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Posts posted by tsjippy

  1. I made a new tool which has 4 options:


    1 (re)install a machine

    2 Install software

    3 Install updates

    4 Slipstream updates to an image.


    With option one you can first specify which software you want to have installed on you new system, which serial, account name etc. to use.

    After that all specified software settings are backupped, c:\users is backupped, and an autounnattend.xml is generated.


    If specified the system will reboot, install windows, connect to the internet, activate windows, install software (option 2), install updates reboot, install remaining updates etc. until there are no more updates to install.


    If not specified all settings are stored and you install another machine with it.


    Option 2 and 3 are part of option 1 but can be runned individually as well.


    Option 4 reads the logfile of a previous update installation, downloads the updates and slipstreams them to all indexes found in an install.wim file.


    The software is one executable and an .ini file in which you can specify the software executables, and data to back up.

    You can download it from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hxlgelvhw8a6s7c/Tta6hhGLzX


    Optional is the tool ketarin (http://ketarin.org) and setup packages for your software.

    If you use that tool, your installed software will always be up to date

  2. I have updated the program, you can now choose out of for options:

    reinstall machine (or just save settings for another installation)

    install software on current machine

    install updates on current machine

    Slipstream updates to image (during update installation the url's are stored in the .log file by that setup knows which updates to slipstream)

  3. yes I do mind:)


    The thing I mean is this:

    to let the program install 7-zip you give it in the SoftwareInstall.ini as 7-Zip=\7-zip\7z-x64.msi, /passive

    if the program is in D:\Software\AutoInstall this will resolve in  D:\Software\7-zip\7z-x64.msi /passive


    If you want to have the 7-zip executable somewhere else just edit the path like \..\7-zip\7z-x64.msi, /passive that will make it D:\7-zip\7z-x64.msi /passive


    I would say: test it on a virtual machine, that is completely safe to try

  4. The progam is written in Autoit,


    what is touched can be defined in the SoftwareInstall.ini

    There you can define which software cen be choosed from,

    WHich software is default, which data should be copied to what location, which registrie settings should be exported and which folder should be deleted after the installation the software, at the end of the whole process.


    As it is written in AutoIt nothing required, but I assume you are on a Windows 7 x86/x64 machine and want to go install it as windows 7 x64.

    That is at least what I tested.


    The main assumption is the folder structure: all software to be insttalled should be in the folder, one folder above the programs folder, so the executable and SoftwareInstall.ini needs its own folder


    so step by step:

    1 (Optional) modify SoftwareInstall.ini

    2 start program

    3 choose the software you want to have installed

    4 CHoose the widows version (home ultimate etc)

    5 set your profile password

    6 Choose your disk layout, should your disk be formatted or not?

    7 Give your serial

     you have to confirm that you will start the installation

    8 Setup will save your settings to temp.ini file

    9 Update/download your executables with ketarin

    10 Copy the data

    11 Export registries

    12 Edit the autounattend file to save your profilename, serialnumber, password etc.

    13 Edit the bootloader

    Confirm that you want to reboot

    14 Reboot into the windows installation

    15 Install windows

    16 Set password to never expire

    17 Enable file sharing

    18 Update drivers

    19 COnnect to network

    20 activates windows

    21 Enables Games

    22 Installs the default and choosen software

    23 Copy data

    24 Import registries

    25 Add the printer (if any)

    26 Updates AVG antivirus if installed

    27 Removes files

    28 Scans for updates, and installs them

    29 reboot, you have to confirm

    30 scans again and reboots, updates again and again until no updates available except for manual updates





    program can be run with two parameters:

    .exe 1   installs software

    .exe 2 Check and Install updates


    all other switches will lead to a popup explaining the above two

  5. Hi,


    I have built a program which copies your current user settings and data, reinstalls your machine, copies your user data back, installs several up to date software packages which you can select on before hand, and automatically installs all available microsoft updates.


    Youre welcome to use it.


    Download it from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hxlgelvhw8a6s7c/Tta6hhGLzX


    The only thing you need is a folder with your windows files on a partition or an external hardisks root.

    Optional is the tool ketarin (http://ketarin.org) and setup packages for your software.


    It is currently translated in English and Dutch

  6. Ok assumming I start from scratch, it would be great if I would be able to select all updates I have downloaded in the past and that WIntoolkit knows which one to integrate and which one is not longer needed.


    Or is there already another manner to do that?

  7. if I install windows 7 from my D drive instead of a usb or dvd, Wintoolkit installer can't find the apps folder.


    Therefore I want be able to use the Wintoolkit installer in another way.

    But were is it located in the windows image?


    Can I manage it with command promt i.e. %DVD% to d:\ from batch file?

  8. my silent instals are not silent when installing windows 7.

    I for instance want to hava a silent installer of [slim] .NET Framework 4 Full x86/x64 with the /y switch.

    However, during installation I still receive a pop up screen.

    In previous versions of Winkit it worked, where can I download old versions?

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