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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2014 in Posts

  1. OneLeggedLady

    little intro

    Hello everyone im Ruby Smith, Age 30, female,Sheffield U.K, Looking forward to being part of this community and maybe even making a new friend or two if im lucky I have a broard range of interests i basically love to tinker around with stuff abit too much but mainly pc or console related. To save you the bother asking me Yes i do only have one leg, 4 years ago i was in a car crash and my hip and leg were smashed to bits and after battling with the pain and making very little progress to recover from this after almost 3 years i gave up and and had my right leg amputated for a better quality of life. It was hard adjusting at first but now with my prosthetic leg iv finally achieved what i wanted and can now walk again YAYY
    1 point
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