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  1. AIO\Drivers click on NAME column lead to unexpected error.
  2. got an error and almost the same behavior Thursday 19 April 2018 14:14:19 PM +03:00 RTZ 2 (зима) Log ID: UxD668A1C4103AE182133E4C79D6E37D24_Ex06000CB0_frmToolsManager_ru-RU_933705 NOTE: Use the 'Log ID' when referring to your issue on the forum. It will allow me to find your log and have a look at the problem easier. ***TITLE*** Unknown Error ***BASIC*** A major unhandled error has occurred. A log should have been written and uploaded. ***EXCEPTION*** Операция является недопустимой из-за текущего состояния объекта. InnerException: Source: mscorlib TargetSite: Int32 get_MetadataToken()
  3. i have downloaded WinToolkit_1.6.0.5_Portable unpacked it and programm does not launch at all. nothing happens when i double click on in. windows 10 x64 there is also other report that wintoolkit app crash on start i have downloaded WinToolkit_1.6.0.5_Portable and When I start this program I get errors ?? Windows ultimate SP1 X64 - Asustek Laptop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problemsignatur: Problemereignisname: APPCRASH Application Name: WINTOO~1.EXE Application Version: Application Timestamp: 5ad4f4d4 Fault Module Name: KERNELBASE.dll Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.23403 Fault Module Timestamp: 56f58b17 Exception Code: e0434f4d Exception Offset: 000000000001a06d Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601. Gebietsschema-ID: 1031 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. after clicking update cash WT crashes and GUI not responding. see log and picture. LOG WT.txt
  5. i have solved the issue by placing working and temp folder same drive. also WT does not like short paths. DIdnt accept E:\Mount - but E:\MOunt\Mount was ok - and integration went normal
  6. If u click on most of the checkboxes in Unatteneded creator u will get an error screen THERE IS NO LINK TO THE OBJECT. for example click first checkbox ACCEPT EULA
  7. i select drivers to integrate (3056 drivers) and start the proccess. in the end i got final screen where is no any drivers integrated. version used DISM from win 10 is installed p.s. last version which works correctly for me is Win.Toolkit.
  8. solved it last version ty
  9. last working version which does not have the issue in title is Win.Toolkit.
  10. you were too optimistic in 2016
  11. WT does not integrate drivers in Vista any version. But updates and tweaks are ok. Tried to use all possible imagex version - did not help too. Can anyone help?
  12. I have discovered this bug long ago, but Liam was on other planet - so i did not post it:) If you go - WT\Options\DISM - then add new dism file (v10 for example) you will get a message "there is nothing to undo". Also if u cannot repeat this bug then try this: WT\Options\DISM - then add new dism file. After that remove new dism and try to add again - "there is nothing to undo" 100500%. video link: http://www.mediafire.com/watch/1v6br90gdbxz4cw/DISM_bug.mp4
  13. yes. small amount is ok. but i used to integrate 12 000 drivers few years ago without problems. also want to add that WT was capable to add all these 9000 drivers 2 days ago, but after "successfull" integration OS folder was same size and in WT report list of integrated items was empty.
  14. ( (and prev versions) Mountins OS\ADD drivers-->driver counter freeze but later it responds with list of skipped drivers\After clicking OK ----> WT not responding, no any button in intertface can be pressed. it really hang up eating 2mb or ram. I recorded a video first 20 seconds and later watch since 3min 20 sec. video: http://www.mediafire.com/watch/b4eq5yd48mek7vd/WinToolkit_frozen.mp4 Log ID: 1xA7AE00F678C6315E9D86F853C4D1C388_Ex0600022E_frmAllInOne_ru-RU_968298
  15. a bug while installing custom DISM - having error message about UNDO
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