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Setting DNS and WINS with Script


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Hi all,

I have a problem with DNS setup in my domain.

Here's the current situation..

We have about 40 branches and in every branch we have one domain controller.

Local PC's in branches have DNS setup:

Primary: Local Domain Controller

Secondary: One Server that was shutdown couple of months ago.

We're currently in consolidating servers in our network, in other words, recenlty we've connected our branches with 10Mbit links and now we don't need so many servers. We'll only have servers in regional centers on which will the small branches be connected to.

We made a group policy GPO and have linked that GPO to our branches which servers are planned for shutdown. This GPO should change the DNS and WINS setting, along with importing the regkey for Single Label Domain value.

The problem is that this policy won't apply to all of our PC's and when we shut down server for one brach, some of the PC's can't connect or map disks since they don't have a proper DNS setup.

Any ideas how to set DNS to our clients in some other way? BTW, we have 7 regional centers and primary DNS should point to it's regional center server to which it is connected to and secondary should be the one in the Central Region..

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  • 8 months later...

hi n1k, i just wanted to know if you still had problems with your servers dns.we are currently covering win server/dns/dhcp etc.. at school and i could get some info on what could be the possible reasons for this malfunction. from the top of my head and with the limited knowledge that i currently have, i would have to say that if you are using WINS services,then is it possible you have mixed win server 2000 servs(prolly ure secondary DCs) and newer operating systems(primary DCs) on the network?could it be that ure new servers(running active directory) dont have their WINS services configured right so they could be backwards compatible with older server OS? n e ways,if the problem is fixed then disregard this post.

Edited by bober
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