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Everything posted by Yza_K

  1. Questo programmino l'ho fatto leggendo un post di un ragazzo che chiedeva aiuto per un pass gen... .... ECCOLO ! p.s. una volta fatta la pass con alt+1 la scrivi dove vuoi .... #cs YZA_K 4 www.EnG2ItA.net Staff .... since 1982 to 2008 LOL Greeting to: dkdk_it,Max,romsempire,BAT,serassone,nonno fabio,mf3imp,Taliesin,kontini e specie al grandissimo OnePiece!!! #ce ; #include <GUIConstants.au3> HotKeySet("!1", "alt1") DIM $na DIM $NB dim $a dim $b dim $c dim $x dim $password dim $K = "" GUICreate("Password Generator '08",260,180) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("La lunghezza deve essere da 4 a 20 caratteri "&@CRLF &"Scegli la tua lunghezza....."&@CRLF &"By YZA_K ,www.eng2ita.net o www.wincert.net",10,36) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("SCRIVI LA PASS CLICCANDO -> ALT+1",10,86) $NA = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("", 10,10) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"QUATTRO CARATTERI|CINQUE CARATTERI|SEI CARATTERI|SETTE CARATTERI|OTTO CARATTERI|NOVE CARATTERI|DIECI CARATTERI|UNDICI CARATTERI|DODICI CARATTERI|TREDICI CARATTERI|QUATTORDICI CARATTERI|QUINDICI CARATTERI|SEDICI CARATTERI|DICIASETTE CARATTERI|DICIOTTO CARATTERI|DICIANNOVE CARATTERI|VENTI CARATTERI","") GUISetState () $NB = GUICtrlCreateButton ("GENERA LA PASSWORD",15,108) GUISetBkColor (0xEE1E3EE) ; LOL While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop if $msg = $nb Then $K = GUICtrlRead($nA) YZAK() $RISUL=GUICtrlCreateInput($password,15,148) EndIf Wend EXIT Func AZmai() $x =random(1,3,1) If $x = 1 Then AZmaix() endif if $x = 2 Then azminx() endif if $x = 3 Then anumx() endIf EndFunc Func AZmaix() $a = Random(1,26,1) If $a = 0 Then ;$b = Chr(32) Else $b = Chr($a + 64) EndIf EndFunc Func azminx() $a = Random(1,26,1) If $a = 0 Then ;$b = Chr(32) Else $b = Chr($a + 96) EndIf EndFunc Func anumx() $a = Random(1,10,1) If $a = 0 Then ;$b = Chr(32) Else $b = Chr($a + 47) EndIf EndFunc Func alt1() sleep (288) send ($password) EndFunc Func YZAK() $password="" Switch $K case $K = "QUATTRO CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 4 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "CINQUE CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 5 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "SEI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 6 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "SETTE CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 7 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "OTTO CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 8 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "NOVE CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 9 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "DIECI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 10 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "UNDICI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 11 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "DODICI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 12 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "TREDICI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 13 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "QUATTORDICI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 14 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "QUINDICI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 15 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "SEDICI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 16 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "DICIASETTE CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 17 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "DICIOTTO CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 18 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "DICIANNOVE CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 19 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "VENTI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 20 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next EndSwitch EndFunc
  2. Per chi volesse installare Il SHOCK 4WAY 3D V1.21 SOFTWARE SITE #cs YZA_K 4 www.EnG2ItA.net Staff .... since 1982 to 2008 LOL Greeting to: dkdk_it,Max,romsempire,BAT,serassone,nonno fabio,mf3imp,Taliesin,kontini e specie al grandissimo OnePiece!!! #ce ; Blockinput(1) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode",0) ; Run ( "Setup_Shock4Way3D.exe" ) ; winWaitActive ( "Installation of" , "This will " ) ControlClick ( "Installation of" , "This will ", "Button1" ) ; winWaitActive ( "Installation of" , "We develop" ) ControlClick ( "Installation of" , "We develop", "Button1" ) sleep (288) ControlClick ( "Installation of" , "We develop", "Button2" ) ; winWaitActive ( "Installation of" , "Shock 4Way" ) ControlClick ( "Installation of" , "Shock 4Way", "Button3" ) ; winWaitActive ( "Installation of" , "Installation of Shock" ) ControlClick ( "Installation of" , "Installation of Shock", "Button2" ) sleep (288) ControlClick ( "Installation of" , "Installation of Shock", "Button1" ) ; BlockInput(0) ; Exit
  3. Per chi volesse installare Il nero ... #cs YZA_K 4 www.EnG2ItA.net Staff .... since 1982 to 2008 LOL Greeting to: dkdk_it,Max,romsempire,BAT,serassone,nonno fabio,mf3imp,Taliesin,kontini e specie al grandissimo OnePiece!!! #ce Blockinput(1) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode",0) Run("nero-") WinWait("Selezionare la lingua dell'installazione", "Selezionare") ControlClick("Selezionare la lingua dell'installazione", "Selezionare","TButton1") WinWait("Installazione", "Benvenuti ") ControlClick("Installazione", "Benvenuti ","TButton1") WinWait("Installazione", "Informazioni ") ControlSetText("Installazione", "Informazioni ", "TEdit3","YZA_K") ControlSetText("Installazione", "Informazioni ", "TEdit2","Th3r1pp3r") ControlSetText("Installazione", "Informazioni ", "TEdit1","" ) ControlSetText("Installazione", "Informazioni ", "TEdit1","QUA IL SERIALE!!!") sleep(888) ControlClick("Installazione", "Informazioni ","TButton2") WinWait("Installazione", "Contratto") ControlClick("Installazione", "Contratto","TRadioButton1") ControlClick("Installazione", "Contratto","TButton2") WinWait("Installazione", "Selezione") ControlClick("Installazione", "Selezione","TButton3") WinWait("Installazione", "Selezione") ControlClick("Installazione", "Selezione","TButton3") WinWait("Installazione", "Selezione") ControlClick("Installazione", "Selezione","TButton4") WinWait("Installazione", "Selezione") Send("{DOWN}" & "{SPACE}") ControlClick("Installazione", "Selezione","TButton4") WinWait("Installazione", "Pronto") ControlClick("Installazione", "Pronto","TButton4") WinWait("Installazione", "Premere Fine") ControlClick("Installazione", "Premere Fine","TButton4") BlockInput(0) Exit
  4. Maybe if u wanna look the last source... Autoit Ita Source.
  5. Il source del parassita in questione. ; ; YZA_K 4 EnG2ItA Staff .... since 1982 to 2008 LOL ; ; inizio Blockinput(1) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode",0) ; Run ( "XP_Codec_Pack_2.3.5.exe" ) ;LINGUA winWaitActive ( "Installer Language" , "Please select" ) ControlClick ( "Installer Language" , "Please select", "Button1" ) ;SETUP winWaitActive ( "XP Codec Pack" , "Welcome to" ) ControlClick ( "XP Codec Pack" , "Welcome to", "Button2" ) ;SCEGLI winWaitActive ( "XP Codec Pack" , "Choose " ) ControlClick ( "XP Codec Pack" , "Choose ", "Button2" ) ; winWaitActive ( "XP Codec Pack" , "the folder" ) ControlClick ( "XP Codec Pack" , "the folder", "Button2" ) ; winWaitActive ( "XP Codec Pack" , "Start Menu" ) ControlClick ( "XP Codec Pack" , "Start Menu", "Button4" ) ControlClick ( "XP Codec Pack" , "Start Menu", "Button2" ) ; winWaitActive ( "XP Codec Pack" , "Click Finish" ) ControlClick ( "XP Codec Pack" , "Click Finish", "Button2" ) ; exit ;
  6. Il source del parassita in questione. Run ( "winamp532_lite.exe" ) ; WINAMP WinWaitActive ( "Winamp Setup" , "License" ) ControlClick ( "Winamp Setup" , "License", "Button2" ) ;ControlClick("WinEraser Setup", "Choose", "Button2") WinWait ( "Winamp Setup" , "Choose " , ) ;questo per i pulsantini Send("{tab}" & "{DOWN}" & "{SPACE}" & "{UP}" & "{ENTER}" & "{DOWN}" & "{DOWN}" & "{DOWN}" & "{SPACE}" & "{ENTER}") ; la dir usata WinWaitActive ( "Winamp Setup" , "Choose " ) ControlClick ( "Winamp Setup" , "Choose ", "Button2" ) ;per tutti uguale... WinWaitActive ( "Winamp Setup" , "Personalize" ) ControlClick ( "Winamp Setup" , "Personalize", "Button2" ) ;Internet no grazie... Send ("{DOWN}" & "{DOWN}" & "{SPACE}" & "{ENTER}") ;la fine WinWait ( "Winamp 5.32" , "" , ) If ProcessExists("winamp.exe") Then $PID = ProcessExists("winamp.exe") ProcessClose($PID) EndIf Exit ;
  7. Per chi volesse installare 3DMark06_v110_oct07 ... full auto senza seriale. ; ; YZA_K 4 EnG2ItA Staff .... since 1982 to 2008 LOL ; ; Greeting to: ; dkdk_it,Max,romsempire,BAT,serassone,nonno fabio,mf3imp,Taliesin,kontini e specie al grandissimo OnePiece!!! ; Blockinput(1) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode",0) ; Run("3DMark06_v110_oct07_installer.exe") WinWait("3DMark06", "The InstallShield") Send("{ENTER}") ; WinWait("3DMark06", "Please read") Send("{UP}" & "{ENTER}") ; WinWait("3DMark06", "Select folder") Send("{ENTER}") ; WinWait("3DMark06", "The wizard is") Send("{ENTER}") ; WinWait("OpenAL Installer", "Creative Labs") ControlClick("OpenAL Installer", "Creative Labs","Button2") SLEEP (500) ControlClick("OpenAL Installer", "Installation","Button1") ; WINWAIT ("3DMark06","Futuremark Registration" ) BEEP( 500,100 ) BEEP(200,200 ) ; ControlSetText("3DMark06", "Registration", "Edit1","METTI IL TUO SERIALE QUA") SLEEP (500) BEEP( 500,100 ) BEEP(200,200 ) ControlClick("3DMark06", "Registration", "Button3") ; WINWAIT ("Congratulations!","OK" ) ControlClick("Congratulations!", "OK", "Button1") ; WINWAIT ("3DMark06", "successfully installed") Send("{SPACE}" & "{TAB}" & "{ENTER}") ; BlockInput(0) EXIT
  8. Che dire ... INDISPENSABILE e unico funzionante. Ringaziamo il master di autoit per questo script. Stavolta io ho solo copiato, prima lo facevo a mano ... $Reg = FileOpenDialog("Choose a registry file", @ScriptDir, "Registry Files (*.reg)", 1) If @error = 1 Then Exit $Dir = StringLeft($Reg, StringInStr($Reg, '\', 0, -1) - 1) $NewReg = FileSaveDialog("Choose a file name", $Dir, "Scripts (*.au3)", 16) If @error = 1 Then Exit RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c TYPE "' & $Reg & '" > "%TEMP%\' & GetFilename($Reg) & '"', @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE) $Reg = @TempDir & "\" & GetFilename($Reg) $OpenReg = FileOpen($Reg, 0) $OpenNewReg = FileOpen($NewReg, 2) Dim $Key Dim $valuename Global $Oldvalue = "" $value = "" $Type = "" $Write = "Yes" $Continue1 = "No" $Continue2 = "No" $Continue3 = "No" $Line = FileReadLine($OpenReg, 2) $Line = "" While 1 $Line = FileReadLine($OpenReg) If @error Then ExitLoop If StringLeft($Line, 1) = ' ' Then $value = $Line If $Continue1 = "Yes" Then $Type = "REG_BINARY" If StringRight($value, 1) = "\" Then $value = StringTrimRight($value, 1) $Oldvalue = $Oldvalue & $value $Continue1 = "Yes" $Write = "No" Else $Oldvalue = $Oldvalue & $Line $Match1 = StringInStr($Oldvalue, ":") If $Match1 >= 1 Then $Oldvalue = StringTrimLeft($Oldvalue, $Match1) $value = StringReplace($Oldvalue, ",", "") $value = Chr(34) & StringStripWS($value, 8) & Chr(34) $Oldvalue = "" $Continue1 = "No" $Write = "Yes" EndIf ElseIf $Continue2 = "Yes" Then $Type = "REG_EXPAND_SZ" If StringRight($value, 1) = "\" Then $value = StringTrimRight($value, 1) $Oldvalue = $Oldvalue & $value $Continue2 = "Yes" $Write = "No" Else $Oldvalue = $Oldvalue & $Line $value = Chr(34) & CharsToString (StringStripWS($Oldvalue, 8)) & Chr(34) $Oldvalue = "" $Continue2 = "No" $Write = "Yes" EndIf ElseIf $Continue3 = "Yes" Then $Type = "REG_MULTI_SZ" If StringRight($value, 1) = "\" Then $value = StringTrimRight($value, 1) $Oldvalue = $Oldvalue & $value $Continue3 = "Yes" $Write = "No" Else $Oldvalue = $Oldvalue & $Line $value = Chr(34) & CharsToString (StringStripWS($Oldvalue, 8)) & Chr(34) $Oldvalue = "" $Continue3 = "No" $Write = "Yes" EndIf EndIf If $Write = "Yes" Then FileWrite($OpenNewReg, 'RegWrite("' & $Key & '", ' & $valuename & ', "' & $Type & '", ' & $value & ')' & @CRLF) EndIf If $Line <> "" Then Select Case StringLeft($Line, 1) = ";" FileWrite($OpenNewReg, $Line & @CRLF) Case StringLeft($Line, 1) = "[" If StringRight($Line, 1) = " " Then $Key = StringTrimRight($Line, 2) Else $Key = StringTrimRight($Line, 1) EndIf $Key = StringTrimLeft($Key, 1) If StringLeft($Key, 1) = "-" Then FileWrite($OpenNewReg, 'RegDelete("' & StringTrimLeft($Key, 1) & '")' & @CRLF) Case StringLeft($Line, 1) = '@' $value = StringTrimLeft($Line, 2) $value = StringReplace($value, '\\', '\') If Not StringLen($value) = 2 Then $value = StringReplace($value, '""', '"') If StringLeft($value, 1) = "-" Then FileWrite($OpenNewReg, 'RegDelete("' & $Key & '", "")' & @CRLF) Else FileWrite($OpenNewReg, 'RegWrite("' & $Key & '", "", "REG_SZ", ' & $value & ')' & @CRLF) EndIf Case StringLeft($Line, 1) = '"' $line_split = StringSplit($Line, "=") $valuename = $line_split[1] $value = $line_split[2] If StringInStr($value, 'hex:') >= 1 Then $Type = "REG_BINARY" If StringRight($value, 1) = "\" Then $value = StringTrimRight($value, 1) $Oldvalue = $value $Continue1 = "Yes" $Write = "No" Else $value = StringReplace($value, ",", "") $Match1 = StringInStr($value, ":") If $Match1 >= 1 Then $value = StringTrimLeft($value, $Match1) $value = Chr(34) & StringStripWS($value, 8) & Chr(34) $Continue1 = "No" $Write = "Yes" EndIf $Match1 = StringInStr($value, ":") If $Match1 >= 1 Then $value = StringTrimLeft($value, $Match1) ElseIf StringInStr($value, "hex(2):") >= 1 Then $Type = "REG_EXPAND_SZ" If StringRight($value, 1) = "\" Then $value = StringTrimRight($value, 1) $Oldvalue = $value $Continue2 = "Yes" $Write = "No" Else $value = Chr(34) & CharsToString (StringStripWS($value, 8)) & Chr(34) $Continue2 = "No" $Write = "Yes" EndIf ElseIf StringInStr($value, "hex(7)") >= 1 Then $Type = "REG_MULTI_SZ" If StringRight($value, 1) = "\" Then $value = StringTrimRight($value, 1) $Oldvalue = $value $Continue3 = "Yes" $Write = "No" Else $value = Chr(34) & CharsToString (StringStripWS($value, 8)) & Chr(34) $Continue3 = "No" $Write = "Yes" EndIf ElseIf StringLeft($value, 5) = "dword" Then $Type = "REG_DWORD" $value = StringTrimLeft($value, 6) If StringLeft($value, 1) = "0" Then For $i = 1 To StringLen($value) $Char = StringMid($value, $i, 1) If $Char <> "0" Then ExitLoop Next $value = StringTrimLeft($value, ($i - 1)) If $value = "" Then $value = "0" EndIf If StringLeft($value, 1) <> '"' And StringRight($value, 1) <> '"' Then $value = '"' & $value & '"' Else $Type = "REG_SZ" EndIf $value = StringReplace($value, '\\', '\') If Not StringLen($value) = 2 Then $value = StringReplace($value, '""', '"') If StringLeft($value, 1) = "-" Then FileWrite($OpenNewReg, 'RegDelete("' & $Key & '", ' & $valuename & ')' & @CRLF) Else If $Write = "Yes" Then FileWrite($OpenNewReg, 'RegWrite("' & $Key & '", ' & $valuename & ', "' & $Type & '", ' & $value & ')' & @CRLF) EndIf EndSelect Else FileWrite($OpenNewReg, @CRLF) EndIf Wend FileClose($OpenNewReg) Exit Func CharsToString ($Instring) Local $Match1 Local $Type $Match1 = StringInStr($Instring, ":") If $Match1 >= 1 Then $Instring = StringTrimLeft($Instring, $Match1) Dim $Temparray, $Count $Instring = StringReplace($Instring, " ", "") ;Remove trailing nulls While StringRight($Instring, 3) = ",00" $Instring = StringTrimRight($Instring, 3) Wend ;Create an array of character values and build string $Temparray = StringSplit($Instring, ",") $Instring = "" $x = 0 For $Count = 1 To $Temparray[0] If $Temparray[$Count] <> "00" Then $Instring = $Instring & Chr(Dec($Temparray[$Count]));convert hex to dec then get character value and append to return string $x = 0 Else $x = $x + 1 If $x = 3 Then $x = 0 $Instring = $Instring & '" & @LF & "' EndIf EndIf Next Return $Instring EndFunc Func Debug ($message) Select Case $message = "#open" Opt ("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) Run("notepad") WinWait("Untitled", "") WinSetTitle("Untitled", "", "Debug Window") Case Else ControlSend("Debug Window", "", "Edit1", $message) EndSelect EndFunc ;==>Debug Func GetFilename($Path) Local $TempArr Local $Filename $TempArr = StringSplit($Path, "\") If @error Then $Filename = $Path Else $Filename = $TempArr[UBound($TempArr) - 1] EndIf Return $Filename EndFunc
  9. Praticamente rifatto, smaltato e aggiunto 2 motori torrent... ... #include <GuiConstants.au3> #include <ie.au3> ; Autore: Rex Romae-migliorato e reso funzionante da YZA_K ; Fonte: www.eng2ita.net GUICreate("Torrent Searcher V2.0",250,50) $bottone = GUICtrlCreateButton("Avanti", 175,7) $parola = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10,10,160,20) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1=1 ; Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $bottone $sito = InputBox ( "Dove vuoi cercare?", "1.ThePirateBay "&@LF&"2.TorrentPortal "&@LF&"3.IsoHunt "&@LF&"4.Mininova "&@LF&"5.IlCorsaroNero "&@LF&"6.GamesTorrents "&@LF&"7.SeedPeer"&@LF&"8.xtorrents"&@LF&"9.snarf-it", "", "",230,230) $parola=GUICtrlRead($parola) Select case $sito = 1 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://thepiratebay.org/search/"&$parola&"/3/0") ; END CASE 1 case $sito = 2 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://www.torrentportal.com/torrents-search.php?search="&$parola&"&sort=id&d=desc&type=or&sizel=&sizeh=&cat=0&exclude=") ; END CASE 2 case $sito = 3 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://isohunt.com/torrents/?ihq="&$parola) ; END CASE 3 case $sito = 4 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://www.mininova.org/search/?search="&$parola) ; END CASE 4 case $sito = 5 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://ilcorsaronero.info/tor.php?search="&$parola) ; END CASE 5 case $sito = 6 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://www.gamestorrents.com/buscar.php?busqueda="&$parola&"&cat=0&=Go%21") ; END CASE 6 case $sito = 7 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://www.seedpeer.com/search.php?search="&$parola) ; END CASE 7 case $sito = 8 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://www.xtorrents.org/torrents.php?search="&$parola) ; END CASE 8 case $sito = 9 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://www.snarf-it.org/pages/search.html?query="&$parola) ; END CASE 9 EndSelect; Chiuse select $bottone EndSwitch WEnd
  10. Questo programma in auto esegue il "PhotoAlbum2.0" di Adobe E' uno script di tipo "parassita PURO con seriale", utilizza SOLO comandi diretti, anche per il seriale. Allego la versione nel post. ; ; YZA_K 4 EnG2ItA Staff .... since 1982 to 2008 LOL ; ; Tnx to Onepiece,Kontini, and all the staff ; ; blocca tastiera e mouse Blockinput(1) AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode",0) ; inizio parassita Run("Setup.exe") ;0 WinWait("Adobe Photoshop", "Please") ControlClick("Adobe Photoshop", "Please","Button1") ;1 WinWait("Adobe Photoshop", "Choose") ControlClick("Adobe Photoshop", "Choose","Button4") ;2 WinWait("Adobe Photoshop", "End User") ControlClick("Adobe Photoshop", "End User","Button2") ;3 WinWait("Adobe Photoshop", "User Information") ControlSetText("Adobe Photoshop", "First Name", "Edit8","YZA_K") ControlSetText("Adobe Photoshop", "Last (Family) Name", "Edit10","YZA_K IN 2008") ControlSetText("Adobe Photoshop", "Serial Number ", "Edit1",""); Seriale 4 cifre dentro "" ControlSetText("Adobe Photoshop", "Serial Number ", "Edit2",""); Seriale 4 cifre dentro "" ControlSetText("Adobe Photoshop", "Serial Number ", "Edit3",""); Seriale 4 cifre dentro "" ControlSetText("Adobe Photoshop", "Serial Number ", "Edit4",""); Seriale 4 cifre dentro "" ControlSetText("Adobe Photoshop", "Serial Number ", "Edit5",""); Seriale 4 cifre dentro "" ControlSetText("Adobe Photoshop", "Serial Number ", "Edit6",""); Seriale 4 cifre dentro "" ControlClick("Adobe Photoshop", "User Information","Button2") ;4 WinWait("Adobe Photoshop", "Destination") ControlClick("Adobe Photoshop", "Destination","Button4") ;5 WinWait("Adobe Photoshop", "Selected") ControlClick("Adobe Photoshop", "Selected","Button1") ;6 WinWait("Adobe Photoshop", "The InstallShield") ControlClick("Adobe Photoshop", "The InstallShield","Button2") ControlClick("Adobe Photoshop", "The InstallShield","Button4") BlockInput(0) ; Exit
  11. Questo programma in auto esegue il "encarta 05" di m$ E' uno script di tipo "parassita ibrido", utilizza sia comandi diretti che comandi indiretti, i send. Allego la versione nel post. ;; YZA_K 4 EnG2ItA Staff .... since 1982 to 2008 LOL ; ;Tnx to Onepiece,Kontini, and all the staff. ; Inizio ; BLOKKA TASTIERA E MOUSE Blockinput(1) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode",0) ; SE ESISTE IE LO KILLA If ProcessExists("IEXPLORE.EXE") Then ProcessClose("IEXPLORE.EXE") ; IL PARASSITA INIZIA QUA Run("SETUP.EXE") ;0 WinWait("Installazione di Microsoft Encarta", "Ora") ControlClick("Installazione di Microsoft Encarta", "Ora","Button1") ;1 WinWait("Contratto di Licenza ") ControlClick("Contratto di Licenza ", "L
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