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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. The silent installer will be fixed reeeeeeel quickly. SIW is simply to big to add to this it would nearly double the addon in size, sorry. Edit: Silent installer is fixed and re uploaded.
  2. Lemme guess all done by addons right? Then no way can you split it.
  3. HOLY **** BATMAN!!! 1 ****ING GIG?!?!?! Total bloat man no way will I even look at this one...
  4. Does that prevent someone from using a "Live" CD to access the data n1k?
  5. I LIKE THAT THEME!!! Maybe the first Vista-like theme I have liked so far...
  6. did you place these 2 files in your system32 dir? wbload.dll wbsys.dll
  7. Aaaaaaaand just HOW did you try this? Which method of integration did you use? nLite or RVM Integrator? Are the files in your programs folder?
  8. HEY I GOT YELLED AT FOR THAT MCNALLY! I tried adding lettters awhile back and N1K tol me no!...
  9. Gee thanks for asking if I would update and reupload this I soooo apreciate it. :suicide_anim: Anyways I had a coupla minutes so I did it.
  10. Yeah i will put it back up soon. Some A**HOLE decided to download this and a couple other of my addons over 8000 times each!
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