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Everything posted by oguz

  1. Arkadaşlar VISO_Reflection_Edition(v2.0) paketinde Resources klas
  2. Sadece internet degil hayatta herşeyi makul, anlaşılabilir ve mantıklı limitler dahilinde kullanmaktır
  3. Şuraya bak arkadaş bi tane dengesiz
  4. oguz


    İlgi ve alakan i
  5. Hi Jonnyboy, After several tests, I understood that there was no problem between v0.517 and f.f 3.06. The problem was because of my system. You're right! :thumbsup_anim: However after creating f.f 3.06 with v0.517, I tested f.f I saw that there was an unneeded folder in C:\Documents and Settings... and the folder name is "$Admin$". If you are interested, i can send you log file and folder name in details. PS: I used nLite, and I created another administrator account (named "admin") in $OEM$ folder. Can this have anything to the with the subject? Thank you so much.
  6. oguz


    Rapid'e kıllıgın var sanırım koymamam i
  7. oguz


    Arkadaşlar irfanview ve xnview'de girmedigim men
  8. VISO_Reflection_Edition(v2.0) paketinde "resources" klas
  9. Yalnız bir şeyi belirtmek isterim. Yukarda massstorage text mod'u se
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