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Posts posted by ChiefZeke

  1. W7 Toolkit - Win7 Ultimate w/SP1

    When SoLor updates are selected the first time I can understand the need to select the updates by putting check marks in the boxes. That should not be required on subsequent selections of the SoLor updates - W7Toolkit should 'remember' the location of the downloads and which ones were checked - I should only have to put a check mark in the box of any new releases provided by SoLor.

    Also, the reverse should be automatic; if an update has been removed from the list and SoLor updates is selected then W7Toolkit should compare the new SoLor updates to what is already in the download folder and delete any updates not on the most recent list from SoLor. I say this not knowing if SoLor generates a script of some kind that can be compared to what was on a previous download list so that w7Toolkit can compare the two and take action as necessary. If this can't be done or would be too difficult to program then please say so and ignore this recommendation.

  2. Win7 Toolkit Primary Operating system: Win7 Ultimate 64-bit w/SP1.

    Using 7Zip on windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe (Win7 SP1 64-bit) the following .CAB files were extracted: windows6.1-KB976902-X64.cab and windows6.1-KB976932-X64.cab. The file windows6.1-KB976932-X64.cab contains the updates and according to this Microsoft download: "Hotfixes and Security Updates included in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1.xls" there are almost 800 hotfixes and security updates in SP1.

    The Win7 Toolkit is used and the two CAB files extracted from windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe are included as updates when selected using the Updates + Languages tab and then the 148 downloads made using the SoLor update list are also included in Updates + Languages tab. Are these updates from SoLor all Win7 updates applicable to Win7 with SP1 or Win7 with or without SP1?

    Obviously there is a mismatch between the almost 800 listed in the Microsoft XLS file and the 148 I had downloaded from SoLOr when the link was available but no mention is made by SoLor or in the Win7 Toolkit forum about the applicability of these SoLor downloads and the conditions under which they should be used; with Sp1 or not?

    Please clarify their use; assuming they become available again in the future.

  3. W7Toolkit Services

    From "Windows 7 Inside Out" page 790: A service is a specialized program that performs a function to support other programs. Many services operate at a very low level (by interacting directly with

    hardware, for example) and need to run even when no user is logged on.

    From page 791: Most of the essential services are set to start automatically when your computer starts, and the operating system stops them as part of the shutdown process.

    From page 793: Setting Startup Options

    Automatic (Delayed Start): The service starts shortly after the computer starts in order to improve startup performance and user experience.

    Automatic: The service starts when the computer starts.

    Manual: The service doesn't start automatically at startup, but it can be started by a user, program, or dependent service.

    Disabled: The service can't be started.

    So, given the above information, when W7Toolkit is started and the Service tab is selected how is the W7Toolkit user supposed to know the optimum selection. When I go to the Services tab all of the

    Services are listed by Name with an unchecked box and a Setting of either Automatic (Delayed Start) or Automatic or Disabled or Manual. I know that moving the mouse over each Name brings up the tool

    tip box with a description of what the Service does but it does not provide a recommended setting.

    My recommended solution is to remove the check box from the left of the Name and create multiple check boxes to the right of Name column but part of the Setting column with these boxes labelled for

    the four options: Automatic (Delayed Start), Automatic, Disabled, and Manual.

    To provide "Recommended Settings" I would recommend the information provided by Black Viper at the location http://www.blackviper.com/ - the user could peruse the information and select settings

    appropriate to the operating system in use. (Permission of Black Viper should be sought to include his listing in the W7Toolkit.)

  4. W7T - I'm running Win7 Ultimate 64-bit with SP1

    Services Tab - items shown here when I start Services.msc but not shown in W7T or have differences in the listing

    Application Host Helper Service Started Automatic

    Application Layer Gateway Service is shown here but W7T Services is: Application Layer Gateway

    ASP.NET State Service Manual

    BitLocker Drive Encryption Service Disabled

    Client for NFS Started Automatic

    DCOM Server Process Launcher Started Automatic

    Diagnostic Policy Service is shown here but W7T Services is: Diagnostic Policy

    Fax Disabled

    Group Policy Client Started Automatic

    IIS Admin Service Started Automatic

    LPD Service Started Automatic

    Media Center Extender Service Disabled

    Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v2.0.50727_X64 Disabled

    Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319_X64 Started Automatic (Delayed Start)

    Microsoft Antimalware Service Started Automatic

    Microsoft FTP Service Started Automatic

    Microsoft Network Inspection Started Manual

    Network Store Interface Service is shown here but W7T Service is: Network Store Interface

    Plug and Play Started Automatic

    Power Started Automatic

    Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Started Automatic [This is a separate listing from Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator as shown in W7T]

    RPC Endpoint Mapper Started Automatic

    Seaport Started Automatic

    Secure Socker Tunneling Protocol Service is shown here but W7T is: Secure Socker Tunneling Protocol

    Security Accounhts Manager Started Automatic

    Software Protection AutoMatic (Delayed Start)

    User Profile Service Started Automatic

    Web Management Service Manual

    Windows Activation Technologies Service Manaul

    Windows Audio Started Automatic

    Windows Audio Endpoint Builder Started Automatic

    Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Manual

    Windows Font Cache Service is shown here but W7T is: Windows Font Cache

    Windows Installer Manual

    Windows Live Familt Safety Service Manual

    Windows Live ID Sign-in Assistant Started Automatic

    Windows Live Mesh remote connections service Disabled

    Windows Management Instrumentation Started Automatic

    Windows Media Center Receiver Service Disabled

    Windows Media Center Schedular Service Disabled

    Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service is shown here but W7T is: Windows Media Player Network Sharing

    Windows Modules Installer Manual

    Windows Presentation FoundationFont Cache Started Manual

    Windows ProcessActivation Service Started Manual

    Workstation Started Automatic

    World Wide Web Publishing Service Disabled

  5. Win7 Toolkit

    Services tab - Name and Description and Setting headings

    I noticed that the information shown under the Description heading was truncated, did not count letters to see how much information was missing when compared to the actual Services listing but incomplete information is as bad as no information at all.

    I would suggest you review http://www.blackviper.com/2010/12/17/black-vipers-windows-7-service-pack-1-service-configurations/ as a valuable source of Services information and a listing of recommended settings for Win7 versions: Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate, and Enterprise

    Obviously check with Black Viper prior to infringing on his posted information if it is worthwhile to link or add information about his site.

  6. Back in December 2009 I donwnloaded Win Integrator Setup.msi from http://www.msfn.org/...win-integrator/ on the possible chance I could use it in the future.

    Today I went back to that forum and the program has died - no updates in over a year and no word from the person that created it.

    But there were features it incuded that I would like to see duplicated in the Win7 Toolkit; if possible.

    For example, when the Win Integrator is started and a source is selected the user is presented with a string of tabs. The Remove tab provides a list of items that can be checked and thereby removed from the installation image. Next to that tab is one called Features that also presents a list of Windows features that can be turned off or on as part of the installation routine. To me, two useful features that should be included in the Win7 Toolkit.

  7. I noticed that the W7Toolkit does not create and/or maintain log files of the actions selected and taken. My previous experience with RyanVM Integrator, Office Integrator, Office Slipstreamer, and Driver Packs leads me to ask that they be created, if at all possible, for the W7Toolkit.

    Each of the programs I mentioned would create a log file when that program was started and it was written to to keep track of configuration selections or changes and actions taken while the program was open and running. When the program was exited or turned off the log file would be saved in a similar format. For example, RyanVM Integrator saved the log file using a date/time format: yyyy-mm-dd_hh.mm.ss.log. The next time RyanVM Integrator was invoked the previous log file would be moved to a sub-folder: _Log History and a new log file was started. The -Log History folder is a repository of all of the log files created until they are deleted by the user.

    There were many times I used any of the above listed programs that having the log file came in handy when program actions did not occur as expected and troubleshooting by me was required and/or help from the forum or program author was required. Having the log file handy aided this process greatly.

    As an example, the following is a copy of the log file created the last time I used the RyanVM Integrator to slipstream/integrate updates for XP Pro x64 /SP2 and create an ISO file used to burn a new /updated CD.


    Log Startup @ 22:16:11 local time, on February 21, 2011.

    Running OS: WIN_VISTA X64

    RVMIntegrator v1.6.1 beta2.1


    22:16:11 - English - Windows XP Professional x86 - Retail SP3 Found

    22:16:42 - English - Windows XP Professional x64 - Retail SP2 Found

    22:18:10 - English - Windows XP Professional x64 - Retail SP2 Found

    22:18:10 -

    22:18:10 - Source Location = F:\Windows XP Pro x64 with SP2 CD

    22:18:10 - Destination Path = G:\RyanVM\XPProx64Integrated

    22:18:10 - Destination Size = 227.07 GB

    22:18:10 - Working Directory = G:\RyanVM\XPProx64Integrated\AMD64

    22:18:10 - Temp Directory = G:\RyanVM\XPProx64Integrated\AMD64\rvmtemp

    22:18:10 - Windows Directory = H:\Windows

    22:18:10 - Path Variable = H:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Stream\bin\x86_64;H:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Stream\bin\x86;H:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;H:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;PATH=..\;C:\;E:\;F:\;G:\;H:\;Z:\;H:\Windows;H:\Windows\system32;H:\Windows\System32\Wbem;H:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;H:\Program Files\7-Zip;H:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;H:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static;H:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DivX Shared\;H:\Program Files\Microsoft Network Monitor 3\;H:\Program Files\Windows Imaging\;H:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Shared;H:\Program Files (x86)\Media Players\QuickTime\QTSystem\;

    22:18:10 -

    22:18:10 - Starting Integration

    22:18:10 -

    22:18:10 - Copying Files To The Destination Directory.

    22:18:10 - Copying Working Directory...

    22:18:37 - 4359 Files Copied in 26 Seconds

    22:18:37 - Copying \I386\ Directory...

    22:18:45 - 2488 Files Copied in 7 Seconds

    22:18:45 -

    22:18:45 - Checking Destination For OS Type.

    22:18:45 - English - Windows XP Professional x64 - Retail SP2 Found

    22:18:45 -

    22:18:45 - Extracting 5er_UpdatePack_XPx64SP2_2011-02_1.7z

    22:19:00 - MD5 Hash = e027ab6e72549d35585e3139e97c83ef

    22:19:00 - Extracting 5er_IE8_Addon_2010-12_1_x64.7z

    22:19:05 - MD5 Hash = 31ea411706dd8d2bea8269a3576f9afb

    22:19:05 - Extracting DirectXRuntimes-201006-Addon-64.cab

    22:19:05 - CabLite.dll::CabExtractAsync reports completion

    22:19:05 - MD5 Hash = 47a2c155c27f2bddebfceaab374577f4

    22:19:05 - Extracting ELiTE_dotNetFx40_Addon.7z

    22:19:10 - MD5 Hash = 5ce8ea050400ce1e6ad7d21f27e42c55

    22:19:10 - Extracting Microsoft_Silverlight_4.0.60129.0_Addon.7z

    22:19:12 - MD5 Hash = 46460ed85ddc4247c9f4e0b38ad8c91b

    22:19:12 - Extracting MicrosoftRuntimeLibraries-148-Addon.7z

    22:19:13 - MD5 Hash = ff1c24227377f2b62ded089de6546721

    22:19:13 - Extracting NeoSmart_TweakUI_x64_Addon_v2.2.rar

    22:19:14 - MD5 Hash = d0b1211ae3a4bac1790c44cc8e127a2a

    22:19:14 - Extracting OnePiece_Windows_Media_Player_11_True_AddOn_v2.4.0_ENU.7z

    22:19:17 - MD5 Hash = 33f6ba1bf0978c615bb62334f2654483

    22:19:17 - Extracting RedDXRuntime_0.9.0_Addon_3264AIO.7z

    22:19:18 - MD5 Hash = 4c0c240c450acc1d0682b3fdd32a52d7

    22:19:18 - Clearing any Read Only Attributes.

    22:19:19 -

    22:19:19 - Gathering temp files

    22:19:19 - Integrating Windows XP Professional Files.

    22:19:19 - 0 Files Moved in 0 Seconds

    22:19:19 - Expanding driver32.cab

    22:19:19 - CabLite.dll::CabExtract reports completion [code=0000000F]

    22:19:19 - Expanding driver.cab

    22:19:25 - CabLite.dll::CabExtractAsync reports completion [code=00001060]

    22:19:25 - Expanding SP2.cab

    22:19:26 - CabLite.dll::CabExtractAsync reports completion [code=000000A1]

    22:19:27 - Copying/Moving files to driver.cab

    22:19:28 - Compressing Files

    22:20:36 - Processing new .CAT files found in SVCPACK

    22:20:42 -

    22:20:42 - Shifting Stuff Around

    22:20:42 - Shifting x64_I386 Specific Files

    22:21:46 - 422 Files Moved in 62 Seconds

    22:23:34 - 1194 Files Moved in 107 Seconds

    22:23:34 - Analyzing 9 Entry Files

    22:23:34 - Processing 5eraph's Update Pack v2011-02_1 Build Date: 2011/02/10

    22:23:34 - Gathering Sysoc Entries

    22:23:34 - Gathering Dosnet.inf [Files] Entries

    22:23:34 - Gathering txtsetup.sif [sourceDisksFiles] and [WinntDirectories] Entries

    22:23:34 - Gathering obsolete_files Entries

    22:23:34 - Gathering ExtraFileEdits Entries

    22:23:34 - Processing SFXMaker v4.65.0.0 Build Date: 04/13/2010

    22:23:34 - Processing DirectX Runtimes (x86-64) v201006 Build Date: 2010/06/08

    22:23:34 - Processing 5eraph's IE8 Addon v2010-12_1 Build Date: 2010/12/15

    22:23:34 - Gathering Sysoc Entries

    22:23:34 - Gathering Dosnet.inf [Files] Entries

    22:23:35 - Gathering txtsetup.sif [sourceDisksFiles] and [WinntDirectories] Entries

    22:23:35 - Gathering ExtraFileEdits Entries

    22:23:35 - Processing Microsoft Runtime Libraries v1.4.8 Build Date: 2009/07/28

    22:23:35 - Gathering Dosnet.inf [Files] Entries

    22:23:35 - Gathering txtsetup.sif [sourceDisksFiles] and [WinntDirectories] Entries

    22:23:36 - Processing DirectX End-User Runtimes (x86-64) v0.9.0 Build Date: 2010/02/06

    22:23:36 - Processing ENTRIES_silverlight.INI v4.00.60129.0 Build Date: 01/14/2011

    22:23:36 - Processing TweakUI x64 CPL v2.2 Build Date: 2009/12/30

    22:23:36 - Gathering Sysoc Entries

    22:23:36 - Gathering Dosnet.inf [Files] Entries

    22:23:36 - Gathering txtsetup.sif [sourceDisksFiles] and [WinntDirectories] Entries

    22:23:36 - Processing OnePiece Windows media Player 11 v2.4.0 Build Date: 2010/11/01

    22:23:36 - Gathering Sysoc Entries

    22:23:36 - Gathering Dosnet.inf [Files] Entries

    22:23:36 - Gathering txtsetup.sif [sourceDisksFiles] and [WinntDirectories] Entries

    22:23:36 -

    22:23:36 - Preparing System Files...

    22:23:36 - sysoc.inf

    22:23:36 - svcpack.inf

    22:23:36 - dosnet.inf

    22:23:37 - txtsetup.sif

    22:23:41 -

    22:23:41 - Processing obsolete_files

    22:23:41 - Processing ExtraFileEdits

    22:23:45 - Processing Sysoc.inf

    22:23:45 - Adding Components

    22:23:45 - Processing svcpack.inf

    22:23:45 - Processing dosnet.inf

    22:23:45 - Modifying any SP?.cab areas in dosnet.inf

    22:23:45 - Editing [Files]

    22:24:00 - Processing txtsetup.sif

    22:24:00 - Editing [WinntDirectories]

    22:24:02 - Editing [sourceDisksFiles]

    22:24:03 - Modifying any SP?.cab areas in txtsetup.sif

    22:24:07 -

    22:24:07 - Compressing Files ASMS...

    22:24:14 -

    22:24:14 - Processing [EditFile]

    22:24:14 - Entire .ini Processing Completed in 40 Seconds

    22:24:14 -

    22:24:14 - Compressing and Moving Edited Files

    22:24:14 -

    22:24:14 - No mmssetup.cab Found. Skipping Messenger.

    22:24:14 -

    22:24:14 - Copying Files Found In 5eraph's Update Pack

    22:24:14 - Moving Files Found In 5eraph's Update Pack

    22:24:14 - Deleting Files Found In 5eraph's Update Pack

    22:24:14 -

    22:24:14 - Rebuilding driver.cab

    22:26:27 - Compressed 4208 files into driver.cab [code=10700001]

    22:26:27 -

    22:26:27 - Rebuilding drvindex.inf

    22:26:27 - Rebuilding drvindex.inf Complete.

    22:26:27 -

    22:26:27 - Moving Files

    22:26:27 - Replacing driver.cab

    22:26:29 -

    22:26:29 - Rebuilding driver32.cab

    22:26:30 - Compressed 15 files into driver32.cab [code=000F0001]

    22:26:30 -

    22:26:30 -

    22:26:30 - Optimizing System Files.

    22:26:30 - Combining dosnet.inf - [Files]

    22:26:31 - Optimizing dosnet.inf - [Files]

    22:26:33 - Combining dosnet.inf - [FloppyFiles.0]

    22:26:33 - Optimizing dosnet.inf - [FloppyFiles.0]

    22:26:33 - Combining dosnet.inf - [FloppyFiles.1]

    22:26:33 - Optimizing dosnet.inf - [FloppyFiles.1]

    22:26:34 - Combining dosnet.inf - [FloppyFiles.2]

    22:26:34 - Optimizing dosnet.inf - [FloppyFiles.2]

    22:26:34 - Combining dosnet.inf - [FloppyFiles.3]

    22:26:35 - Optimizing dosnet.inf - [FloppyFiles.3]

    22:26:35 - Combining dosnet.inf - [FloppyFiles.x]

    22:26:35 - Optimizing dosnet.inf - [FloppyFiles.x]

    22:26:36 - Combining txtsetup.sif - [sourceDisksFiles]

    22:26:40 - Optimizing txtsetup.sif - [sourceDisksFiles]

    22:26:41 - Combining txtsetup.sif - [sourceDisksFiles.ia64]

    22:26:42 - Optimizing txtsetup.sif - [sourceDisksFiles.ia64]

    22:26:43 - Combining txtsetup.sif - [sourceDisksFiles.amd64]

    22:26:43 - Optimizing txtsetup.sif - [sourceDisksFiles.amd64]

    22:26:44 - Combining txtsetup.sif - [sourceDisksFiles.x86]

    22:26:45 - Optimizing txtsetup.sif - [sourceDisksFiles.x86]

    22:26:48 - Optimizing txtsetup.sif - [WinntDirectories]

    22:26:48 - Optimizing txtsetup.sif - [FileFlags]

    22:26:49 -

    22:26:49 - Scanning I386 for other files to compress...

    22:26:49 - Compressing Files I386...

    22:28:06 - Compressing Files DRW...

    22:28:06 - Optimizing System Files Finished In: 96 Seconds.

    22:28:06 -

    22:28:06 - Cleaning Up.

    22:28:07 - Integration Completed.

    22:28:07 - Total Integration Time = 562 Seconds

    22:28:07 - ==================================================================================

    22:28:07 -

    22:28:30 -

    22:28:30 - Creating ISO

    22:28:30 - Command Line = H:\Windows\Take Command\tcc.exe /c H:\Windows\System32\rvmisofs.exe -joliet-long -iso-level 2 -N -d -relaxed-filenames -duplicates-once -D -boot-load-seg 0x7C0 -boot-load-size 4 -o "G:\RyanVM\XPProx64ISO\XPProx64SP2Integ.iso" -b rvmintegrator.img -hide rvmintegrator.img -hide boot.catalog -J -hide-joliet xpboot.img -hide-joliet boot.catalog -no-emul-boot -volid "XPProx64SP2Integ" -sysid "Win32" "G:\RyanVM\XPProx64Integrated"

    22:28:30 - Using Internal mkisofs 2.01-bootcd.ru (i686-pc-mingw32)

    22:28:30 - ISO Complete

    Log Shutdown @ 2011-02-21 22:28:36 local time.[/spoiler]

  8. Again SP1 integration is very messy, it leaves you with a much bigger WIM, ISO and install as it keeps the original RTM packages and Component Removal won't remove the old ones without removing the new versions.

    You end up having two versions of Windows Media Player, IIS, basically everything which is normal displayed in 'Component Removal'. A fresh Windows 7 SP1 just has the SP1 version and means it's a smaller WIM file and less buggy.

    If you want i can provide a torrent link via PM to a Windows 7 SP1 AIO I made, but it's a 30 day trial. If you have your own serial key then you can use that but if you don't you have to purchase Windows within 30 days.

    Thanks for the information and the offer but I'll pass - I would much prefer being able to slipstream/integrate Win7 myself. I got used to doing it on XP using the RyanVM Integrator. I'm still waiting to see if the folks at RT7Lite come up with a viable process and solution; they are supposedly close to finishing their latest version.

  9. In the MSFN Win7 forum (http://www.msfn.org/board/) I ran across a question about where was the Win7 SP1 .MSU and/or .CAB file. The answer was there is no such file but you can extract the .CAB file by selecting either windows6.1-KB976932-x86.exe or windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe and running either with the command /x:<drive>\<folder>

    For example: Start > Run > windows6.1-KB976932-x86.exe /x:C:\7SP1-32 will extract all files/folders to the C:\7SP1-32 folder. When I did that I found two .CAB files in that folder: windows6.1-KB976902-X86.cab and windows6.1-KB976932-X86.cab; the first one had a size of 4,426Kb and the second 528,322Kb. I assumed the second one was the file that actually contained the SP1 updates.

    So, given the above information, will the W7Toolkit slipstream/integrate both the windows6.1-KB976902-X86.cab and the windows6.1-KB976932-X86.cab successfully with the appropriate .wim file and allow me to create a new Win7 w/SP1 DVD?

    I'm asking here just in case someone else had performed the extraction and the slipstreaming/integrating procedure using the W7Toolkit failed.

  10. I will have a look at these, i will have to look into how to take ownership of registry keys using C#. Also, personally i prefer to hide library folders than to permanently delete them. It's upto you?

    Personally I have no use for libraries so I've already removed them using the registry edit I referenced. I have no idea if you could make it an option to remove as opposed to hide; I guess you would have to ask others for what they would prefer - hide or removal.

  11. Registry items

    Go here: http://www.mydigital...ows-7-explorer/ and scroll down the page - the info on how to remove Libraries is presented - see below

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00











    You could also download the files remove-libraries.reg and restore-libraries.reg instead.

    Also there is a comment on that web page:

    Note: Some registry keys may be protected, and users are required to take ownership and grant themselves full control permissions on the registry keys.

    More - same page - Check out more Windows 7 hacks and usage guides. The link takes you to another page with 75 more interesting items. Further down is another section: Related Articles.

    Hope some of these are usable.

  12. Toolkit

    SoLor Updates > Date (MM/DD/YY) - the dates of the items shown does not comply with the format depicted - they are shown as: 3/4/2011 when they should be: 03/04/11.

    Later that same day:


    Options > Misc > Windows 7 Toolkit set to Normal

    Options > Misc > External Apps set to Normal

    Options > Misc > DISM set to Normal

    Options > Misc > W7TTemp Folder set to Z:\Temp (my environmental setting for Temp)

    Options > Misc > W7T Mount Folder set to \Win7 Toolkit\Mount (my creation for the Mount folder)

    Apply Settings clicked > Options > Misc closed and got the Welcome to Windows 7 Toolkit desktop.

    Went back and opened Options > Misc - all of the boxes were empty; none of the setting selections were maintained; all of the boxes were empty.

    Either I did something wrong; which is not obvious - or the settings did not take in a configuration? fle somewhere?

  13. Using the MakeCab.exe program Win7 64bit version I converted windows6.1-KB976932-x86.exe and windows6.1-KB976932-x64.exe to windows6.1-KB976932-x86.cab and windows6.1-KB976932-x64.cab. I then started Win7 Toolkit and selected each of them, in turn, to see what would happen.

    I went to Updates > Add Updates and selected the appropriate .CAB file and got a "File not supported" error message - so it appears trying to go that route is unsucceesful. I just had to try to satisfy my curiosity.

    One question:

    At the page that has the Addons/Updates/Drivers/Tweaks/Options tabs and Options is selected > scrolling down to the heading Drivers and the option Search Sub-folders is checked that does mean that if I create a folder/subfolder assemby that has, for example:

    Win7 Drivers




    Intel RST


    I can safely select only the Win7 Drivers folder and all subfolders will automatically be included wwhen I click Start. That is how I read it and I am asking just to be sure.

    Another question:

    Options > Scrolling down to Updates - option to Install updates in LDR/QFE mode - please explain - I, for one, have no idea what the difference is if this box is checked versus not checked.

    Thanks for all your work.

  14. Downloaded - clicked CAB Retriever - got error message: Unhandled exception has occured in your application...

    Could not find a part of the path


    Clicked Quit - my copy of Win7 64bit is not on C:\ - it is on H:\ - you should not hardwire the path into the program; it should read the environmental variables to determine where things are installed.

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