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Everything posted by Geej

  1. This addon does it without using batch file or xml. (A simpler approach to creating scheduler task). I have tested with WTK in VMx86. Works alright. If no user feedback any issue (within 14 days), I will replace with this copy in post #1. EverythingSearchEngineNew_1.3.0.632b.WA Size: 431.97 Kb (442,338 bytes) MD5: 7E0508E5800E68443AA917D1EDB775B1 Cheers
  2. No problem. Try this file. Just slip into any program like other program as svcpack addon. You do not need to edit anything for this addon. PintoStartMenu_Startup_addon.cab Size: 54.85 Kb (56,164 bytes) MD5: EE3B03A121210997EF517D54A2261F8C (Will host for 14 days or earlier) This file will copy the exe into All user startup folder during svcpack. After run, it will be deleted. Off topic: Maybe IE8.exe or WMP11.exe is causing this odd behaviour. Perhaps try to integrate these 2 using true addon.
  3. So still doesn't work? Hmm... Once last method is to put PintoStartMenu_ROE.exe in All user startup folder. But you also have to schedule a file delete after PintoStartMenu_ROE.exe run. May need to modify 7zsfx config file. I think 7zsfx has some switch to delete the file itself if it is on HDD.
  4. Have checked it out. (v5.4.5.01242). Not nececessary. All files are the same. Cheers
  5. Correct. I remove the HKLM....,Run key for .WA addon. And keep HKLM....,Run key for XP inf addon But for myselfidem his question was how to run get the icon appear using task scheduler. @myselfidem, you can also add HKLM....,Run key if you wish. (See mooms post #90). Note: It will be removed during uninstall Just looking forward to see new update from the developer.
  6. Give one more try, okay? Seems your silent SFX you post in #6 is meant for T13, not runonceex. Also you are using SFXMaker to build your exe. This tool can't build 'RunonceEx-type' exe. For RunonceEx, you need 7zsfx module and you build from command line. Nevertheless, I remake your .reg into silent exe and made it run in RunOnceEx using 7zSFX module (Tutorial). Tested in HFslip, works okay. See screenshot. When you first boot into desktop, the start Menu already pinned. Reboot not required to see tweak applied. Just slip into any program like other program as svcpack addon. You do not need to edit anything for this addon. PintoStartMenu_Addon_ROE.cab Size: 62.37 Kb (63,862 bytes) MD5: 3828A3265F8989F15564080CB71FCA35 (Host for 14 days only)
  7. Hi myselfidem I have no wish to add xp support for .WA addon (and I could not get the syntax right via inf) But if you are using for your own use using Everything_Schedule.bat, I have experiment around in XP VM to check the required syntax to get icon appear on system tray. (I assumed you are using the batch code you post in #101) Find this section in the batch file (around line 31) and run the batch file. Just my thought on the followings (may not be 100% right, still learning...) The reason why the original code for XP did not work is because {/RU "SYSTEM"} runs as {NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM} context. This context is non-interactive. That is why no system tray icon shown up on your systray. (non-interactive means you can't bring up the program GUI to make your search as you cannot interact with the program interface). So to create an interactive logon, you need to provide a user name & password. This password is use to login to XP. My XP do not have login password as it is autoboot+login to desktop w/o password. Hence I have to create a password (I use justforfun as password as an example) for myself so that I can create a task schedule. I must admit getting the correct syntax is harder in XP than in Win7 because many switches are not available. I have a hard time figuring out what should be the parameters for /S By trial and error and lots of guessing, finally got this magic syntax '\\%userdomain%'. The %userdomain% can simply view the actual value on console box using set command (set command w/o passing any parameters). You can also modify line 20 which has You can test your batch but each time you test, you must delete the existing taskname, otherwise your batch will be pause/error out and your task will not be created. 2 useful XP commands syntax if you are testing on the console. HTH...
  8. I got some news... I tried to create the task using commandline schtasks /create syntax via inf. Good news is that it can be create it. Since I don't have x64 to test, I hope RicaNeaga, bphlpt, myselfidem or mooms can feedback whether TestCreateSchtasks.inf run correctly on x64. (in VM at least) Before you run this inf, just End + Delete existing TaskName if exists. Things I hope to know are: 1) Is task created successfully 2) Search Everything (UAC).lnk able to start everything.exe and icon appear in systray If above 2 condition works fine, then I will modify inf w/o Everything_Schedule.bat or xml and get it tested at least on x86 VM with WTK. Take your time to test. No hurry. TestCreateSchtasks.txt Pls change extension to TestCreateSchtasks.inf
  9. In post #2, I mention only need 3 subkey. But your mediafire link uses 6 keys. I don't know it that will make a differnce. Alternatively, you can use 7zsfx to build a RunonceEx addon as a way to import your reg file. MSFN also has some guide how to do it via RunOnce in nlite. A recent topic on runonce might help you further...
  10. @bphlpt, for some reason, I have tested your earlier batch file on win7 x86 and it does not create a task in Task scheduler. I tried your post #75 batch file and myselfidem's link (I take the batch file only) in post #80. (both doesn't work) This is how I test (if it helps): On VM which has an already installed Everything program, I launch taskschd.msc via Run box, then end existing task, follow by delete task. Then run your batch file manually. Wait a while, check again taskschd.msc to refresh the screen and no task was created. If you do the same as I did, is the task created? Or does my test method wrong? Nevertheless, I will still try your revised batch. Cheers
  11. I personally think it is not necessary to cleanup .reg files as it takes "a little more time" to process, which adds to overall runtime. It is the user's responsibility to maintain the integrity of his .reg files. (Also user might not use installwatch exported registry as it is to slipstream.) Cheers
  12. bphlpt, thanks for improving the batch file to work across XP/win7 x86/x64 (maybe win8 too). myselfidem, I can only test in 2-3 days later with his batch file. If tested okay on x86 VM, I will assume it works in x64 and update .WA in post #1. Hi, RicaNeaga. On the first issue, when I build the .WA through WTK addon maker, I select x86 (which means for both arch). Maybe this is how it is display. I dun know. I can't just select !x86 or !x64 only right? myselfidem have tested the UAC shortcut in x64 and reported okay. Hence I have no clue what is the issue now... Any further insight would be nice... edit: RicaNeaga I'm guessing either there is no scheduled task created via the x64 xml file or the Shortcut UAC path is wrong. Has the scheduled task created successfully in your system? (I presumed you are using the xml file) What is the UAC shortcut path full string as listed in the .lnk properties? Could you post the string ? BTW, it is not possible to have only 1 shortcut that work with both UAC on and off. Commands are different. If you have UAC on and just run Everything.exe, the program won't have access to protected window folders and wouldn't display files that are in there. Just a side note to all: When run as silent installer (SFX), it is calling [LiveInstall] section. When run via WTK as .WA addon, it is calling [install] section during RunOnce. The difference is that [install] section does not perform filecopy operation as WTK will do that during integration.
  13. Just a note. I noticed the mediafire link you gave is in .txt format. If you are importing registry file, the extension should be .reg Also I'm not familiar with nlite as I use HFSlip. cmdlines.txt created by nlite section is for logon/user info. I do not know how to use nlite to insert T12 command. You can maually add it into cmdlines.txt before you build the iso Edit: correction to post #5 Correct cmdline.txt to cmdlines.txt Add code info to cmdlines.txt contain the following content [Commands]"ForLoopT12.cmd"
  14. Ok see this article for some idea on cmdlines.txt Basically, in winnt.sif, set [Unattended]OemPreinstall=YesThen use $oem$ to put your .reg file & cmdline.txt cmdlines.txt contain the following content [Commands]"ForLoopT12.cmd"Create an empty ForLoopT12.cmd batch file and put in $OEM$ folder. ForLoopT12.cmd contains the following content for %%e in ("*.reg") do regedit.exe /S "%%e"Some general info For cmdlines.txt, it should be placed in the \$OEM$ folder,and does not need to be specified anywhere else to state its existence.Windows Setup automatically scans for a cmdlines.txt file.All batch files launched by cmdlines.txt should be put into the same folder (i.e. $OEM$). Hope that helps
  15. Also perhaps "Apps" folder can be named more unique, like 'WTKApps' as it is way too common. Who know someone may just happen to give the same generic name (folder) in another drive... Then what will happen if 2 same name folders are searched by RunOnce installer if located in different drive? Just a thought of this remote possibility
  16. Thanks, will study your changes. Meanwhile, updated in Post #1 Tested ok on VM x86. Includes Everything64.xml (but not tested) Note: Shortcut Everything (UAC) now launch w/o cmd box shown at all. I have upload switchless using 7xsfx. (please test it on x86/x64 . Works okay on x86) (I'm uploading for 1 time switchless format only - will host for 14 days) Please see whether you get cmd error or not. <dl link removed> EverythingSearchEngine_1.3.0.632bSi.exe Size: 543.28 Kb (556,323 bytes) MD5: E8B177253B2C831E4C92143AAA3F3958 Thanks everyone for the feedback. Really appreciate it.
  17. Could u try importing your reg during svcpack time? At least it is an easier approach. Sorry my internet connection is poor, can't post instruction right now. Import reg can be easily done using 7zsfx or winrar sfx. Cheers
  18. I think I'll use .XML for x64 and use .bat for x86. Lol Will test on x86 vm using wtk
  19. Your pinstartmenu key should contain the content of 3 items [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartPage] "FavoritesResolve"= "Favorites"= "FavoritesChanges"= Ensure that before you save these keys, logout first, then login again. Then export these 3 keys in .reg format. I done it using cmdline.txt (T12). But I think you can import the .reg file during svcpack (T13). Give a try.
  20. Base on RicaNeaga post #65 info for uninstall entry for x64, I have modified the Add/Remove registry key path to (to align with the original installer path) Everything save the search result as .csv/.efu/.txt (via File->Export). If you save as .efu, double-click on it immediately open the result in Everything. (hence the file association) If save in .txt/.csv, then it opens in notepad/Excel (On my system, .csv is open in Excel) Thanks to all for x64 info/test/suggestion/ideas. Also awaiting RicaNeaga feedback on x64 as an integrated .WA addon (no hurry)
  21. Sorry for the delay. I've got poor internet connection using iphone Personal Hotspot feature on my desktop. Uploading/surfing is a challenge as webpage always get non-responsive half-way. Nevertheless, finally updated to v5.4.5.0124 Now in switchless format. Install at T13. (I have almost redo the inf from scratch.) Tool required to modify: Winrar & text editor What and Where to customize: 1) Within sfx exe, the lang folder 2) Root of sfx, FoxitRdrXPW7.inf 2 additional language files are included in this update, in the lang folder (German & Spanish) of the sfx. For next update version, no lang files will not be included. (can take from your system) Additional language files can be download at http://languages.foxitsoftware.com/?proid=18 As usual, user can change skin & lang setting in the inf. ReplaceDriveletter.vbs now includes additional detection of win7 installation. Compatible with win7 x86 (just extract the .cab to get the .exe silent installer) English user can manually delete the 2 lang files in 'lang' folder. Do not need to remove 'lang' folder. It will be deleted if folder is empty. Cheers
  22. Ok, will upload when got time. I think I will make it a conditional execution so that error message will not even appear at all. Thanks to myselfidem for suggesting this alternative approach. (I have this thought too but no time to response, beside why no tskill.exe is a mystery for RicaNeaga) RicaNeaga thanks for your feedback. When you are on x64, can you also test it out?
  23. Are you getting the error on x64? (X86 tested ok.) Please check whether tskill.exe is present in system32 folder on x64 OS. Have u also try on x86 as well? Cheers
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