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Posts posted by FeLiX

  1. I think you're talking about these:

    Onepiece Windows XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack v1.3.1 - I find this one to be a bit much.


    XP SP3 Update Pack 062008-r04



    Yes thats the idea... but what i was looking for is something like the aforementioned tool as you can make your own by having the hotfixes in the same folder as the tool and running the tool it makes the plug in with the hotfixes you have in the folder only if that makes sense?

  2. Hello All,

    I must say this a fantastic addon! I had been looking for just such a solution for IE7 and SP3 and its great my week or so of looking as finally paid off. :D

    Thankyou for making these addon's available - they are a great credit to the author!

    I do have one question - is there a tool like RUN_Automatic_OnePiece_IE7_v2.2.0_Own_AddOn_Creator that can be used to add all of your chosen post SP3 hotfixes into a single addon package? If there isn't - i would like to request it perhaps from the author of these great tools.

    Anyway thanks again!



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