assumed it was and went through the wizard to setup search provider, accelerators etc.) when I finished this I didn't bother to following IE link that was trying to connect to internet and just closed the windows. Thats when I realised windows was still installing but it completed and didn't seem to mind my intervention.
Is it normal for IE to try and connect to Internet during windows install with media center version?
2)whilst doing that skype install from vermanda's addon popped up and completed.
3)as did u/h's java 6.25 addon but this it seems didn't end up installed properly... (not surprising as IE was running as it tried to install).
4)once windows did boot I had a blank screen with just a command window open doing nothing for about 10 mins (drive was very busy doing something) in the end I closed it and it completed booting.
Whilst checking what I added was all there (it was and all DPs did there bit as well :dribble: ) I opened media center and closed the setup wizard down without completing... when it went back to windows it went back to lowest possible screen resolution something x 640.
I wonder if this a result of not setting up media center properly or an odd one with all I added confusing things ?
An INF is failing somewhere in the process...doing so many different integration passes its hard to tell what is failing
thanks for the reply..... u/h suggested the same reason on ryan's page for OnePiece pack.... i'll have another try
Hi ricktendo64, had an issue with other addons not showing up after I used this addon see "BUT MISSING" below.
using a clean win XP sp3 source
I added separately using RVMIntegrator v1.6.1 beta2.1 each of these
Extracting OnePiece_Windows_XP_Post-SP3_UpdatePack_v4.3.1_ENU.7z
Extracting OnePiece_Remove_BrowserChoice_AddOn.cab
Extracting OnePiece_Remove_Microsoft_Update_AddOn.cab
Extracting OnePiece_Remove_Windows_Search_AddOn.cab
now using 1.491 of nlite first time for me I added
Ricks_XP_to_MCE05_enOCT09.7z (I may have renamed it and some others below but I used last version available)
back to using RVMIntegrator v1.6.1 beta2.1 then added all these in one go each of these
Extracting YumeYao_MicrosoftVC789RuntimeLibraries_MixedAddon_2_0_1.7z
Extracting Addon_AdobeReader_1000.7z
Extracting Addon_Foxy_DVDShrink_3.2.0.15_v1.1.cab
Extracting Addon_ImageResizer-Powertoy-v1.2_OrcoXP.cab
Extracting Addon_WinRAR Final-(x86)-English.cab
Extracting Addon_xable_HashTab-x32-v3.0.cab
Extracting defraggler200230_ELiTE_Addon.7z
Copying Java6u23.exe
Extracting Kels_CPLBonus_v11.6_addon.rar
Extracting Ricks_CCleaner3.02.1343_Intl_addon.7z
Copying SFX_Qt-lite_4.1.0.exe
Extracting TbarShuffle25_ELiTE_Addon.7z
nlite to add key and remove media player sample music and tour
then driver packs
Detected DriverPack Chipset 1011!
Detected DriverPack Graphics A 1011!
Detected DriverPack Graphics B 10111!
Detected DriverPack Graphics C 1011!
Detected DriverPack LAN 10111!
Detected DriverPack Mass Storage 1011!
Detected DriverPack Sound A 1009!
Detected DriverPack Sound B 1009!
Detected DriverPack WLAN 1009!
On install of windows....no hang up or error messages
drivers packs all working
media centre working
taskbar shuffle working
adobe 10 working
qlite working
java shows up
defraggler working
No start menu option for IE
No quick launch or desktop icon for IE (works if u add it)
No quick launch show desktop (works if u add it)
NO control panel extras completely missing (Kels_CPLBonus_v11.6)
NO right click image resizer option (ImageResizer-Powertoy-v1.2_OrcoXP.cab)
NO hashtab
NO ccleaner
NO dvd shrink
I have used everything before and always worked on versions where I did not have media centre addon BUT that was before I used the latest OnePiece pack with all dot net built in.
The day before I did the same but used Rvmi to add media centre because the instruction not to use it are on page 4 or somewhere (Rick can you update the need to integrate with nlite on homepage please?) this failed to install media centre but windows loaded OK and hastab I think was there and working, pretty sure dvd shrink was there but isn't now and ccleaner was definitely missing.
Any ideas what to do next time so the other addons show up please ?
[AddOn] Media Center 2005 (English) January 24 2012
in OS Transformation Packs
Posted · Edited by Botus
Hi rick, strange one with RVMi method , when I run a second integration using RVMi 1.6.1b2.1 to add other addons. Something deletes the MEDIACTR folder and files out of CMPNENTS. Put it back again and make .iso it works fine. If anyone agrees maybe worth mentioning on front page.
why's it come out funny size... took it up to 12 18 point font still sily ?? :g: