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OnePiece last won the day on May 6 2018

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  1. What's going on with XP forum. Just posted yesterday and noticed my post was first for 5 weeks.

  2. [Addon] .NET framework 1.1-2.0-3.0-3.5 GDR/QFE TRUE addons


    2018 May Updated

  3. Use AddOn Creator INTL to create IE8 True AddOn with last update
  4. See in google drive link in my signature
  5. OnePiece_Microsoft.NET_Framework_v3.5.30729.4056.11_True_AddOn_ENU_06-22-17

    Update ¿

    Windows Server 2003 ve Windows XP x86 İçin Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Güncelleştirmesi (KB982168)
    Windows Server 2003 ve Windows XP x86 Üzerinde Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 Güvenlik Güncelleştirmesi (KB2604092)
    Windows Server 2003 ve Windows XP x86 Üzerinde Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 Güvenlik Güncelleştirmesi (KB2729450)
    2018-01 Security Only Update for .NET Framework 2.0 on WES09 and POSReady 2009 (KB4054178)
    May, 2017 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 on WES09 and POSReady 2009 (KB4017101)
    May, 2017 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 on WES09 and POSReady 2009 (KB4014585)
    2017-10 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 on WES09 and POSReady 2009 (KB4040968)
    2018-01 Security Only Update for .NET Framework 3.0 on WES09 and POSReady 2009 (KB4055229)
    November, 2016 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 3.0, 4 on WES09 and POSReady (KB3189598)
    WES09 ve POSReady 2009 Üzerinde .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 için Nisan 2017 Tarihli Güvenlik ve Kalite Paketi (KB4014580)


  6. for example you can also save the Flash.sfx Ciao.
  7. Hi mooms, I've seen in your Flash_Silent_Install_Maker (anyway is already everything Ok there) that uses BL_FV to take the version of the file, and I remembered that years ago when I used the cmd file (to creating True Addon), I used this way ehhh, always thinking of including fewer files in the source or doing everything from the cmd file :FLASHPLAYER IF /I EXIST "%TARGETDIR%" RD /S /Q "%TARGETDIR%" MD "%TARGETDIR%" CD /D "%TARGETDIR%" "%TEMP%\7z.exe" x -y "%WORKFILE%" > .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO strPath = "%TARGETDIR%\AFPVerFN.txt" >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Set strFile = fso.CreateTextFile(strPath, True) >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Set f = fso.GetFolder("%TARGETDIR%") >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Set fc = f.Files >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO For Each fs In fc >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO If fso.GetExtensionName(fs) = "ocx" then >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO strFile.WriteLine(fso.GetFileVersion(fs)) >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO End if >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Next AFPOCXVer.vbs DEL /F/Q *.vbs IF EXIST "*.*" FOR /F "USEBACKQ DELIMS==" %%I IN (`DIR /A-D /OGN /B "%TARGETDIR%\*.exe"`) DO ECHO %%~nxI >> "AFPVerFN.txt" IF EXIST "*.*" FOR /F "USEBACKQ DELIMS==" %%I IN (`DIR /A-D /OGN /B "%TARGETDIR%\*.ocx"`) DO ECHO %%~nxI >> "AFPVerFN.txt" setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (AFPVerFN.txt) do ( set /a AFPVer+=1 set AFPVerFN!AFPVer!=%%a) set AFPVerFN ::== setLocal DisableDelayedExpansion set AFPVer=%AFPVerFN1% SET AFPEXEN=%AFPVerFN2: =% SET AFPOCXN=%AFPVerFN3: =% ::ect ect ect ::ect ect ect ::ect ect ect ::ect ect ect nothing special, thought to post it maybe you're interested Ciao.
  8. hmmm try C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe C:\Windows\system32\shell32.dll,PrepareDiscForBurnRunDll %Drive%:\ Ciao.
  9. Already updated Added the DLL Registry Export Ciao a tutti.
  10. Aggiornato, aggiunto DLL Registry Export Ciao a tutti.
  11. Already updated Added the GUI UPX and 7-Zip SFX Tool Ciao a tutti.
  12. Aggiornato, aggiunto GUI UPX e il 7-Zip SFX Tool Ciao a tutti.
  13. Aggiornato, aggiunto GUI Oscdimg Ciao a tutti.
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