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Everything posted by kontini

  1. New 5.x versions. For more info see the changelog.
  2. OnePiece checked ClassIDs present in ie7.addreg (and in Vista, this is the reason because unpresent entries in IE7 update.inf were added) so he removed them in ie.inf. And what you wrote "cosmetic" version is correct "6,0,2900,5512" because that is OS version and not IE version. Your work was amazing too and OnePiece and I like your iepid and probably it will be added in next addon's versions. OnePiece and kontini
  3. Rick, you can use pskill.exe. It's a sysinternals' utility.
  4. Oh, man. It is not so simple to make the update pack creator that you want to, also because of all hotfixes aren't standard. Enjoy the readymade update packs, manual-created packs are better than automatic-created ones. Let's stop talking OT.
  5. There is no reason to add other hotfixes because it's always included last cumulative update in the addon and it overwrites the previous one.
  6. Added KB928090 for Onepiece's ie7 (True addons and creators).
  7. The addon maker is good but sometimes it may have problems with some applications like AVG antivirus (if you use it, disable it before start the addon maker) Thank you. Usually I use zxian mirrors (tnx N1K) but this time I used adrive to calculate the amount of downloads. Bye
  8. Have you tried this: http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?sho...ost&p=22125 ?
  9. Great addon but is %SystemRoot% correct? Isn't it better %10%?
  10. Can I know why my executable doesn't work with the turkish one? Thanks
  11. I've made an autoit script, and it works as well with the Italian taskmgr.exe. If you want to try it, just put in the same folder taskmgr.exe and this executable and then run it. That's it! Note: Automatically it applies icons, bitmaps* and PEChecksum. http://rapidshare.com/files/115008457/TaskMakr.exe md5: B260A4D79A6B41EDBF9992C1EE6D90B1 filesize: 1,1 MB *Edit: now it preserves local numbers of resources
  12. OnePiece knows it, but he doesn't know the hex edit, so can you provide it? Thx man
  13. The world is strange: The OnePiece's addon is the Italian translation of the Ricks one! OnePiece gift him credit in first post but in Italian language.
  14. No new installer was released this week, only changes in Knowledge Base Article, so I guess it needs the same fixes.
  15. I'm sorry but OnePiece was the person who noticed me this problem. In this topic I'm only an ambassador so I reported here. OT: I think you are right, but don't tell to OnePiece
  16. Rick, can be this the problem? http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?sho...ost&p=20426 I'm not sure, so I wait for your opinion.
  17. I guess the problem can be another addon. I noticed sp3 don't accept [SourceDisksNames.x86] 1="aaaaaaaaa","xxxxxxxx.cab",,"i386" so probably you inserted an addon that uses this command and your insallation results incorrect. I hope you are able to check this in your addons' infs. Note: Rick's sidebar uses this command.
  18. I've updated the links to 2.1.1, now the true addon supports xp sp3 build 5512
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