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Everything posted by Legolash2o

  1. Just updated the update list, removed the old ones and made sure none are missing. Have fun
  2. Come on, more ideas please. This thread will be closed soon so get them all in. Got loads of ideas already, but i'm looking for more requests. Thanks
  3. There should be a box at the top with the default name ie Win7Addon.7z Just before you click ok just type in .WA instead, if that still does not work then you might have to show all extensions and rename it manually, or just use the Addon Maker tool within W7T.
  4. I have checked them all and have updated them, if i have missed some then please let me know which ones. Thanks
  5. Thanks but that's the method i already used, although i did learn something new and helped me fix a bug and prob going to help me fix another too Thanks EDIT: Change log so far... and i've barely started *FIX: Some buttons did not appeart after unmount (WIM Manager) *FIX: Update Integrator stop adding updates if wrong architecture *FIX: SoLoR Updates Home link *FIX: SoLor Updates did not get filtered *FIX: Lists did not show groups if a filter was set *FIX: Rebuild All will no longer damage WIM File if window is close during process *FIX: If user closed Exporting window then new file was not deleted *Added Import to WIM Manager *Display errors on AIO Update Integrator *Component Removal (incompleted) *W7T now asks if you want to save/discard and leave the wim mounted *W7T now uses already mounted wim *Addon Integrator standalone has been removed (AIO made it obsolete) *Update Integrator standalone has been removed (AIO made it obsolete) *Driver Integrator standalone has been removed (AIO made it obsolete) *WIM Tweaker standalone has been removed (AIO made it obsolete) *Closing a tool will return you to the Tools Manager *Changed Driver Packs home link *Tools list has been renamed to Programs *Renamed Tools to Programs *WIM Manager shows already mounted *W7T now writes error log instead of uploading
  6. Thanks, i will try and add them all. Anything else? Even small ideas of how something should be done/look?
  7. Microsoft release official updates which you are only supposed to use if you have a specific problem, all these get put into the service packs. Basically its just every update which goes in a service pack. I as well as many people download and install them all anyway as we like to be truly up-to-date and bug free even if we have never experienced the problem. I'm sure someone else can explain it better.
  8. The registry tweaks would be nice to see and what do you mean by better take ownsership?
  9. the way it reads cmd windows is that it waits until the end and the sends the info to the program, if i could make it read in real-time then that would be great because then i would not have to show the mount/unmount windows. W7T uses 0% CPU while doing tasks (since 0.7.0), the first package takes the longest but after that DISM becomes quite quick. I am looking at a way for VB .NET to read command consoles in real-time, so far i've got this link. http://www.codeproje.../RTconsole.aspx which looks super complicated. EDIT: Nevermind i've think ive got the answer EDIT2: Its more real-time but it don't read the progress, it reports it after each line instead of at the end, but i need to to read the progress . Grrr lol.
  10. I know of the proper method, but using that method does not allow me to display the progress i.e. 1 out of xx, 2 out of xx, etc.. I also if there is an error with an update, it will continue with the others whereas if you use the method you are on about, it will stop even though there is a problem with just 1 or 2 updates. Oh i know what you mean by the Launch Dism and Launch Imagex, you mean so you can enter the command manually Do you have msn? add me liamcrozier2005@hotmail.co.uk and in the bit where it lets you send a message, state your Wincert username
  11. There is already an option to show mount/unmount in Options and it shows most of the Imagex commands too, i used to have to display all windows but it got annoying because if you had to integrate 100+ updates the windows would popup 100+ times and it got annoying!!! I will add log file in the W7T folder which shows everything it has done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows 7 Toolkit 0.8.0 Windows 7 Ultimate x64 7600 - 23/08/2010 - 7:45AM :1 Update Package: AIO Integrator: DISM.exe /Add-Package /etc.... :1 Driver Package: AIO Integrator: Dism.exe /Add-Driver / etc... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I could make it show all the results of the command but the log would get pretty big quickly but i could add an option for "Extensive Logging" in Options. I may have a problem of making it show the command windows and getting the results of the cmd, in order for vb net to get results from cmd windows it "redirects" the info to memory, basically you would get a blank cmd if it both options are enabled at once (Extensive Logging & Show DISM/Imagex) although the command still runs... So for that reason i don't think im going to add "Show all DISM/Imagex cmd" but the commands will be in the log.
  12. 1. (CAPS) I will not use caps for the FINAL but i will for ALPHA or BETA, but the ones like ULTIMATE, HOMEPREMIUM are actually default of the WIM image. That's how microsoft names the images... I will try and make it show the names of the WIM images in camelcase instead camelcase is where Everything Is Written Like This. EDIT: Done, Image names will be done in camel case, but not the description, unless you want that too? 2. I've never tried it, i always make my program center by default. Never needed one as Windows remembers where i placed them last 3. Statusbar, displays whats its doing on startup i.e. 20% loaded - Office, after that it just says what files are currently being downloaded, also some error messages which appear on the main form like cannot connect to server. Why you ask? 4. I will rename it to Programs EDIT: Done 5. I will add "Everything" on the list EDIT: Done, you should see it on the list now. 6. I will have a look at the SoLoR filter EDIT: Done How about renaming Tools Manager to Built-in Tools?
  13. I changed the font for that screenshot, anyways i've made it all white now and some other modifications so they shouldn't be a problem anymore. The layout of the main page looks old now and the bottom icons look crap I don't know of a program which can do that sorry, i don't think there is one
  14. 1. I dont think im using a custom font What font would you suggest 2. "The Background on the toolbar and Bottom status bar doesnt integrate, it got a wrong color (well it fades from grey to white), also there is a 3? pixel wide white line ontop of the statusbar?" Please explain further, the main form? Confused lol EDIT: Look at the attachment at the bottom, is that better?
  15. lol nope, not until i've done everything on my todo list, btw Component Removal is not yet done, still a few stuff to do and if you remember correctly im having a month off
  16. So far the changelog is. *FIX: Some buttons did not appeart after unmount (WIM Manager) *FIX: Update Integrator stop adding updates if wrong architecture *FIX: SoLoR Updates Home link *Added Import to WIM Manager *Display errors on AIO Update Integrator *Component Removal *W7T now asks if you want to save/discard and leave the wim mounted *W7T now uses already mounted wim *Addon Integrator standalone has been removed (AIO made it obsolete) *Update Integrator standalone has been removed (AIO made it obsolete) *Driver Integrator standalone has been removed (AIO made it obsolete) *WIM Tweaker standalone has been removed (AIO made it obsolete) *Closing a tool will return you to the Tools Manager
  17. I will hide the obsolete tools and.... prompt if the user wants to save the image at the end. Yes- Saves the image No - Discards Cancel - leaves the image mounted. Also the first idea of getwiminfo means it will use an already mounted image and not unmount it Good enough for you?
  18. I've got 10 things (with fixes) on my list, keep them coming! Surely someone else has an idea?
  19. I assume you can integrate a LP just by using the /Add-package, if not let me know what W7T would need to do i.e. another command. The log.... i can do that I will also make it where if there is an error it will include the exact error with the log. Any other requests or questions?
  20. 1. I will add that option, using already mounted wim will save time, but i will do it a way where it won't automatically unmount it at the end 2. I will add an option so you can if you wanted you can make the "Tools Manager" the main window (show on startup) and an option where if you close a tool it wil return to the Tools Manager. 3, What you mean by LP are nasty to integrate... i assume you just added the cab file to the list? So you mean disable a feature then remove it straight after for each one? Removing a package/feature uses the Dism /Remove-Package command, pretty much the same as un-installing an update i guess.
  21. Some files are still kept in WinSXS so the image only shrinks around 3GB (x64), that mean i have to delete the files from WinSxS aswell if the package is removed. LOL, there is only 4 folders in the Program Files folder 6500 folders to quickly scan through, grrrrr.....
  22. Nope, the first alpha will be released in a few weeks, but some good news it that the component remover is finished and working (so far) On another note, since you can now remove packages, it has rendered the "Feature Manager" useless so it won't be available in the next version.
  23. Here is what the new Component Remover looks like. Is there anything specific you would like to remove which isn't a package? i.e. Wallpapers, Screensavers, Default Themes...
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